NT: Post the Good and Bad of 2011 for you....

Dec 18, 2005
Buying my first car next week
Had my first girlfriend in 3 years- fell in love
Really dived into my career in IT
Payed off some credit card bills and lowered them, improving my credit
Lowered the frequency of drinking
Going to the club is few and far between

Accomplished all the above without a license- suspended since January I get it back next Wednesday :/
Broke up with my girlfriend recently, trying to get her back

mom has to go to surgery this week
I have been a homebody almost all year and no freedom to just do things outside of home
Got second in my first bodybuilding competition
Built an AR rifle
Discovered a daily low dose of asprin make me feel great and healthier

Got a Prince Albert

Showed up at a club to cut an off duty officers throat for trying to mess with my property. He wasnt there

Was going to lay my female cousin out. But I didnt and we made up (tears and all). havnt spoken to her since
Met some great new people
New girlfriend

Doing good and having a good time in college

Lost pretty much all of my high school friends since they all went to aTm and I'm going to UT
Originally Posted by Dropten

Got second in my first bodybuilding competition
Built an AR rifle
Discovered a daily low dose of asprin make me feel great and healthier

Got a Prince Albert

Showed up at a club to cut an off duty officers throat for trying to mess with my property. He wasnt there

Was going to lay my female cousin out. But I didnt and we made up (tears and all). havnt spoken to her since

Originally Posted by StonedFace

Originally Posted by Dropten

Got second in my first bodybuilding competition
Built an AR rifle
Discovered a daily low dose of asprin make me feel great and healthier

Got a Prince Albert

Showed up at a club to cut an off duty officers throat for trying to mess with my property. He wasnt there

Was going to lay my female cousin out. But I didnt and we made up (tears and all). havnt spoken to her since



I wasnt on the sauce when we got into it if thats what your trying to say
. I actually have more control when im on
Close relationship with my family
I revamped my life's plan to fit MY ideas and not those of others
Blink-182 made a new album
Tested negative for aids... smh, no more raw secks

My best friend (my dog) died a week before my birthday
Still haven't found "the one"... starting to think she's not out there
Haven't exercised like I should
I drank almost every weekend. I can only remember having two weekends go by where I was completely sober
Smoked a lot of tobacco (no weed)
got baptized.
got provisionals license.
stopped drinking.
copped some grails.
started school.
new job opportunities.
my priorities are now IN CHECK.

dropped out of school.

still don't have a girl, bummer.
good - found an above minimum wage job

bad - car trouble

ugly - found out my identity was stolen

- my trip overseas
- meeting new family
- made a ton of new friends
- knee is as healthy as it's gonna be after my ACL injury
- cut a few "friends" who were just a burden on my life
- just recently found out about some new employment opportunities

- learned to cook (no more fast food on a daily basis)


- breaking up with a stupid girl after 1 month (didn't affect me at all, but it was a bad part of the year)
- this other chick trying to play me, but i won in the end
- dad diagnosed with cancer
he's going through chemotherapy right now

2012 will be great, i can feel it.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Good: Was In a good relationship with my gf in the beginning of the year

Bad: Is now my ex  We both moved away from each other and are now in a long distance relationship
Good: Got da $$
Bought some nice stuff
Finished 1st year of college on a good note

Bad: grown to hate school
spent too much $$
fake friends still change like the weather
the depression is getting worse
Got married...
Got my money right...
At the hospital RIGHT NOW...my sister having my first nephew...
Gained some new family...

Still can't get pregnant...

Found out my best friend wasn't real!!
found a nice temp job that is on call so I can work when i choose.
got me a chair in a shop to cut hair(been waiting on this for while)
got my hustles up and learned how credit works(im a late bloomer,bt now I can make easier money)
touched up more on networking with people.(networking can lead to great success imo)
realized while i may not have a best friend, I do have alot of side friends who actually care bout me.(found this out mostly on my bday this past saturday)
grades are looking alot better this semester.

Not sure if good(bt good in a wayy):
found out weed helps me study & focus on things tht are important(ive never studied suriously till now, and i have a bad habit of not focusing on what important till the last minute.)

bad: failed a couple classes last spring semester.(i didnt find out bout the weed thing till this week smh)
Started officially dating my gf
Started my 1st career job working in Finance
Started DJing
Paid off most of my debt
Started my Second career job working in Insurance
Taking the necessary steps toward Grad School

Quit the Finance job because of poor management and pay
Birthday was somewhat lackluster

2012 definitely looks promising though
Had a great Birthday
The first 2 1/2 months I was with my ex

Worsening depression
Lost/losing my mind, lost hope, lost my faith, lost my girl and I've been thinking heavily about just "losing" myself
Dong bad in school. I don't give one !@%! about school, even though I would love to and I want to learn and do well. I just can't get into it and concentrate.
Couldn't find a job all year, now I have one and I hate it. Being there drives me crazy.

I pray that 2012 gets better, as I will be more proactive in making that reality, but it seems as though the next year is always more of the same. But like I said, I have a better understanding on what I need to do going forward so lets see what happens.
Made one of the best decisions of my life

Made one of the worst decisions of my life

But I'm still here, i'm mostly content. I've been growing and learning a lot along the way. No drama bothering me, except money that is quickly goin away. 2012 looks good, but not on my wallets, lots of good sneakers comin out next year but i'll try to refrain.
2011 was one big %*% L rolled in one year only thing that is good about this year is that I decided to join the air force, and even that is going slow as hell.
Had some traveling opportunities for work.
Met a new chick.
Got rid of an old chick.

Both of my parents are fighting cancer at the same time.
i needed like to pass 1fnal exam test class to graduate on time or else i have to take summer school i cheated feels good

made 200$+ for the first time on like 3 shoes @ the dmv sneakercon spended the money very slowly

got my first BJ cause i hooked 1 of my boys an open crib
 wasn't even all that special feelings never again


almost like everything
i seriously hated this year with a passion to many bad things happen to me this year its like somebody put a spell on

i seriously thought i was going to pull of my first girlfriend smh... and im 19 i hate the stupid friend zone

didn't make it to the soccer team for varsity it was my senior year too damn

my douche bag best friend owes me 90$ for my white cements 3 this dude said ill pay you next year on april im like what the f.....

my graduation some lady had a speech i yelled out "YAWN!!!" i thought i was going to have my moment everybody gave me the 
and then when i walked on stage i swear the crowd got quite i couldn't even hear my own family 2 of my classmates was like yeah your own stage your arm up in the air everybody got quite smh... 1 of the reason why i hate this school

graduate out of high school i couldn't even drop my first job and im vacation since this past june (turned in about 30+application)

notice my friends are fake as hell

my stupid friend got my lavender 10(those where my grails) and i got those with my graduation $$$ and i rocked them like 5-10x

i seriously hate this year
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