NT, What Are You Reading? Vol. 2010

Just finished reading The Alchemist by Paul Coehlo for the 5th time.

Book is so inspirational and life changing...I recommend it to everyone!
School ends in a week and a half for me so I went out and picked up a few books I plan to read over the summer.





I've been re-reading a lot of classics that I read when I was younger...
Needless to say it is a amazing book
Another great book, pretty hard at first with the fake language and all, but a great book.
Currently re-reading this, great book
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49


+ a book on the Irish Republican Army
+ Economics
Not even kidding I was seconds away from picking that up.

Picked this up instead.

author of kite runner went to same high school as me, they even hosted a special screening of the movie

still needa pick up the book though
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

^40 pages into it and I can tell it'll kill a lot of time during summer. How's that book?

It's really good. Pretty short, easy read and very interesting.
Crazy coincedence.

I know some of you guys love Junot Diaz. Well, I had no idea I would be reading Oscar Wao this semester. It's actually the last book on the syllabus for one of my classes and I never noticed lol. Didn't expect that.

Anyway, I'm over half way through, and I'll admit I did chuckle at a few parts. Oscar's assclownish moments are pleasantly humorous, not omglol, but cool. Hell, Akira gets name dropped! How is that not awesome! and Street Fighter too Double Win!

But seriously, I don't see where all the hype came from. To me, it's just another novel. I admit, I am biased against masturbatory literature. There's a few interesting things to do with the text, but really not much. I appreciate the amalgam of different styles of writing; the mixture of colloquial (Dominican), erudite (nerdy) and esoteric (dorky) language is cool and reminds me of some of my quirks. Still, it's a change of pace from reading everything else I have on my docket.
I'm reading This Is Your Brain on Music by Daniel J. Levitin.

I just finished The Autobiography of Malcolm X, and Untouchables: My Family's Triumphant Journey Out of the Caste System in Modern India.
Just finished reading The Sound of Waves by Yukiro Mishima and I highly recommend it. Very well written with a fantastic insight into the psychological minds of people in love.
I just finished Infinite Jest after nearly 6 weeks of fairly regular reading, and I'm a fast reader, so that should give you some idea of just how long and difficult it really is.

That being said, totally worth it.
I'd really recommend reading Tony Judt "Ill Fares The Land" to everyone. Very easy read by a very good writer.

These three will be read over the next month (hopefully) since the semesters almost over.



Any one read/reading any books on self improvement?

I would love some book recommendations on that.
Ron is that dude, he stay bringing the lols in all 7 books, but I haven't finished Deathly Hallows.  I've never seen any of the films, I feel as if I'm gonna ruin my liking of Harry Potter. I've seen some trailers and their voices make me
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