NT: Who owns a P90x ?

Originally Posted by Tony Montana

What equipment do I need? right now all I have is 10lb dumbbells

Resistance band and duct tape. 
Instead of purchasing a pull-up bar, string the resistance band through the duct tape and put the duct tape over the door frame and close the door and do your pull ups. 
OP, join a gym and do Starting Strength as suggested previously.

p90x is better than doing nothing at all, but is not even close to comparable to the benefit you would get from joining a gym and doing SS.
OP, join a gym and do Starting Strength as suggested previously.

p90x is better than doing nothing at all, but is not even close to comparable to the benefit you would get from joining a gym and doing SS.
If you follow their diet plan and fully commit you'll see the change, double up on the protein intake though, and get heavier weights, low reps/heavy weights is what you'll need to do to bulk up...you gotta follow that diet guideline though, otherwise just stick to the gym....ohh you'll also need a pull up bar and resistance bands.
If you follow their diet plan and fully commit you'll see the change, double up on the protein intake though, and get heavier weights, low reps/heavy weights is what you'll need to do to bulk up...you gotta follow that diet guideline though, otherwise just stick to the gym....ohh you'll also need a pull up bar and resistance bands.
I kinda did it. I went through all the workouts but really didnt follow the diet. I still saw great results though. I got more defined, and went from 165 to 160 at 5'10. You really have to be committed especially with the diet.
I kinda did it. I went through all the workouts but really didnt follow the diet. I still saw great results though. I got more defined, and went from 165 to 160 at 5'10. You really have to be committed especially with the diet.
Even if it doesnt really get you to bulk up, youd still get in shape though, like lean/athletic right?
Even if it doesnt really get you to bulk up, youd still get in shape though, like lean/athletic right?
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Starting strength by Mark Rippetoe is all you need if your trying to gain some size/strength.

Combine that with good eating and possibly creatine and your good in 3 months to see solid gains.
I'm about the same size as OP. Is creatine better than whey protein? 
creatine and whey protein are very different. all i can say is if youre gonna use creatine, drink a lotttttt of water, or else it'll give you serious headaches

So true.  You will need to make sure you keep yourself hydrated when using creatine.  I've used it before and it does work; you'll get bigger off of water weight, but you'll need to keep using it.  The whey protein is to help feed your muscles after workouts and help with recovery.  Creatine before workouts, whey afterwards.  If you use them together, it should be a good combo for bulk.
Originally Posted by GottaBeEm21

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Starting strength by Mark Rippetoe is all you need if your trying to gain some size/strength.

Combine that with good eating and possibly creatine and your good in 3 months to see solid gains.
I'm about the same size as OP. Is creatine better than whey protein? 
creatine and whey protein are very different. all i can say is if youre gonna use creatine, drink a lotttttt of water, or else it'll give you serious headaches

So true.  You will need to make sure you keep yourself hydrated when using creatine.  I've used it before and it does work; you'll get bigger off of water weight, but you'll need to keep using it.  The whey protein is to help feed your muscles after workouts and help with recovery.  Creatine before workouts, whey afterwards.  If you use them together, it should be a good combo for bulk.
It worked well for me. Lost weight, ~20lbs and gained like 5lbs of muscle. I liked the results, but then again I didn't necessarily follow the diet nor did I overpower myself and push myself too much. But it works is all I can say if you stay committed and never slack off. However, I did replace the Yoga session with one of the cardio ones after the 2nd week. Yoga just took too much time and was too static and boring for my liking.
It worked well for me. Lost weight, ~20lbs and gained like 5lbs of muscle. I liked the results, but then again I didn't necessarily follow the diet nor did I overpower myself and push myself too much. But it works is all I can say if you stay committed and never slack off. However, I did replace the Yoga session with one of the cardio ones after the 2nd week. Yoga just took too much time and was too static and boring for my liking.
i ve been doing all yr.. the first 3 months i was going HAM but the last two months school has cut down into my time so its down to 3-4 times a week....

The last month alot of people have been noticing my changes so i guess its working ...

Im gonna do one more round this summer then start insanity in the fall...

i should be good by the end of the yr
i ve been doing all yr.. the first 3 months i was going HAM but the last two months school has cut down into my time so its down to 3-4 times a week....

The last month alot of people have been noticing my changes so i guess its working ...

Im gonna do one more round this summer then start insanity in the fall...

i should be good by the end of the yr
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