NT Survivial Skills!

Jaguar. One strike from my mighty man foot to it's dome and it's over. I'd accomplish this by doing some parkour off the walls and confusing it.Once it's confused, I take off my shirt wave it around, scaring it. In its fear and confusion, it will bow down to me and realize me as its master. Once Iaccept its offer of domination, I kick the back of it's head.
I think it is a easy choice...I would take on the Croc....I mean it's the slowest so you would try to jump on its back and take off your shirt and try totie its jaw shut...if not then just knee into his back and keep punching him in the head
I would pick the Jaguar because:

A. I'm deathly afraid of snakes let alone a 25ft one. I can't imagine being in a room with a 25ft snake and not pass out. He would simply wrap himselfaround my passed out body and then eat me.
B. Crocs are too aggressive when pissed. It usually takes a team to take one one down and even then, they have trouble. Unless you are steve irwin who grew upwith those bastards. He was like their tarzan. A croc isn't just gonna lay down for you to kill him. He is gonna twist and turn until your limbs arebroken.

Now I know the Jaguar would tear me up with his claws but I feel like I can give him a fatal blow to the rib cage with a Ryu dragon punch to his tummy. Then itwould be a wrap.
I'd choose the jaguar, I wouldn't kill it though I'd mate with it an have half human/half jaguarian kids.

If all that other crazy %+!@ works for ya why can't this work for me,
The crocodile would be the easiest one....Hopefully I could move fast enough to close its jaws and then suffocate it or stomp it out to death, though it wouldtake a really long time
Honestly this is not a hard choice the Croc.

1. The anaconda may be "slow" but the fact is its a constrictor. Its will squeeze its prey to death, every inch of is body is designed for that.along with its
razor sharp teeth to grab hold of you if you tried to escape.You wouldn't out last it and the fact they can go days between meals even if you were to stay
away you would starve before it would.

2. The Jaguar may be "small" but its probably the fastest of them all and has four sets of claws and a mouth full of teeth to finish you off. If allyou have
is the clothes on your back no way you will ever fully avoid it. The claws will shred you apart and the teeth would go for your throat you wouldn't lastlong.

3. The Croc if out of water only has two attacks the jaws and tail. Tail would probably break a bones in your body if hit and if you get hit by the jaws yourdone.
With only the clothes on your body. Take your shirt off put it over the crocs face covering its eyes, Jump on top of it and use the shirt to tie the mouth shut
Croc mouths our designed to use all its muscle to shut not to open. So if you can get them closed its a done deal.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

lol @ the dude who said hes gonna tie the croc's jaw shut with a pair of laces. these arent poodles man, they are top-of-the-food-chain carnivores.

i'd definitely choose the jaguar. you will definitely get $#@@+# up from fighting one, but you can actually kill it. there is no way a human being can kill an anaconda or crocodile without tools. their skin is too tough to pierce and they don't have any real external weak areas.

Evidence suggests that my plan is fool proof and the "lol-ing" is @ YOU
With a belt you could probably whip the Jaguar in the face with the buckle to wound it, if you were coordinated enough you could mount the croc from the backand work the belt under his neck, and then just tighten it and pull as hard as you can to choke him (similar strategy could also work with the Jag, ifyou're crazy enough).

I'm not sure about the anaconda.
It's a lot of stupidity in this thread.

Dudes talmbout they would keep a crocodile's mouth shut with shoestring.
Originally Posted by eaalto

With a belt you could probably whip the Jaguar in the face with the buckle to wound it, if you were coordinated enough you could mount the croc from the back and work the belt under his neck, and then just tighten it and pull as hard as you can to choke him (similar strategy could also work with the Jag, if you're crazy enough).

I'm not sure about the anaconda.

wait? do dunks, and skinny jeans match? and, are you supposed to wear a belt w/ skinny jeans?
I'm going with the croc. It doesn't have very strong muscles to open it's mouth, so as long as I can get his mouth closed I have a chance. Fromthere I would poke his eyes out so at least if he breaks loose he can't see me. Not to mention a croc has the least amount of weapons to overcome.
In a 10x10 room the anaconda would corner the diameter of that room leaving yourself with no escape besides being strangled. The situation with a jaguar isprominent, you'd be caught wrestled down by quick and agile. To narrow it down I'd go with the croc. At least once you make a grab for the tail you cancontrol it, and throw it against the wall. My visualized version lol.
1. Jaguar - it will probably bite you and claw you but once you get it in a headlock.. break it's neck.

2. Crocodile... tying his mouth closed will end his chances of doing anything, BUT getting that done may kill you

3. Anaconda - once wrapped around your leg or arm.. your DONE. it will crush you to death... and there is nothing to kill it with in the room.
I'm taking the jaguar and i'll try to beam it with my shoes and belt...even that doesn't work it'll probably kill me the fastest
I have a cat and its fast as $%&@. He can skirm and twist his body around so when I grab him, unless I've got a good hold, he's gettin away. So Iknow a jaguar would finish anybody in seconds...

I just dont mess with snakes, so no anaconda...

So I would go with the croc. I'd probably put my shirt over its head/eyes and keep running back and forth across the room jumpin on his head super mariostyle until I felt his skull crack
oh and I think people under estimate how fast large constrictors are. they may look slow and sluggish but they will strike at you faster than you can retrieveyour hand. their 100's of teeth are pointed inwards, the harder you try to pull your arm or leg out the more damage to you. not only after the snake haschomped on your arm, instincts for the snake is to cover its head for protection with its body, what are you going to do? punch its body? try to unwarp it? Iuse to have a python and even at 4ft I know how strong they are. if a 20ft snake got a wrap on any part of your body it would be safe to say that part of thepurple body will need to be anputated if you survive.
In this order:


In my mind if my life's really on the line I think I can get the adrenaline pumping to squeeze the life out of an anaconda or tear in to it. As for thejag, if I really psych myself up and ignore the fact I'll probably get mauled first and clawed up badly I think I can get on top of it and break it'snext. The croc
only thing I can think of is to tie my shirt and belt around it's mouth and try my hardest to kill it before it broke the knot aroundit's mouth. Maybe if I get it on it's back it'll be easier
Think I'll take my chances with the Jaguar.
It would be the only one capable of looking me in the eye and have the mental capacity to kind of feel whatever energy vibe i try to send it andperhaps it would calm down and take a nap with me..

Aint messin with the croc.
Originally Posted by eleet1

Jaguar. Distract it with the shoes than bam get it from behind and rear naked choke/break neck. Seems like the only 1 of the 3 that you would be able to choke/break its neck.
This. How the hell are you going to kill the Croc? sure you can get its mouth closed but you don't have anything to put it down with plusthat thing could start whipping around and put you on the ground easily. The anaconda can bite and wrap it self around you and kill, and is sure as hellstronger than you plus those things are HUGE. the Jag is the only choice, since it is the easiest to kill. Also I believe it would be easier deflecting theattack of a 200 lb cat compared to a couple hundred lb snake or croc.
Kinda gay, but you could force your arm or foot into it's $%$# or penis/vagina. It only has what 4 holes. You can try to basically impale it. It's theonly orifice it has really along with the eye sockets. Maybe jumping on its head while its eyes are covered could work. Right above the tail

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