That's the precise commandment I was outlining.

But he said he follows some of the core beliefs, so I guess he gets the pass.

I'm not knocking what you believe in because I think it is a very precious that we believe in something. But if you're actively looking for agirlfriend, I'm not sure if you'll find many who will agree with you. However, if they accept you for you, your beliefs shouldn't have much bearingon whether she falls for you or not.

What kind of girls do you like?
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

Originally Posted by BlazeKicks

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko
NT taking over NBA Summer League was classic "Oh snap"
random as hell

someone needs to explain this to me
Originally Posted by eye see soles

That's the precise commandment I was outlining.

But he said he follows some of the core beliefs, so I guess he gets the pass.

I'm not knocking what you believe in because I think it is a very precious that we believe in something. But if you're actively looking for a girlfriend, I'm not sure if you'll find many who will agree with you. However, if they accept you for you, your beliefs shouldn't have much bearing on whether she falls for you or not.

What kind of girls do you like?
LOL I try not to bring it up, I just tell people I'm an atheist.....Satanism conjures up images of human sacrifices and cannibalism.

Girls I like.....looks-as long as they're skinny I'm good. Personality wise-very open-minded (clearly), has a sense of humor, very low maintenance,above average intelligence.....might be asking for too much
. I thinkpeople are lost in the whole jist of this thread. I don't need a girlfriend, I actually rather not have one but at some point I'm gonna have to give ita try. I'm young now so it's cool to be single but eventually I'm gonna lose my looks and have to get on the same page as everyone else. Buyingthese broads the lobster with the cheddar biscuits.
The only part I enjoy about relationships is everyday sex.

So when I'm in a relationship I have to avoid progress or any aspect of my female partner feeling 'secure' or 'locked in' i.e. marriage. Assoon as they lock you down they don't need to try and impress you anymore. They let themselves go and don't give blowjobs anymore.

Okay, that's rather egotistical and selfish of me to say and that's now how I actually roll...but it's true.
you probably are gay....your mom called you out and now you wanna rush and get a gf so you can shut her up....if in your mind you knew you was straight youwould've just ignored her and kept doing what you do....but you're not....very suspect post
Originally Posted by WinstonDon

you probably are gay....your mom called you out and now you wanna rush and get a gf so you can shut her up....if in your mind you knew you was straight you would've just ignored her and kept doing what you do....but you're not....very suspect post
You sir, are an idiot.

SCIENCE PROVES that 30% of the human population is homosexual. The chemical imbalance that creates homosexuality is hereditary (ironic, I know). Societydoesn't accept it. Hell, I don't accept it. But it's science.

There are a few tests that they do to every new born baby and they can actually tell you the day your born whether you are heterosexual or homosexual.

Read, mon ami.
i met my last girlfriend at her school though her friend

the last few girls i met were at a club
i know thats like a cardinal rule not to fall for a girl you meet there but the couple i did/do mess wit seemed coo and respectable for the most part
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by WinstonDon

you probably are gay....your mom called you out and now you wanna rush and get a gf so you can shut her up....if in your mind you knew you was straight you would've just ignored her and kept doing what you do....but you're not....very suspect post
You sir, are an idiot.

SCIENCE PROVES that 30% of the human population is homosexual. The chemical imbalance that creates homosexuality is hereditary (ironic, I know). Society doesn't accept it. Hell, I don't accept it. But it's science.

There are a few tests that they do to every new born baby and they can actually tell you the day your born whether you are heterosexual or homosexual.

Read, mon ami.
10 percent or so are self identified, it would be close to 30 if it weren't for social constraints
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Aite so my mom and aunt called me out for not having a girlfriend, insinuating that i was gay. I didn't know how to tell mom that I rather have (protected) sex with !%*%@$ and random women I meet at bars/parties.

Anyhow I decided to give this gf thing a try, where do I start looking?
I'm debating bringing a female model/stripper back for Christmas dinner.
Real Talk...I can relate. Older women are bitter no @%@! getting *$@%$!#. Real rap. They want you to get one chic so they don't see younggirls go through what they went through as young birds....I can't stand the fact that other people wanna force someone to be monogamous. Do youplayboy...Real talk. Don't force it and chics don't like cats that try to wife them up. Let it happen naturally.
Theres literally women everywhere.

Your making it way too hard on yourself.

Just go out on the weekends.

Im more of lounge person.

Bars are good every once and awhile tho.

Dress nice, look clean and be out going.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[font=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]No tolerance for religious beliefs secularized and incorporated into law and order issues-to re-establish "Lex Talionis" would require a complete overturning of the present in-justice system based on Judeo-Christian ideals, where the victim/defender has been made the criminal. Amnesty should be considered for anyone in prison because of his alleged "influence" upon the actual perpetrator of the crime. Everyone is influenced in what he or she does. Scapegoating has become a way of life, a means of survival for the unfit. As an extension of the Judeo-Christian cop-out of blaming the Devil for everything, criminals can gain leniency, even praise, by placing the blame on a convenient villain. Following the Satanic creed of "Responsibility to the responsible," in a Satanic society, everyone must experience the consequences of his own actions-for good or ill.


Give me one example where someone was gained leniency for blaming the devil?

That being said if you are atheist and see the devil as a figure-head, why not follow one of the figure head's from above?

Your study of the sin/good aspect of the devil makes no sense. Any follower of religion must face his actions. Hence heaven and hell. The cop-out argument isbaseless.
Dewww it !

You can find them anywhere, but if you want somethin' treal, then I wouldn't recommend bars, clubs.
Holler at the mall, food places, work places, the bank : ) , or the park , gym, some sport event, school !
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