NT, say you are really feeling a chick....

I would advise against treating her like every other girl. Sex may not be the same for her. She may have a warped view of what sex should be like between a manand a woman, and the act may be painful to her, physically and psychologically.

Just hear her out.

Opening up to you in that kind of way means she respects and trusts you. Don't damage that.
no way im stayin w her . shorty will undoubtedly be
up in the head
wow, most of these responses deserve stonefaces

seriously, just be there for her...be sensitive to her cuz it's a tough situation.
[h2]NT, say you are really feeling a chick....[/h2]
Looks like her father beat me to it...
i actually had to deal with something like this earlier this year....

she was weird about certain things, she didnt like being fingered....she loved sex but didnt want act like it.....she was really weird about...

her dad molested her everyday for 5 years durings age 10-15.....
stuff like this really gets me...

a part of me wants to beat the #@%* out of him

I would advise against treating her like every other girl. Sex may not be the same for her. She may have a warped view of what sex should be like between a man and a woman, and the act may be painful to her, physically and psychologically.

Just hear her out.

Opening up to you in that kind of way means she respects and trusts you. Don't damage that.
best advice so far
be understanding and be there for her. cuz those issues will probably be the cause for any strange behavior later on in the relationship.
i normally joke around and %$%% like everybody else, but i wish people could actually be serious about this topic... but thats NT for you, i guess

realtalk, i would be completely weirded out. not the same situation, but a friend of mine was dating a girl and later found out that she got raped. she wasreally emotionally messed up from it but he stayed with her. i have to give him props for that, because i know i would have to REALLY like a girl to stay withher after finding out she was molested.
my last gf went through the same thing with her dad and after she told me it never came up again.

Those tend to be FREAKS tho
Say "ME TOO" So she wont feel weird anymore.
And then we can have a molest-free smashing session.
Leave her, asap. You don't want to deal with the baggage that's going to come along with that. Even if she had counseling, get ghost. Trust me!
If you really feeling her... well I see it, if you a real man you'll take her and her baggage.. You know comes with her you gotta deal with it..
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