NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

Tonight is my "weekend," so I decided to pull out all of the stops:

This beer is a vintage, I don't know what year, but I've never had a beer from Bell's and I've been dying to try something by them.  Knowing that Expedition gets a decent amount of praise, I pulled the trigger on it.  Pours pitch black with a dark mocha head that dissipates quickly (similar to that of TEN FIDY).  This beer is also comparable to TEN FIDY when it comes to aroma--roasted malts with a dark fruit sweetness in the background. While this is all fine and dandy, this beer fell apart in the taste category. Along with the roasted malts, there was a cherry flavor to this beer that I really didn't enjoy.  When it was cold the aftertaste was straight cough syrup.  The taste mellowed as it warmed up, but I didn't particularly enjoy this beer all that much. Wasn't a drain pour by any stretch of the imagination, but it also wasn't a particularly memorable beer either. Maybe it's because it was cellared improperly for years, maybe it just really has that cough syrup flavor.  Either way... I'd like to try more from Bell's, but this one didn't live up to the hype. 8/10

After the not so great experience with the Expedition, I figured I'd roll the dice again on a beer I've never tried and see if my luck changed.  Only had one bottle of this, but I reckoned it should be easy enough to acquire another one if I enjoyed it enough. An interesting pour on this beer--pours a dark amber/ruby color coming out of the bottle, but darkens as it settles in the glass.  The end product is a beautiful deep ruby/chestnut color.  Heady is fizzy, thin, and dissipates quickly.  This beer smells of caramel, toffee, molasses, vanilla, and bourbon...and it is absolutely fantastic.  Taste is exactly the same, with a hint of toasted coconut.  For 12.5%, this beer is boozy, but isn't hot, per se.  It's extremely drinkable, but this is something you wanna sip and savor.  Overall, I this is probably my favorite barrel-aged beer from Firestone Walker, with 16 coming in second, and Sucaba coming in third.  The only barrel-aged beer that I feel beats it out is Backwoods Bastard.  Either way, definitely picking up a few more bottles of this, definitely buying all of the Backwoods Bastard in the Tri-State Area, and I'd love to do a side-by-side on them to settle it once and for all.  10+/10
I had to pass on Black Tuesday. I'm not dropping $30+ on a bottle just on principle. Leaves more for y'all.
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I had to pass on Black Tuesday. I'm not dropping $30+ on a bottle just on principal. Leaves more for y'all.

I agree with you on that. But for me its a "try it once to gauge the hype" type of brew. I've been told great things and just the chance to try it and be blown away or to say, eh? is the draw.


Don't know if anyone has seen this around, DIPA from Victory. If you have access to it cop it just to try. Lagunitas Sucks is one of my top IPAs and this compares favorably. 4pk for $10 so not to pricy, tasted some citrus and piney flavor like many IPAs. Not too boozy on the front end, however it will creep up on you if you drink 4 (as I have) and you will wonder how it happened. Above average DIPA for a decent price.
Love Victory because 1)it's local and 2)they make damn good brews. Summer love will always be my go to summer brew
Comparison Ford - I can recommend Bell's Two Hearted (IPA) or Oberon (Pale Wheat, summer seasonal, but I did have it in Chicago earlier this month so there's some floating around)
Both are delicious. I'm more of an Oberon guy, but the Two Hearted is a great IPA (and my thoughts on IPA's on well documented in this thread). not overly hoppy. Very nice balance on it.

I've said it a million times before in this thread but I'll say it again. Two Hearted is phenomenal. Definitely great if you're trying to get into IPAs
Just had the melange 1. Amazing. The Black Tuesday in it is just a back bone for the sour oude tart. It was so good. Having the Black Tuesday tonight.
Black Tuesday..... BAd idea. Gf and I are going to bed at 10:20..... Made it to a friends halloween party and got driven home before we went in. WAaaasted... Black Tuesday.... You kicked my butt.
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It's SD beer week! Had 2008 Stone IRS on tap. So smoooooth.

Got a confirmation email from the Bruery saying my Black Tuesday bottles are ready for pickup. Actually a little surprised I got through considering I was so late to the party.


Bruery pick ups for today. 2 Black Tuesdays 1 Melange 1 and 1 Cacaonut.

Just had the melange 1. Amazing. The Black Tuesday in it is just a back bone for the sour oude tart. It was so good. Having the Black Tuesday tonight.

Omg.... I was fine. I drank half a Black Tuesday now my gf and I are a wasted. Happy halloween.

Black Tuesday..... BAd idea. Gf and I are going to bed at 10:20..... Made it to a friends halloween party and got driven home before we went in. WAaaasted... Black Tuesday.... You kicked my butt.

Great sequence of posts :lol:
Been there salazaro44. I remember liking an imperial red ale a little too much a couple years back.. Then it just hit me all at once.

Finally got around to finally finishing up on some beers sent my way from NC.

Highland Brewing Kashmir Imperial IPA

I had no expectations going in. I knew nothing of the brewery or beer. Looking at the bottle, it reads that it used 6-7 types of hops during various brewing phases, and was an English imperial IPA. Initially, the smell had something that seemed a bit off.. or shall I say different. It had a bit of that fruity yeast/ester smell to it, known in many European beers (from hefeweizens, dopplebocks, weizenbocks, and even a few october fiest beers). Slowly my mouth got used to this flavor. It was apparent in the aftertaste too. I caught taste of a ton of caramel/biscuit malt. Very malt forward and sweet. I'd say this one definitely lives up to its BA rating of 88. The hops shined through it all as well. Drinkability was surprisingly easy. No true smell of alcohol either. What I thought was different could just be how the English do their IPAs. I have never had one before. Nothing I have had compares to this one, with that extra something I couldn't pinpoint.

Went by a Total Wine today.. Spotted some Deschutes Hop Trip

I'll be honest. I did a quick google search and found it above 90 overall so it was a quick and easy buy without much though.... yeahitsRUST, initially this one smells and tastes a bit like the La Cumbre Elevated IPA, with its piney and citrus qualities.. That quickly changes with this APA. There is no true hop bite (its not an IPA), and the sweetness takes over quite a bit. There is even some sweetness that has a bit of warmth to it (holiday spice?).. It truly tastes like a younger less mature brother of the LC beer.. I'd definitely give this one a try... It smells of some great hop aroma, but doesnt quite have anything lingering around.. It actually makes me want to drink a LC lol. For a 38 ibu and 5.5% beer, if you have had an IPA in the near past or plan to, this one leaves you wanting a bit more. But overall, it has a great sweetness, and hop aroma that comes through just slightly. On days you want some hop flavor, but not a full blast this is a great choice...
Full Review of Stone's Espresso RIS coming soon. It's been sitting too long (3-5 days at my house)
In fitting fashion as the temperature dips to below 30 for the first time this fall, I finish things off with a Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale.

Mixed emotions here. The beer is really piney tasting with a big blast of caramel malt. It's some good stuff but most of the time, I don't think id be searching this particular style out. I may throw this one to the bench. It's somewhat of an acquired taste with just moderate drink ability. I don't think I'll go hunting for any other true winter beers. I've never really been the type to drink in season so I may stick to octoberfests for awhile, some hefeweizens, and my normal go to IPAs.
My local total wine had some silver medal gabf 2013 flying fish oktoberfish beer available. This was surprisingly good. Just amazing drink ability. I tasted almost nothing but some German malt sweetness. It was like a soda. The finish had a touch of hops. But overall this was as close to a perfect session beer as you will find. No off flavor or tastes. It's almost too smooth if that makes sense. Like it's missing something.

Yesterday I finally had a chance to try the Stone espresso RIS. I let it sit out for about two hrs before trying. Espresso masked the booze factor as well as masking the hops. It was a perfect balance. This version tops the normal by far. The mouthfeel was a touch thin. No true creaminess or smoothness. It had a touch of a carbonation bite to it. Going down though it was all roasted malt, chocolate malt, and espresso with a touch of deep fruit flavors. It reminded me a tad of ten fidy without the booziness and overall oil consistency. I already prefer this to ten fidy. 11% Abv was hidden so well. I'm gonna try to hunt more down this week. Perfect room temperature sipper.
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Just cracked the first one open.  It's exactly how I remember it.  It's like Sucaba and Double DBA had a baby that's twice as drinkable.  I can safely say this is one of my favorite beers of all time. So good, so underrated.  10+/10
Smh, I drank a sixer of golden monkey with my girl last night. Awful decision, joint got me unbelievably wasted
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