NT, What Are You Reading? Vol. 2010

Originally Posted by pftjordans


"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true"
finished reading the kite runner and was going to pick this up, i had some books in my closet and found the alchemist ! i knew i bought it for a school a while ago, going to start it tonight
, after i watch the movie the kite runner lol
Originally Posted by tmay407

TIDG (or anyone else),

You got any finance/business profile recommendations? Right now I have Too Big to Fail, The Facebook Effect, More Money than God, and Lords of Finance lined up. I'm looking for more to add to the list so that I have different options to choose from depending on what I'm feeling like reading.

Demon of our Own Design was pretty good - its not about this crisis but others in the past.  pretty interesting read on risk management and its failures and the growth of hedge funds

Finally got around to reading "Eating Animals". Good read, but really nothing new in terms of information or arguments to me. Basically, the idea of the book is, real, humane, family farms are hard to find. Factory farms are like hell on Earth. If you can't get humane meat, you should consider being a vegetarian.
Currently reading "The Vegetarian Myth". Great book. I'm only about 100 pages in, but the author does a great job of backing up her beliefs with anecdotes and outside sources. It's a good idea to read both back to back or at the same time IMO. Very unique viewpoints that aren't addressed regularly by the public. Refutes many of the arguments of how unsustainable livestock farming is.
Just picked up "Into the Wild" and "Fight Club" from Goodwill.

Finishing up "Things Fall Apart" (which I picked up previously, along with "The Alchemist") now.
Def gonna make weekly rounds up there.  
reading a gift to my children a fathers lessons for life and investing by jim rogers. great book.
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. So far Michael Chabon was right, "The Corrections need not correcting." Zing.
Recently finished The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick, and The Catcher in the Rye.
Upon finishing The Catcher in the Rye, I don't recall there ever being a time where I've been so underwhelmed after finishing a book.

I just started this: 

Originally Posted by wildmoodswings

Recently finished The Facebook Effect by David Kirkpatrick, and The Catcher in the Rye.
Upon finishing The Catcher in the Rye, I don't recall there ever being a time where I've been so underwhelmed after finishing a book.

I just started this: 


Great book
Finishing the last of the Triology


And also reading this

Just finished "the tao of wu"which was a solid read. Now, i'm reading "pimp" by iceberg slim. May start on the alchemist after, always one of those books i wanna get around to reading.
Originally Posted by DEMIZE

Originally Posted by pftjordans


"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true"
finished reading the kite runner and was going to pick this up, i had some books in my closet and found the alchemist ! i knew i bought it for a school a while ago, going to start it tonight
, after i watch the movie the kite runner lol

ha!  just started this yesterday as well.  looks like a quick read.
Just finished reading Oscar Wao, and yeah it was as good as everyone said. I don't speak Spanish so I had to translate a lot of the dialogue. 
"To kill a mocking bird." I'm trying hard as hell to get the lingo for this time period. I feel almost dumb for not knowing what is trying to be conveyed in some of the text. 
I finished Batman and Philosophy a few weeks ago, and really enjoyed it. I'm reading The End of Faith by Sam Harris. Really good so far.    
Finished up Into the Wild last month. The book is amazing. Definitely changed my life.

Now reading -


Beautiful diction and imagery so far.
Im almost done this:

I havent quite decided what book I want to read next since I have a giant stack Ive been neglecting
I just started reading Yes Man by Danny Wallace a few days ago.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Finished up Into the Wild last month. The book is amazing. Definitely changed my life.

That's been on my "Books to read" list for quite awhile. The movie is one of my favorite films of all-time.

I'll have to get around to it in the next month or two.
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