NT; Whats your take on males wearing rings?

I rock 10 rings sometimes.

Mandarin status

yo, but to folks that don't wear rings, is it just because rings aren't your thing or what? I appreciate the input you guys have, but I'm curious why you don't want to wear/ wont' wear a ring other than your wedding band.
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Class ring or wedding ring for me. But I'm not going to sit here and judge the next man because of accessories on his hands.
Bolded for emphasis. 

I don't see a lot of guys wearing non-wedding rings. Maybe a class ring in high school but they usually stop soon afterwards. I wear my dad's college ring because it holds special significance to me. I'm sure people see a class ring and they assume I'm holding on to HS memories or something
but I don't care, another reason I like wearing it because it helps me say "who cares what other people think". Even if we don't admit it, we all can be influenced by other's opinions and how they perceive us, so it helps me say "screw it".

I won't judge what someone else puts on their hand, does not influence how I view them or who they are, so what do I care.
I wear my high school ring almost everyday

i'll probably stop wearing it once i get a wedding ring though
I don't knock anyone wearing hand jewelry or rings nor do I look sideways and cast judgement on them.  I just don't think it was a good look for me.  I never had any bracelets, piercings, etc.  Just a watch.  
Originally Posted by Jack Knoff

something lebron can't relate to.


Spoiler [+]

Personally, rings don't do it for me. I wouldn't be one to wear a ring. Unless it was a class ring or a wedding ring. Or if I had a Championship ring, I'd wear the !+%+ out of that. But other than those 3 things, I wouldn't see myself wearing a ring. But if another man wants to wear a ring then so be it. Whats so wrong with that? Who cares?
Never really thought of this but I definitely wouldn't rock one. My reasoning is I don't like jewelry at all aside from a nice timepiece
I don't really care what any other male does nor do I judge someone based off of what they are wearing. I personally don't wear rings but if I had the money there are definitely certain rings I would wear occasionally.
I wear rings, gold, diamonds, even a 1 dollar bill ring [real convo/compliment sparker].
The most I've worn at one time was 4, both hands' pinky and ring.
I just woudn't see the point of it like "oh I wanna start wearing a ring cuz some nt'ers do"
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