NT, What is your perception of being ALPHA?

Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

From a womans perspective, true Alpha Males are so very, very appreciated

However I can guarantee that we have a different view of what a true Alpha Male is.

So what is a woman's view of what a true alpha male is?
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

From a womans perspective, true Alpha Males are so very, very appreciated

However I can guarantee that we have a different view of what a true Alpha Male is.

So what is a woman's view of what a true alpha male is?
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by heavenlee777

Haha does anyone actually live their life trying to be an "alpha"?
if alpha's even exist I would think that they wouldn't even know what an alpha is.

You want to know if your alpha or not...go take a trip to Africa and go into an area with a pack of gorillas and take your girl there...unarmed.

True alpha #%#* right there.
After 4 4Loko's
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by heavenlee777

Haha does anyone actually live their life trying to be an "alpha"?
if alpha's even exist I would think that they wouldn't even know what an alpha is.

You want to know if your alpha or not...go take a trip to Africa and go into an area with a pack of gorillas and take your girl there...unarmed.

True alpha #%#* right there.
After 4 4Loko's
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