NT, what is/are the worst thing(s) you've bought all year? (2011 Edition) vol. Buyer's Remorse

Apr 20, 2006
As the year is coming to a close, I've come to realize that I've spent a significant amount of money buying stuff -impulsively at that.
 Man, you just had to convince yourself that you needed that in your life. Buyer's remorse is a #@#$%.
  • Regretfully, the one which stands out the most for me this year has got to be the SOCOM 4 Full Deployment Bundle (which includes SOCOM 4, PS Eye, PS Move Wand and Navigation Controller, and the PS Move Sharpshooter). Bought that on a whim, in anticipation that MW3 and BF3 or any other big FPS would support it.
     Now it's gathering dust in my room.

I know, I know... this might be rather shallow (for lack of a better word), but it's the worst thing I've bought all year, considering my purchases have been always well-researched and well thought-out. 
Lesson learned, I guess.

  • MW3 is a close second, I suppose. Stubborn me gave in, knowing full-well it wouldn't end well. Selling that game ASAP.
  • Low-key regretting copping two copies of Battlefield 3 as well (PS3 and PC) -leveling up two profiles is a lot of work! 

What's yours?
It can include things that have been bought for you / you've asked to be bought (for the kids out there).
 My dude was planning on become a virtual First-Class General and decided war wasn't his thing.

At least you didn't impulsively join the military.

Traded some dude on Craigslists my Samsung Vibrant + $50 for this. Waste of $50 and I miss my Vibrant.


This one I'm kind of just salty about. Spent around $100 fixing it up and then I got a flat about a month later. It was November when that happened so I figured I'd just store it for the winter, and this year of all years Minnesota has been having weather in the mid 40s and 30s in December... So I could have had another month of riding if I would have just got a new tube.
^ Not exactly. Tried to be a virtual race car driver, too, if that matters (Designed and helped build a racing chair for GT5/Driving games and had the time to revise it). Oh, and recently made a computer table from scratch as well. Too much time in my hands, I guess? 

It was a cool concept, though. I just wish more developers supported it. You could've been able to aim faster than with a mouse, for sure.

The Military? Nah... wouldn't be worth it out here.

EDIT: just re-read my original post. didn't realize it was all gaming-related. definitely spent more time gaming this year, that's for sure. 
No regrets. Money well spent, even tho I'm broke now. I bought tons of clothes this summer but I sorta needed new work clothes that fit better.
There's plenty of emerald clothing! I know I got some

But I bought the rudy gay hyperfuses, wore them 12 times max...I got way too many ball kicks
Originally Posted by munisha

A second pair of concords. Best friend didn't like them. Not into reselling...
Why don't you just return it then?
If you lost receipt, I'm sure there'll be plenty of ppl willing to take them off your hands for retail + tax + shipping.

On topic: an oxford from uniqlo. Last year's oxfords fit me perfect but this year's same size is a bit different
I managed my money a little better this year, don't think I bought stuff that I didn't like.

But 08-10 was a waste.
Can we add best and worst thing purchased?  Would be cool to see if any NTers discovered something they swear by this year.

Worst this year -
memory foam mattress topper.  My friend has one spent 150 on it inch and a half of foam.  Its glorious.  So got this one one sale from kohls.  2 inch memory foam spent $50 bucks on it.  It is no where near as good as hers. 

Best -
American Apparel Flex Fleece hoodie.  I used that groupon got it for 28 total shipped. They messed up my order 3 times accidentally sent me 3 of them.  Traded colors in for two.  So got 3 for 28 bucks essentially.  But they are light weight super comfortable fit really well and really warm.  If the groupon comes around again i will cop another.  Simple match everything.  (i have red, black, turquoise)

didn't even realize it was soft bill. $50 bucks down the drain and I sold it on ebay for $41.  
I could have held off on the 2 $175 tickets to watch the throne. I feel I wasn't as blown away as everyone else, maybe due to the drinks buts none the less could have skipped on it.
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