NT, What Beer Do You Drink?

So I love my micros(evident from my previous posts)..but Blue Moon/ Honey Moon was the first beer I ever drank.

Summer is upon us so I'm looking forward to some Honey Moon 8)

Anyways, so I ended up on their website and see all these new flavors..where the hell have I been? :lol: :nerd:
I'm interested. Esp the berry and peanut butter flavs...hmm interdasting.



Who has tried them?

and a graffiti and expressionist collection?


Coors may wanna slow down..idk..maybe they're good..only one way to find out though. :wink:
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Sudwerk Hefe from Sudwerk in Davis, CA i believe. awesome brew, goes in top 6-7 wheat beers for me. had to request my local bevmo to buy a case, so hopefully they start carrying it regularly.

Bought a Great Divide Brewing Imperial Stout bomber at Whole Foods today. As I'm walking home about a block away the Whole Foods bag rips and the beer bottle shatters in the middle of the street. First time this has ever happened to me. Was looking forward to drinking it tonight :stoneface:
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Pliny is awesome. They have a Triple IPA called Pliny the Younger but it's a pub-only limited release every year. It's 10.5% though. Me and some friends stood in line for almost 3 hours to get into the brewery during the release, well worth it.
Total Wine has em.

$9.99 a pop
This week's pickups:
Beer distributor got some unexpected surprises in today so I had no choice but to splurge: 
Bell's Oberon is out so I grabbed a 12er

Also one of my fav beers to drink outside when it's like 90 degrees
Pliny is awesome. They have a Triple IPA called Pliny the Younger but it's a pub-only limited release every year. It's 10.5% though. Me and some friends stood in line for almost 3 hours to get into the brewery during the release, well worth it.
VERY good beers being posted in the last few pages.
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Some beers I've had or bought recently
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot - barrel-aged barley-wine style, VERY hoppy, notes of pine and grass. A really good beer once you get used to it (might be too strong for some). Highly recommended

Hitachino celebration and XH ales- really disappointed with this one, didn't really stand out compared to the white ale, which is one of my favorite beers. Nothing to really say about it. The XH on the other hand was much better. You could definitely taste the Sake influence in the beer in that it was slightly fruity (think plums).

Duchess de Bourgogne - not my pic. Flanders style red ale. Hadn't had the style before, but it basically tasted more sour than a red ale, and less sour than a regular sour ale, if that makes sense. Pretty sweet, overall very drinkable.

Abita Strawberry - A personal favorite, really smooth, really smells of strawberry, but a light, creamy hint of it in the beer itself. A perfect beer for the Summer.

Stone Imperial Russian Stout- have yet to crack open, hope it lives up to the hype.
^ nice post

as a malt person, stone IRS is one of my favorites. can't wait to crack open the espresso version :pimp:

love the $5/bomber price point too :pimp:
One of the homies is super stingy right, so whenever he buys beer we take advantage of it...

Dude bought some dark *** beer yesterday called RANGERS.

Drank 4 and I was like :x

Anybody else tried/like that?

It's so smooth & robust. Everything a beer should be. :pimp:
It's especially good with steaks/burgers. My only gripe is during the summer, it wouldn't really be practical because it doesn't have that refreshing quality that some people look for.



For the alternative experience... Whenever it's available.
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