NT, My Girl is Pregnant. (FTL)

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by pastellove88

My ex just told me she was pregnant and thinking about an abortion.

whats up with this not ready to have a child yet crap and you OP are 24. There is no set time to have a child that is a gift from God and he wouldn't put you in any situation you couldn't handle. what did you think sex came with? nothing?

You gonna keep it?
No it's not mine, but if I was put in that situation I would keep it somethings you gotta face in life.

Would you kill your child because your not ready?
when you phrase it like that, you make it seem like cold blooded murder. But its a whole lot deeper than that, if you dont think you're ready & able to care for a child, then honestly abortion is the better route to go. as opposed to having the child & not being able to provide for the child. Not to mention when you have a child before you're ready, a small piece of you is always going to ahve a sense of resentment for the child.

its alot more complicated than some of you are makin it
yeah I understand that but it just seems selfish to say I'm not ready for a kid yet. So your gonna stop life because your not ready for Consequences of your actions, Knowing there's a chance you can get pregnant or get someone pregnant when you have sex. I just hate when people say there not ready yet and they will have one when the time is right, like you can hold off life til a later time. I know everybodies situation is diff And it is bassically cold blooded murder any way you put it's life inside her. If your not killing it what is it your doing when you get an abortion then?
abortion is not murder for one specific reason. Murder is killing another HUMAN BEING. a FETUS is not a human being

let me make it simple for you
Murder= kill human being
Abortion=kill fetus
Fetus=/= human being
Abortion=/= murder
Murder=killing kill- (to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.) so basically abortion is murder.
QFT- A fetus is still a living being

Oh yea, responding to your previous response to me, Im not a kid, so dont tell me that son.
First of all unless yall are dedicated to each other like marriage dedicated I would say use a rubber even though shes on the pill, but props to you for tryingto be safe.

I would suggest an abortion though, in the long run its a LOT cheaper than having a baby, especially when it wasnt something you really wanted
I never understood how consenting adults who partake in sexual intercourse are not ready for the consequences of their actions.

OP, you said you always wanted a child. Why waste this grand opportunity? It's never to late to decide to keep it.

They always say it takes a village to raise a child, what about your or her folks? Won't they be able to help out?
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

First of all unless yall are dedicated to each other like marriage dedicated I would say use a rubber even though shes on the pill, but props to you for trying to be safe.

I would suggest an abortion though, in the long run its a LOT cheaper than having a baby, especially when it wasnt something you really wanted
all the anti-abortion & Christian folks in here are going to jump on your back for bringing up cost
Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by pastellove88

My ex just told me she was pregnant and thinking about an abortion.

whats up with this not ready to have a child yet crap and you OP are 24. There is no set time to have a child that is a gift from God and he wouldn't put you in any situation you couldn't handle. what did you think sex came with? nothing?

You gonna keep it?
No it's not mine, but if I was put in that situation I would keep it somethings you gotta face in life.

Would you kill your child because your not ready?
when you phrase it like that, you make it seem like cold blooded murder. But its a whole lot deeper than that, if you dont think you're ready & able to care for a child, then honestly abortion is the better route to go. as opposed to having the child & not being able to provide for the child. Not to mention when you have a child before you're ready, a small piece of you is always going to ahve a sense of resentment for the child.

its alot more complicated than some of you are makin it
yeah I understand that but it just seems selfish to say I'm not ready for a kid yet. So your gonna stop life because your not ready for Consequences of your actions, Knowing there's a chance you can get pregnant or get someone pregnant when you have sex. I just hate when people say there not ready yet and they will have one when the time is right, like you can hold off life til a later time. I know everybodies situation is diff And it is bassically cold blooded murder any way you put it's life inside her. If your not killing it what is it your doing when you get an abortion then?
abortion is not murder for one specific reason. Murder is killing another HUMAN BEING. a FETUS is not a human being

let me make it simple for you
Murder= kill human being
Abortion=kill fetus
Fetus=/= human being
Abortion=/= murder
Murder=killing kill- (to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.) so basically abortion is murder.

So youre a murderer for eating at Burger King homie...

My parents had an abortion after I was born because the (would be) girl was handicapped and it would most likely have been a still birth. Are you agains that?Because according to you, that is also cold blooded murder despite the fact she would never be able to lead a normal life. This is hard for me to talk aboutbtw so I hope no one just makes fun of this.

I feel like everyone should make their own choices based on all the details of their situation.
Murder=killing kill- (to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.) so basically abortion is murder.

YOU think it is murder but it does not mean that your beliefs constitute what abortion truly is. But, in the U.S., abortion is LEGAL. So legally,it is not defined as murder.

To the original poster, I wish you and your girl the best of luck in this situation. Do not let anybody in here or in real life judge you and your decisions. Ican only imagine what your girl and you are going through. Keep updating us on the situation.
Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

A pure coward I hope the dead baby haunts you.
neat pic.

...this "baby" isn't going to be doing any haunting though

embryo @ 6 weeks.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by pastellove88

Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Originally Posted by pastellove88

My ex just told me she was pregnant and thinking about an abortion.

whats up with this not ready to have a child yet crap and you OP are 24. There is no set time to have a child that is a gift from God and he wouldn't put you in any situation you couldn't handle. what did you think sex came with? nothing?

You gonna keep it?
No it's not mine, but if I was put in that situation I would keep it somethings you gotta face in life.

Would you kill your child because your not ready?
when you phrase it like that, you make it seem like cold blooded murder. But its a whole lot deeper than that, if you dont think you're ready & able to care for a child, then honestly abortion is the better route to go. as opposed to having the child & not being able to provide for the child. Not to mention when you have a child before you're ready, a small piece of you is always going to ahve a sense of resentment for the child.

its alot more complicated than some of you are makin it
yeah I understand that but it just seems selfish to say I'm not ready for a kid yet. So your gonna stop life because your not ready for Consequences of your actions, Knowing there's a chance you can get pregnant or get someone pregnant when you have sex. I just hate when people say there not ready yet and they will have one when the time is right, like you can hold off life til a later time. I know everybodies situation is diff And it is bassically cold blooded murder any way you put it's life inside her. If your not killing it what is it your doing when you get an abortion then?
abortion is not murder for one specific reason. Murder is killing another HUMAN BEING. a FETUS is not a human being

let me make it simple for you
Murder= kill human being
Abortion=kill fetus
Fetus=/= human being
Abortion=/= murder
Murder=killing kill- (to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.) so basically abortion is murder.

So youre a murderer for eating at Burger King homie...

My parents had an abortion after I was born because the (would be) girl was handicapped and it would most likely have been a still birth. Are you agains that? Because according to you, that is also cold blooded murder despite the fact she would never be able to lead a normal life. This is hard for me to talk about btw so I hope no one just makes fun of this.

I feel like everyone should make their own choices based on all the details of their situation.
QFT- the smartest thing you said, besides your story. (I'm sorry to hear that)
The cow is already dead.
Nters are amongst the most foolish, uninformed, hypocritically righteous people in the world.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by aJ232Kb8

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

A pure coward I hope the dead baby haunts you.
neat pic.

...this "baby" isn't going to be doing any haunting though

embryo @ 6 weeks.
I see eyes, heart, spine, and brain.

Congrats on murdering your child.
once again, this isnt murder. if you forgot
Murder is to deprive of life regardless if it's a human being or not. If u kill a polic dog, what u gon get charged w/? The same thing as if you shot andkilled the officer himself. If it has a heartbeat and u stop that heartbeat, u are killing it, whatever it may be. Just because abortion is legal according toman made laws does not mean it is legal morally.
wow... sorry to hear that... i have never been in your situation so i can't relate... its sad to see so many passing judgement on you...
having an abortion simply because your not ready is a lame @%* excuse. i was 23 and i "wanst ready" for mey son, but i took responsibility for my ownactions. now that he's around, theres no way i could ever imagine life without him.

id think long and hard about it, talk about it, and really think about the decision your about to make and the consequences.
Originally Posted by Young Easy

having an abortion simply because your not ready is a lame %@% excuse. i was 23 and i "wasnt ready" for me son, but i took responsibility for my own actions. now, theres no way i could ever imagine life without him.

id think long and hard about it, talk about it, and really think about the decision your about to make and the consequences.
Honestly though.

You're what 24? How can you not be responsible to take care of a child.

What happens if it accidentally happens again? Are you going to have another abortion?
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy


Murder is to deprive of life regardless if it's a human being or not. If u kill a police dog, what u gon get charged w/? The same thing as if you shot and killed the officer himself. If it has a heartbeat and u stop that heartbeat, u are killing it, whatever it may be. Just because abortion is legal according to man made laws does not mean it is legal morally.

I live in PA. And I made a small error, u'll get charged w/ more because 1) it's an animal and 2) K-9's are considered officers of the law, look itup. It's happend before in Harrisburg. Dude tried to scale the fence to get away from the cops and the dog, couldn't, dog came at him, let off on it.Charged w/ a felony, killing an officer of the law
you 24 and not ready? eh...to each their own

and whats good with ya shorty smh...you gotta remind her to take the pills...thats horrible man...she def irresponsible and obviously not ready for a kideither

good luck tho
If there is no birth certificate, there can be no death certificate. Therefore, by law, abortion is not murder.

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

If there is no birth certificate, there can be no death certificate. Therefore, by law, abortion is not murder.

http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1355/is_/ai_n27303140http://findarticles.com/p...mi_m1355/is_/ai_n27303140 - A guy is charged with killing hispregnant girlfriend AND unborn son. And i'm sure it happens a lot, though in this case the child was almost full term.

But I didn't post to argue about what defines murder. It might sound harsh, but you and your girlfriend created this situation. It's hard to feel sorryfor you when:
1. You did not use a condom
2. You knew your girlfriend wasn't using her birth control at consistently on time when planned parenthood or whoever you got the bc from PREACH to do soor your chances of protection goes down dramatically.

If you knew your girl was inconsistent with her bc, why would you go in raw?

There are cases when a guy uses protection everytime and his girl gets pregnant. It happens - you feel bad because he did what he could. You're case isclearly different and I don't know why you came to NT for sympathy.
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