NT, today is my last day of college

It's funny, because throughout school I always knew what I wanted to do, the degree is really just for credibility reasons. I would sit in classes in the b-school and all these kids with absolutely no work/real world experience would have not a freakin' clue what they wanted to do with their post-grad lives. Some were forced to go to Law school because their 'rents paid for undergrad, some were even in the business school simply because that's what their parents wanted.
Education is part of the key, but carve your own path and find fulfillment and happiness.
I dread that day
1 more year for me
Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by ricky409

Go to graduate school.

Cuz bachelor degrees are the new high school diploma of the 90s

I hate when ppl say this.

Seriously. It's not about the grades you make but the hands you shake.
Experience > Education.

Congrats though

I graduate in a couple weeks also
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by FudgeMoney24

I have one final in an hour or so and then I am allll done.  Graduation on Saturday.

Got me feeling like
  all at once.

I'm tripping out, as my future is super uncertain right now.  Anybody else about to graduate?  How are you feeling about it?

Now that it's over ^ This is definitely how I'm feeling right now
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