NT, My Girl is Pregnant. (FTL)

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Do the abortion. I think abortion should be supported more. There are so many situations where abortion is the best route. Look at all these damned hoodlums running around. They could have been avoided.
You know how they could have been avoided?
Good parenting.
Safe sex.
No sex.

Shall I go on?
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

Originally Posted by HyphySole

has anyone ever here had a girl who used a patch instead of taking pills?
yea and it was equally as effective. the bad this is that its visible depending on what she's wearing but it gets the job done
Originally Posted by besthandsInDM

Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Do the abortion. I think abortion should be supported more. There are so many situations where abortion is the best route. Look at all these damned hoodlums running around. They could have been avoided.
You know how they could have been avoided?
Good parenting.
Safe sex.
No sex.

Shall I go on?

Exactly. People always look at the outcome of a problem, instead of the root.
I'm sure it's been said...but screw the naysayers...do what's best for you and your lives.

they ain't gonna be living your life...they can post thousands of examples where it worked out for the better...yet that isn't your ownsituation...only you know what's best for you and your girl.

if you decide to keep the baby, your opinions will change. that is if you're out of HS. if you're still young and in HS, i'd go w/ the abortiontoo. i waited til i was 25 for mine so it's not as hard a decision.

good luck and god bless both of you if you keep the child. parenthood is a wonderful thing. my daughter's 3rd bday was today. it's moments like thatwhen you love being a parent.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'm sure it's been said...but screw the naysayers...do what's best for you and your lives.

they ain't gonna be living your life...they can post thousands of examples where it worked out for the better...yet that isn't your own situation...only you know what's best for you and your girl.
Wrong, both are grown adults at 24 and both have time to change their life/lifestyle before the baby is born. Like I said earlier, your goals andaspirations are just going to take a little longer now than you previously though, and you will achieve them if you have the will power to. Their just takingthe easy way out.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

I'm sure it's been said...but screw the naysayers...do what's best for you and your lives.

they ain't gonna be living your life...they can post thousands of examples where it worked out for the better...yet that isn't your own situation...only you know what's best for you and your girl.
Wrong, both are grown adults at 24 and both have time to change their life/lifestyle before the baby is born. Like I said earlier, your goals and aspirations are just going to take a little longer now than you previously though, and you will achieve them if you have the will power to. Their just taking the easy way out.
stop trying to assert your beliefs upon him. what works for you doesnt necessarily work for everybody else. If him & his girlfriend both afreethat they arent ready to have a child at this stage in their lvies, then who are you to tell them that they are ready. I'm pretty sure they know abouttheir own lives & situation better than u do.

like i quoted earlier in this thread.

Dont let kids tell you to have kids
Why are some of you attacking him? I hope all you "keep the baby then give it up for adoption" plan on adopting a bunch of kids. In the US not on some Angelina Jolie stuff. I'm sure it wouldn't be a stretch to say that more kids go un-adopted.

Word? Do you have any numbers to back up that guess?

When referring to healthy babies that would be placed the day they were born, I'm going to guess that the opposite is true, there are more parents lookingto adopt than there are babies. In the little bit of Google searching that I did, I didn't read anything about a large number of infants going unplaced andwinding up in the foster care system. In the OP's case, I highly doubt they'd have a hard time placing their baby. Shoot, I'd accept andraise their baby.

IMO i think people who decide to keep the baby who arent 100% really never stop thinking about what if they had the abortion. They just oppress their feelings and convince themselves it was the best decision they ever made because they know nothing can be done at that point, they just cant abandoned the baby now.

So, you've read through this thread and that's what you believe people are telling you about their experience? I must have read a different thread.I've read a lot about regrets from those that went through with an abortion and happiness from those that chose not to have an abortion. Do you believethat the happy people are just lying to themselves or just that they were 100% certain that there choice was the right one?

What's going to change in the future to make you believe that you're ready to be a parent? Won't you still be working? Won't you still havetime commitments? Won't you still have to sacrifice in order to give your child(ren) what they need?

It's odd to me that in 32+ weeks you could meet someone you'd lay your life down for, but today, you'd rather end their life. I question whetheryou, especially your partner, understand what being a parent means and how you go about it.

It's odd to me that you've read this thread and would choose a life full of regret, sadness, and second guessing because you believe that pregnancy anda child are a burden too great to suffer through. She may actually enjoy pregnancy. If you believe that you'll eventually enjoy parenting, you'll stillenjoy it now.

Give adoption a chance. Do more than post about this on NikeTalk. Visit adoption websites. Speak to adoption workers. Speak to other young parents.

You really shouldn't leave a choice like this to NikeTalk.
man i know how you feel. Been thru it before..

Lately i just got a chick pregnant but she had a misscarriage before 2 months. It was sad but in the back of my mind i was hela relieved.
I consider myself lucky not to start 09 like that

naaah just kidding.
I'd honestly love to have a kid. I'm only 19 but could totally afford it. (financially...not timely)

go with your gut, and of course ask your rents for advice, but make your own decisions
After reading 11 pages I have to wonder when children became burdens instead of blessings?..I have to wonder why so many people think you have to be rich toable to afford to give a child a great life?..I know plenty of people with/make alot of money and are horrible parents and I know just as many people that livepaycheck to paycheck and are some of the best parents I've ever met..I think the world is in a sad state when you have people on here saying that if theirGF gets pregnant a 3rd time she's gonna have to keep it!?!?!..Really?..Instead of having multiple abortions, why don't you just stop having sex?..Tothe OP, I got news for you bro, you'll never be "ready" to have a child because every child is different and nobody, including myself, can tellyou what to expect..What I can tell you is that being a parent is the greatest thing you'll ever do with your life..All the college degrees, big houses,nice cars, stacks of shoes, or money can never compare to the deep sense of pride and happiness that you'll get from seing your child born, crawl, laugh,walk, or talk..Take my words however you'd like, say I'm preaching or standing on a soapbox to force my point of view on people, I really don'tcare..Because at the end of the day abortion is wrong and you can try to talk yourself into thinking its not, but your wrong..

BTW, HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO COOPER!!..1 year ago today my son came into my life and I cannot thank the Lord enough for giving you to me..
I for one am against abortion 150% if you think your old enough to have sex you should be old enough to accept the fact that your girl is pregnant. Youre onlygoin to regret it brotha, id think twice yo. A kid can only bring more joy to your life.
Hey OP, this baby has already beat the odds, its a keeper.

On a side note this thread hits to close to home. Ex of mine let her fam get in her head & she decided to let it go

before she even told me about the pregnancy
. Nothing I could do but be there. It was one of the hardest car

rides I've ever been in ...
Originally Posted by WillAPeer

I for one am against abortion 150% if you think your old enough to have sex you should be old enough to accept the fact that your girl is pregnant. Youre only goin to regret it brotha, id think twice yo. A kid can only bring more joy to your life.

some of these responses are too funny. Really? can only bring more joy? is that a fact? and he's going to regret it? is that a fact as well? How old are you exactly - how many kids have you had, and how many abortions have you had that you're not the expert on such things? I'm guessing aton.. either that, or you're talking completely out of your #**. Tough one here - but i'm leaning towards the latter.
had a close friend who told mee he got his girl pregnant..told me he wasn't ready soo they decided to get an abortion! he says they went to the clinic andwas done in a two day process...says he regrets at times !

but if your not ready and you think its the right thing to do then do it!
if my girl got pregnant i would want her to keep it....i dont really believe in abortion but i dont knock people who go that route.....i think a baby would begood for me anyway cause i'll cut the bs n focus on whats important
......but i dont want a kid now
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