NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

had to post this.....

out in eastern europe right now and i picked up this "blessed" ukranian beer, which uses holy water :lol:


...and its actually really good

Dark Hollow Imperial Stout...a bourbon barrel aged stout brewed here in VA
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Usually drink vodka or champagne but if I'm drinking beer I stick to this:


This year's San Francisco Beer week is from February 8th through 17th. To those who don't know, brewers from all across the West Coast are having special events to celebrate the joy of beer. Trying to go to a few of these within the next week, anybody else planning to attend any of the events?
Pliny the Younger is supposed to be one of the best beers in the world, only available for two weeks during February


For SF Beer Week some places are going to serve Pliny the Younger in limited supplies (It is really sought after right now). I'm trying to go to the Russian River Brewery soon to at least try it before it's gone, hopefully the line for it is not hours long like it was last week
Went to a German restaurant a few weeks ago and been hooked on Weihenstephaner Vitus ever since. 

Pliny the Younger is supposed to be one of the best beers in the world, only available for two weeks during February
For SF Beer Week some places are going to serve Pliny the Younger in limited supplies (It is really sought after right now). I'm trying to go to the Russian River Brewery soon to at least try it before it's gone, hopefully the line for it is not hours long like it was last week :x

i live in SD. quite a few kegs made their way down here last year. i randomly popped into a local beer bar and saw PTY on the menu. no line or anything :lol:

that said, i think elder is just as good as younger.
timbo109, Stouts were not my thing just months ago. For years, it was other types. Maybe it comes with the seasons or just how I'm feeling at the time. I call it a stout kick, more than anything. As I don't think it can last forever. For a few months, I was into IPAs... I've never totally gone away from a style for more than a month, so my palette stays open, But I can see getting caught in beers you like and staying true to that.

The Oddells is almost an imperial stout, sold in a 4 pack. 9% I believe. Think a richer, boozier, more chocolate flavored left hand. With the richness comes the sweetness factor. Then you are hit with the booze flavor, not quite tasted in the left hand. So it's pretty much a true chocolate milk type beer packed with booze.. At $10/4 pack, I don't know if it fits in the weekly/monthly buying budget. But it did not let me down.. If you hate one of the following, do not buy it.. Sweet, Chocolate, Sweet... A lot of other imperial stouts trying to feature the chocolate/coffee malt bitterness and booze, here it's just sweetness through and through... Not for everyone. But for those that like it, the 4 pack should be enough for the night. lol
teamjordan79, what are peoples beer tastes like over there in Eastern Europe? Is it all lager/light pilsners? What style seems to dominate? Do you see such a wide variety that you would also see in the USA? I was in Spain for a week a few years back and just casually tried a half dozen beers.. Nothing totally stood out. But then again, I was buying from local 7/11 type places, so a true selection was probably not seen.
Some randoms I tried
-San Miguel
-San Miguel Selecta
-Estrella Damn
-Estrella Galicia
-Bitburger premium
-HOLSTEN premium
Looking now at beeradvocate, I pretty much tried the budweiser/coors line of beers prevalent in Barcelona.

Is there local pubs? How easy is it to brew? US and state regulations are pretty strict... Are pubs crawling with their own creations?

PJuice, I envision the day I get to try some of the top beers. They just don't get much distribution to my area. Blame the big boys dominating what gets distributed and what doesn't. I mentioned it before, that beer documentary from a few years back is just eye opening stuff... Many people get stuck in their ways just don't know better... For what would be the same price/oz, you could buy a quality 6% and enjoy the same perks that come with the cheap nasty stuff... But I digress...


Finishing off the last of some holiday sam adams, I got to try some Holiday Porter, which is quite tasty. Nothing overly chocolatey about it, or coffee like. Just a clean smooth taste. You read and it says chocolate malt this, caramel malt that.. Nothing about it sparked any red lights. Nothing screamed out TERRIBLE, so I would likely continue buying that Holiday Pack of Sam Adams... The medium hop profile was a nice surprise for a darker style of beer...

I believe I mentioned before that I tried the chocolate bock.. Chocolate undertones everywhere. This one is drinkable. But questionable from a hops perspective. It tastes more like a chocolate float or something. Bitterness is zero.......

The other one I tried was Old Fezzwig Ale. Smooth, sessionable beer. I couldnt really pinpoint any of the flavors. But nothing was off. Some beers I try from Sam Adams has a bad aftertaste.. Something about Boston Lager is off... Almost everything else from them, I have NOT hated. Latitude 48 IPA was one of my favorites out of a tasting I had with other sam adams IPAs...
These past few weeks, I think I have put more money into Left Hand's Milk Stouts products than any other brewery/company.. For me right now, there is nothing more magical than the milk stout beers.. I am at a point where the higher hopped beers are more of a chore to drink than these equally ABVed beers with the smooth characteristics that milk stouts are known for. I'm drinking 6% beer here, but the sessionablity of these sweet stouts is something else. Maybe I'm just caught in my own trance here. What will come of me trying to drink stouts when it's 95 degrees outside? I need it to be spring, so these stouts don't stick with me too long... They are too damn good.
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^^^lol. I hear you. Got a hold of the last six-pack of this stuff after reading your review and you were right, it did not disappoint. Had 2 last night but don't want to go through them too fast.
teamjordan79, what are peoples beer tastes like over there in Eastern Europe? Is it all lager/light pilsners? What style seems to dominate? Do you see such a wide variety that you would also see in the USA? I was in Spain for a week a few years back and just casually tried a half dozen beers.. Nothing totally stood out. But then again, I was buying from local 7/11 type places, so a true selection was probably not seen.
Some randoms I tried
-San Miguel
-San Miguel Selecta
-Estrella Damn
-Estrella Galicia
-Bitburger premium
-HOLSTEN premium
Looking now at beeradvocate, I pretty much tried the budweiser/coors line of beers prevalent in Barcelona.

Is there local pubs? How easy is it to brew? US and state regulations are pretty strict... Are pubs crawling with their own creations?

the beer quality gets better as you move from Russia towards western Europe. Eastern europe is mainly pilsners and lagers with little to no variety with the exception of some dark beers and hefewiezens. American beer variety is miles ahead of anything in EE (you will never find an Old Fezzwig here lol), though sometimes you can find some gems if you go to places that brew their own. Interestingly enough, the beer quality in Russia is horrendous, even beers like heineken, grolsch, stella etc. that are brewed locally are definitely below par when compared to their og/imported counterparts.
Finally got a chance to try Russian River's Pliny the Younger (a triple IPA) at their brewery a few days ago. Had to wait a few hours to get inside the brewery before I got to have a few glasses of it. Someone said in this thread that Elder = Younger, and after having the latter I would have to mostly agree (both taste VERY similar). Still, there are some differences. Even though it's stronger, Pliny the Younger taste more smooth (has a strong hint of citrus) than the Younger, and the hops are even more enjoyable. Overall it is definitely one of the best beers I have ever had, it is well worth the hype.
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