NT put me onto STAR WARS..

The last hour or so of 3 is good, the rest kind of sucks.

I've seen them all a lot, and I recently watched all 6 in one day (last summer). I went 1-6, so the story all unfolded chronologically. It was pretty cool. For a virgin viewer though, I don't know.
--I'll agree that the most of the lines in Revenge of the Sith are cheesy. Lucas is no writer.
--But the final lightsaber duel was waited on for years. Like 2 decades. And is appreciated.
OP you have to understand the cultural impact of SWs.
when it first dropped in 77 people were considering

it the be one of the milestones of the century, kids and adults alike

were known to go the the theater to rewatch 5-8 times

when New Hope first dropped. I feel bad that

you watching it now without the without understanding

the cultural context but better late then never 

IV - A New Hope

V - The Empire Strikes Back

VI - Return of the Jedi

I - The Phantom Menace

II - Attack of the Clones

III - Revenge of the Sith
idk, but i showed my girl star wars shes never watched it in her life.

i showed her 1-6 she liked 1-3 better she said 4-6 were

dumb broad
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