NT What Connects Do You Have? VOL. Lets Network

Pretty much everything when it comes to NY but out here in TX, hardly nada.. other than a friend of mine booking all the hip hop shows and %%!#.. and SXSWconnect lol.

TX heads whats good? Need some lean

And Bussiness whats good w/ the metrocards?
Originally Posted by nero1son

i work for at&t and Ive gotten a few connects from customers coming in i take care of them and they always give back to me it's good one of my customers is a local night club owner so anytime i go there i get vip treatment lol and another dude is the manager at finish line which means no waiting in line for my 11/12 pack i had to take car of em good thou with discounts and stuff
yo where you at? I need me a att connect

I work at quiksilver here in nyc so i got you on 50%(if you work at att ill hit you with the 75%) clothes/gifts connect. We got good stuff.

And 50% off at dc soho.

Whats good?
i owe $195 on my t-mobile anyway you can take it down to like ummmm $0 hahaha or $80
@ Zeus23's avy. "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU..." Ihad a lot of connects in the past. Mostly illegal. So I had to drop em and lost a lot too. Only thing I got now is a connect at DTLR. Good for kix mostly andsome Luxe-Ts. Haven't checked up wit my dude in a while tho. I need to holla before the Eggplant foams drop. Lost connects FTL.
Originally Posted by bjm5295


*MBTA, sort of. It doesnt do anything for me really, but I've been informed that if a bus driver or something ever does me wrong, get the bus number and they're done.

*Used to have a sick Quiksilver hookup, but the store went out of business. I wonder why...
*Used to have a nice Deli hook up. Anything for the price of store brand 1.99 bologna.

*Car stuff, specifcally Honda, but I havent used that yet.
@ me.

Nero, can you hook up my bill?
AT&T's prices are ridiculous. But I just HAD to get the iPhone...

Holl @ me. I work there
Not many in America:

Car dealership/mechanic
Cell phones
and a few other random but small things I can't remember.

But Egypt....

Egypt Airlines connect (Free first class, cheap tickets before anyone else)
Customs connect at the Egyptian airport (I skip all the lines, my baggage is gotten for me, nothing is checked etc)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian police/justice system - Everything from cops to a president of the court
- (Unless I commit a triple murder or something,I'm untouchable)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian government - From the presidents secretary to governers and law makers - (Basically, I get info before anyone else and manyother things)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian Army - I know a lot of high ranking people in it - (Discounts everywhere, ability to go to areas civilians normally cant etc)
Cell phones
Real estate
Dozens of stores
Vacation packages (Hotels, resorts, cruises)

and many more
Oakley connect...

other stuff here and there, but nothing really worth mentioning too much.
sour d connect
purple connect
after hours bottle of liq connect
countless mall store connects
free 99 subs at subway
connect 4
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Not many in America:

Car dealership/mechanic
Cell phones
and a few other random but small things I can't remember.

But Egypt....

Egypt Airlines connect (Free first class, cheap tickets before anyone else)
Customs connect at the Egyptian airport (I skip all the lines, my baggage is gotten for me, nothing is checked etc)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian police/justice system - Everything from cops to a president of the court
- (Unless I commit a triple murder or something, I'm untouchable)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian government - From the presidents secretary to governers and law makers - (Basically, I get info before anyone else and many other things)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian Army - I know a lot of high ranking people in it - (Discounts everywhere, ability to go to areas civilians normally cant etc)
Cell phones
Real estate
Dozens of stores
Vacation packages (Hotels, resorts, cruises)

and many more
How did you accomplish all of that?
i need an apple connect PLEASE, my 3g screen is cracked, if the story helps,, i am an instructor for disabled children, one of the kids got a hold of my phoneand slammed the phone (OUCH). so know i have a functional 3g with a nasty broken screen. imn in socal so if anyone can hook it up it would def be appreciated
Some of y'all just posting places where y'all know somebodythat works there, that doesn't neccessarily mean you got a connect...but only connect i got is getting Al Wissams for less than retail
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Not many in America:

Car dealership/mechanic
Cell phones
and a few other random but small things I can't remember.

But Egypt....

Egypt Airlines connect (Free first class, cheap tickets before anyone else)
Customs connect at the Egyptian airport (I skip all the lines, my baggage is gotten for me, nothing is checked etc)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian police/justice system - Everything from cops to a president of the court
- (Unless I commit a triple murder or something, I'm untouchable)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian government - From the presidents secretary to governers and law makers - (Basically, I get info before anyone else and many other things)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian Army - I know a lot of high ranking people in it - (Discounts everywhere, ability to go to areas civilians normally cant etc)
Cell phones
Real estate
Dozens of stores
Vacation packages (Hotels, resorts, cruises)

and many more
How did you accomplish all of that?

Well, most of the stuff in Egypt was through family and I get the connect by being a part of the family. Not to brag but most of my family in Egypt is wealthyand have powerful high level jobs thus allowing them to get these connects, and others are just connects through them. Example: Egypt air (one of their highlevel execs was my dads neighbor and friend) Customs (my uncle is in charge of the entire egypt air terminal at cairo international airport) etc etc
Originally Posted by GG0tti

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Not many in America:

Car dealership/mechanic
Cell phones
and a few other random but small things I can't remember.

But Egypt....

Egypt Airlines connect (Free first class, cheap tickets before anyone else)
Customs connect at the Egyptian airport (I skip all the lines, my baggage is gotten for me, nothing is checked etc)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian police/justice system - Everything from cops to a president of the court
- (Unless I commit a triple murder or something, I'm untouchable)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian government - From the presidents secretary to governers and law makers - (Basically, I get info before anyone else and many other things)
Many hook ups with the Egyptian Army - I know a lot of high ranking people in it - (Discounts everywhere, ability to go to areas civilians normally cant etc)
Cell phones
Real estate
Dozens of stores
Vacation packages (Hotels, resorts, cruises)

and many more
How did you accomplish all of that?
He probably let a police officer bum a cigarette off of him ...

...how did you? btw the airport in Cairo
.. when I was flying back tothe US there were no lines.. my driver was allowed to come through with me.. The guy checking my bags told me to take out my bombs first while laughing andthe dudes running the x-ray machine were just chillin smoking cigarettes inside
One of my best friend's a cop
Best friend about to become a lawyer
Know famous Doctors
(Ben Carson's son is my one of my really closefriends)
My alma mater connections (Tufts University)
Soon to have military affiliations
....I can get away with murder

Also name ur vice, I can get it for you.
^yeah, it's really laid back, but there are huge lines (when you arriving at least)

But the thing is, I get off the airplane, and get into a car and go home. Everything is done automatically.
police connections

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