NT, whose the closest individual you've lost?

Dec 19, 2004
On April 2st, 2010, my mother committed suicide.  She hung herself with electrical wires in her own closet.  My father was the one to find her, when 10-15 minutes prior she mentioned she was going outside to take a walk.  Unfortunately, this was her walk to heaven.
I'm blessed that none of my close one's passed away aside from old age. I lost my grandfather, but I guess it was just his time.

Sorry to hear about your loss
Man that's sad as hell man
You about to make me shed a tear. I haven't lost anyone that close to me *knocks on wood*
God Dammit man...
... I lost my mother to a slow struggle with ALS on March 28, 2007... I almost wish it was something quick and unexpected like what you've been through but then I don't....MAN...But either way, RIP to both our moms. My inbox is open 25/8/366. I don't even think it needs to be said, but if ANYBODY on this board feels your pain.... I do
. Hold ya head man.. get at me if you need to talk about ANYTHING.. I don't give a @$#% if you just wanna type out a vent about ya job, PM me. I mean that. You not alone man..
sorry bro, I lost my cousin freshman year in high school about 7 years ago, had a stroke in her sleep lost her and the baby, she was 23. it was killer. i know how it is to lose someone to suicide too, a kid in my leadership class in hs hung himself... then on of my best friends moms shot herself a year before...
i'm really sorry to hear that, i don't know how i would react if that happened to me.

my grandpa (on my dad's side), i really wasn't all that close to him but he died when i was only 8-9. now that i'm 21, i realized if he were still alive we would have been much closer, because back then me and my brothers (really young) used to kinda hate him for no reason.
my grandpa (on my mom's side), i was less close to him, but he fell into a coma when i was in taiwan last summer. when my mom heard the news, she just broke down for like 30 minutes and i felt so bad and nearly started crying myself, i couldn't bear to see my mom crying like that.
he's been in a coma for almost a year and he's really old now, so it's really unlikely he'll wake up again.
one of my better friends from elementary school, he died from an allergic reaction to peanut butter when i was in high school. everyone was shocked.
this guy i used to ball it up all the time during PE, unfortunately he started dealing drugs and got shot by some dudes who owed him money. real sad story.
One of my best friends, the woman whom I compare all the women in my life to, died in car accident in 2005. I honestly thought I would end up marrying her.
My grandmother.  Died from complications from pneumonia at the age of 80.  She passed away the day I had to come home from Easter break.

Sorry about your loss, man.
My favorite cousin died nearly a year ago to the day. He lost a year-long battle with cancer that started in his knee and spread up to his lung.

Worst part was that he was only 32 years old with a great accounting job in Chicago, and he had just finished his master's. He was also engaged to a great girl that tried to marry him before he died, but he was unconscious and unresponsive.

It's still incredibly hard for me to even think about it. There's so many things about the situation that I'll remember for the rest of my life, including seeing my dad cry for the first time ever. I'll always remember giving the eulogy at the funeral at 20 years old and feeling like I grew up into an adult then and there.

I need to stop typing or I'll cry. I can't even imagine losing someone like a sibling or a parent... it would ruin me. For the people posting above me that lost someone like that, my respect for you is through the roof. Your strength is incredibly admirable.

Did the situation change your views on God? I thought maybe I would turn to Him in my struggle, but I only became more bitter. I couldn't find any reason why a loving God would put my family through so much pain. Do you guys have any thoughts on this?

OP sorry to hear about your loss.

I lost my high school football coach May 20th of my senior year. even though he wasn't related to me it was a very hard time for me and everyone on my team.
My uncle. He was just turning 29, I believe. I don't even wanna describe it. I just hope his soul found peace.

My grandfather. I don't remember much about him, but I always felt like he's watching over me.

One of my newer cousins (through marriage.) He was more like an uncle, but in the south, everyone is your cousin.
He died due to the complications from a motorcycle accident. It was crazy. It seemed like the week before, he was responsive. In pain, but he was talking and everything. Then they do one "simple" procedure, everything goes to hell, and there's nothing else they can do.
He was one of the few older dudes in my family that I could really be myself around. A lot more like a friend, a really cool dude. I'm mad I didn't get to know him better, I'd always chill with my younger cousins.

RIP Ray, Dicky, and Derek.
My grandfather, which is has not pass on yet is on life support as we speak.

He was diagnosed with respiratory cancer two years ago and the cancer finally caught up with him.

Now, my mother have to decide if we should pull the plug or not.

If she doesn't, he'll suffer, if she decides to pull the plug, she would have to live with the thought of taking her father's life.
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