NT, what's your debilitating ADDICTION. vol: Serious Topic

Originally Posted by VanillaGorillaDX

The internet
So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) oris it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) or is it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

You must not have been watching the right kind of pr0n then.....
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) or is it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

You must not have been watching the right kind of pr0n then.....

Nah it def. wasn't that...

It's just that, after years of watching that stuff, I finally realized just how fraudulent and unnatural that whole "world" was. From the factthat women were being objectified to the fact that men were merely "tools", figuratively and metaphorically, used to objectify said females. Like,the dudes weren't "men" and the females weren't "women". They were just--objects...

It's hard to explain. It's like, all of a sudden, those movies were weird to watch because they lacked that "human" element...

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) or is it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

You must not have been watching the right kind of pr0n then.....

Nah it def. wasn't that...

It's just that, after years of watching that stuff, I finally realized just how fraudulent and unnatural that whole "world" was. From the fact that women were being objectified to the fact that men were merely "tools", figuratively and metaphorically, used to objectify said females. Like, the dudes weren't "men" and the females weren't "women". They were just--objects...

It's hard to explain. It's like, all of a sudden, those movies were weird to watch because they lacked that "human" element...

Yeah I get what you're saying. It really is nasty when you think about it. Just having sex like that with so many people and doing some prettycrazy stuff on top of that. But, I still like it though
. I just like looking at naked chicks having sex A LOT.
I'd say food. I go on Flickr a lot just to look for new recipes to try out. I have 2 scrapbooks full of recipes and I haven't even tried all of themyet.

Oh yeah, I'm pretty addicted to music too. If I go somewhere, I always take my Ipod with me and if I'm at home, Itunes is usually playing.
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) or is it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

You must not have been watching the right kind of pr0n then.....

Nah it def. wasn't that...

It's just that, after years of watching that stuff, I finally realized just how fraudulent and unnatural that whole "world" was. From the fact that women were being objectified to the fact that men were merely "tools", figuratively and metaphorically, used to objectify said females. Like, the dudes weren't "men" and the females weren't "women". They were just--objects...

It's hard to explain. It's like, all of a sudden, those movies were weird to watch because they lacked that "human" element...

Gonzo, much? It's def a disconnect when you see it for what it is but I suggest you start watching porn with a story
or amateur since that's the difference between watching porn and watchingppl have sex, a little more natural if you will
Working out.

Definitely a good addiction, but if I don't lift for a few days I feel like *%*!.....like I'm weak and out of shape and it's on my mind for a goodportion of the day.
-looks. mad self conscious, and it aint that I feel ugly, i think im handsome..I just dont feel like the person on the outside...I never recognize myself inthe mirror...crazy
-internet ...
crazy how much my life has ended up revolving around things that spurted off the net.. all the girls I've talked to in the last 3 years wereinternet related..I either flirted them into submission thru myspace and hung out w. mutual friends, or I straight met em off myspace
. all my clothes andhousehold sh is bought online. internet blogs and posts influence my reading habits, dress, speech, views HEAVY

-i wanna say porn. but really im hooked on the female form as a whole. I have 7gbs worth of nudes..many of which are non hardcore yet nude. i LOVE artisticnudes too. and I beast extra super heavy in real life sometimes.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Jumpshot

Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So i'm seeing that almost every poster saying they are/were addicted to pron. So I ask, am I the only one who finds pron to be GROSS (now and back then) or is it really not that big of a deal to y'all...

You must not have been watching the right kind of pr0n then.....

Nah it def. wasn't that...

It's just that, after years of watching that stuff, I finally realized just how fraudulent and unnatural that whole "world" was. From the fact that women were being objectified to the fact that men were merely "tools", figuratively and metaphorically, used to objectify said females. Like, the dudes weren't "men" and the females weren't "women". They were just--objects...

It's hard to explain. It's like, all of a sudden, those movies were weird to watch because they lacked that "human" element...

Gonzo, much? It's def a disconnect when you see it for what it is but I suggest you start watching porn with a story
or amateur since that's the difference between watching porn and watching ppl have sex, a little more natural if you will
@ you trying to advise me on how to properly watch pr0n...

If I'm disconnected because I'm finally seeing it for what it is, then I'm thankful for that. I feel great (mind and body) knowing that I'm not"jacked" to the pr0n matrix anymore. Hopefully, others will view it like I view it out and make an effort to log out of said matrix...

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