NT School me on FMA & FMA: Brotherhood

retroflashbacks wrote:

Damn..really? I thought FMA was great...but if Brotherhood > FMA...i'm gonna have to start.

I though FMA was great too. It looks like it will only get better from here (episode 24). But All I could think of was how much better Brotherhood really is. The curiosity was killing me. 
retroflashbacks wrote:

Damn..really? I thought FMA was great...but if Brotherhood > FMA...i'm gonna have to start.

I though FMA was great too. It looks like it will only get better from here (episode 24). But All I could think of was how much better Brotherhood really is. The curiosity was killing me. 
since your already watching the first anime go thru that
after watch Brotherhood and read the Manga pretty dope
since your already watching the first anime go thru that
after watch Brotherhood and read the Manga pretty dope
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