NT, What Are You Reading? Vol. 2010

I'm halfway through The Informers by Brett Easton Ellis, and then I got either Malone Dies by Samuel Beckett or A Happy Death by Albert Camus.
I just finished BO knows BO, so currently I'm back to Malcolm x bio. I have a few lined up after that.
Can't read anything on the side/special interest. School has got me swamped! Books/plays I am reading within my classes for the these past two weeks:

From Savage to Negro: Anthropology and the Construction of Race, 1896-1954 by Lee Baker
To Speak the Truth by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara
Contesting Castro: The United States and the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution by Thomas Patterson
Medea- Euripides Antigone-Sophocles
I picked these two up at my school library:

and the other for my little sister:

I was surprised they had the zombie one.
Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

will be finished with this today... easy read and so far pretty good


I read it over the break and I really enjoyed it.
Bought this book as a kid and never read it or saw the movie. I found it while moving so that's why I'm reading it.
Rereading Chomsky. I never thought I'd be one of his groupies, but as I re-read his books and watch more of his debates, I think I'm turning into one.

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