NT What are you thoughts on Depression? VOL Serious Topic

Aug 22, 2005
I want to start off by saying that I am not depressed at all. I have been a little down at times like everybody else but nothing serious. I have known peoplethat were close to me who have suffered from depression, most notable, would be my dad.

Now in my psych class we have been talking about depression, sypmtoms, tips to help and other aspects of the "disorder", but one thing that reallygot me thinking was the many different theorys of how depression hits somebody.

Is it biological? like a chemical imbalance in the brain, dealing with the dopomine supply.

Is it behavioral? for example can people really develop a learned helplessness state of mind.

Is it Cognitive? does too much self thought inflict how we feel about ourselves or our outside world.

There is many more theories out there, i just briefly mentioned the three that stuck out to me.

There is no real reason for this post other than just to see what you guys think about it? It was just real interesting to hear different peoples opinions onit in class.

If i had to pick, i would say it is behavioral, i truly think that the things you do influence how happy you really are
I think it's pretty sad.

A friend of a friend just committed suicide because she was sad and decided to load up on a myriad of drugs.
I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.
I also think our society has overly accepted letting pills try and solve all problems. Like, really, 5mg of zoloft isn't going to do anything for you.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.

There's no way to measure someone's "depression". If someone tells me thier depressed, I'm all ears.

I do think that anti-depressants are a joke.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.
I also think our society has overly accepted letting pills try and solve all problems. Like, really, 5mg of zoloft isn't going to do anything for you.
i agree with what your saying completely.

but you gotta take a second to think.. people who believe depression comes from a chemical inbalance in the brain "think" that by prescribingmedication that would help restore the proper amount needed to function normally.. when in fact all that does is start a life long process of addiction to allthose anti-depressants and makes you depend on them...

so these depression pills are no better than cocaine, because they basically do the same thing to you.. obviously cocaine has MANY more side effects, but"chemically" they do the same by dumping massive amounts of dopamine into your system and makes you drained later on, and you need it again or elseyour body will be short of the "required" amount
My grandma lives with us and it's sad to see her go through depression. she's been getting better but still sad to see her taking all these pills andstuff.
I was depressed for a while in highschool. I dont know real or fake or how effective drugs are or anything, but i do know that disease or no, depression issomething that should not be treated lightly.
i think you can have it and not know and be doing other things to keep your mind off it. Like using drugs or fighting or whatever possible. I think itspossible to know
you are depressed and just cant do anything about it. i feel bad for a lot of people suffering from depression...its more serious than people take it.
Originally Posted by Pitman13

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.

There's no way to measure someone's "depression". If someone tells me thier depressed, I'm all ears.

I do think that anti-depressants are a joke.

Fair enough, then the more you talk to them, you may discover, more often than not that the person is just seeking attention....and they're notdepressed by a clinical definition.

I really think the term 'depressed' is thrown out WAY too much to describe people. That's just my personal belief. I'm not as educated onthe subject like some, my exposure is based on having a gf in college study psychology and me help her. Not to mention her own behavior.
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.
I also think our society has overly accepted letting pills try and solve all problems. Like, really, 5mg of zoloft isn't going to do anything for you.
for example can people really develop a learned helplessness state of mind.

Exhibit A: Fat people ^

I think its a serious topic, but doesnt everyone live threw some unbearable situation and pull through
Recent studies show it's all of the above, atleast thats what my Abnormal Psych text says
I think I have some psychological disorder because one moment I'll be "happy" then I'll be really moody and pissed. I think over the summerI'm going to see a doctor.
depression sux. I was depressed for real i think around the age of 18 like that summer after high school. Diplomatic Immunity got me through though. Musicwas/is and the gym was/is my anti drug.
There's no way to measure someone's "depression". If someone tells me thier depressed, I'm all ears.
That's all you can really do...I think we are seeing more widespread, open bouts of depression because society has become more accepting ofpeople in a state of depression. Before, I'm sure many people would keep it inside, not wanting to appear soft (because boys don't cry) or ungrateful(taking life for granted). Even if its a cry for attention, those depressed folks are one bad night away from going across the wrists (or vertically ifthey're in the know)
Originally Posted by aerdel24

Originally Posted by LazyJ10

I think a lot of Americans claim "depression" when in fact, they're no where near being depressed.
I also think our society has overly accepted letting pills try and solve all problems. Like, really, 5mg of zoloft isn't going to do anything for you.
i agree with what your saying completely.

but you gotta take a second to think.. people who believe depression comes from a chemical inbalance in the brain "think" that by prescribing medication that would help restore the proper amount needed to function normally.. when in fact all that does is start a life long process of addiction to all those anti-depressants and makes you depend on them...

so these depression pills are no better than cocaine, because they basically do the same thing to you.. obviously cocaine has MANY more side effects, but "chemically" they do the same by dumping massive amounts of dopamine into your system and makes you drained later on, and you need it again or else your body will be short of the "required" amount

I think most psychiatrists prescribe pills in conjunction with psychotherapy/counseling.
dirty is correct. pharmacotherapy will not be effective unless it's prescribed in conjunction with a healthy dose of cognitive/behavioral therapy.
Dealt with two serious bouts of depression, both for over a year of just being completely out of it. Didn't care, didn't wanna be bothered and got intosome "unsafe" behaviors. I've been to the point of not wanting to be around anymore. Its been rough coming back from that and I still have my baddays. I'm a pessimist tryna get it together because there's gotta be good out there. I gotta believe that bad ++%@ isn't just going to continue topound down on me..its hard and that's why ill say all of those are the "reasons" behind it.

After a while I started to feel like there was no end to everything, that things would just be so bad that one day I'd just explode. That way of thinking,obviously, wasn't conducive. At that point and time I really couldn't see an out though. On the point of meds, I was prescribed celexa and took it forawhile. In addition to therapy once a week and less hours at work I was able to "relax" enough to function without it, in my own mind. As I'vegotten better and stronger, I try to think about different ways I could've handled things back then. Not in a coulda, woulda, should sense, but more so ina way to know how to deal with it if it presents itself again.
I've never been able to explain the way I've felt while being depressed. Honestly, the best reference I can use is the Harry Potter's series'dementors. The creatures kiss basically blots out every happy moment and feeling you've ever had. Every day is a struggle and everyday I make it through Igrow stronger.
Somewhere Tom Cruise is throwing a tantrum.

And yes, before psychiatrists will even prescribe (or decrease or increase) a current prescription, they require that you visit them every month or so. Onlything is, they're not exactly thorough in their analysis.
I think depression can possibly be explained by any of the perspectives you mentioned. I'm taking a psych class too and while reading through the differenttheories I often find that there are aspects within each that make sense.
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