NT Will I Lose My Virginity In College. Vol 1

Jul 20, 2012
Aite NT im 18 years old and i will be going away to college in little over a month.

what should i bring to my dorm fam?

-how much clothes should i bring?

-how do i get the yambs?

also feel free to drop any extra tips in general, or things you would of wished you knew when you were an incoming freshman.
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If you are alive and have a functioning central nervous system...you will get laid within your first month while at college. You will stumble into it. You would almost have to be going out of your way trying to avoid it to not have sex. Good luck and enjoy.
Aite NT im 18 years old and i will be going away to college in little over a month.

what should i bring to my dorm fam?
-how much clothes should i bring?

-how do i get the yambs?

also feel free to drop any extra tips in general, or things you would of wished you knew when you were an incoming freshman.


its easier to smash than in high school

pick 1 girl, and do you. you don't even gotta date em bruh. freshman college girls are too easy.

and strap up, probably number 1 rule.
Where do you stand with females OP? Are you scared you intimidated by them? What college you going to, because not all colleges are off the wall.

My advice is WIO or RIP
i smashed the second night of college :pimp: :pimp:

get her back to the room, get her naked and just slip her a condom she will know what to do :evil: :pimp:
Where do you stand with females OP? Are you scared you intimidated by them? What college you going to, because not all colleges are off the wall.
My advice is WIO or RIP
Not really intimidated, i was being a simp and saving myself for her in highschool. im going to a decent party school.
do i have to bring condoms or do they give them out at school for free?

didnt wanna ask at my orientation. 
Bring condoms man

When I was getting my first college yambs I remember I had no rubbers

Had a _ standing behind a door butt naked opening a little crack in the door so my homie could slip me a "jimmy hat"
(known him less than a week, now best of friends 4+ years later)

never forget bros before ****
At the health clinic on campus, they usually give out free condoms. Be safe, and have a blast. Miss those days in college, best years of my life.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let me help you dog. I'll address each question.

do i have to bring condoms or do they give them out at school for free?

Depends on the school. I go to a private catholic university, so they preach abstinence. If your school has a clinic, stop by there and you should be able to pick some up. Otherwise, hit up google and look for the nearest clinic. You'll find some for free there. And oh, don't use a brand called LifeStyles. You will regret it 9 months later, you dig?

what should i bring to my dorm fam?

If you have any roommates, coordinate with him/them. Try to hit him/her up on facebook/email/etc and decide who is going to bring stuff like the TV, Xbox/PS3, Couch(es,) microwave, etc. Some of that stuff might be provided by your school so check, otherwise you should figure out what you'll be responsible for bringing and go ahead and do that.

how much clothes should i bring?

Here's what I did. I flipped all the hangers in my closet around, and anytime I would wear something I would flip the hanger back over. I took everything that I had worn, and all of the miscellaneous stuff (like hoodies, coats, etc) that I knew I would need. Two suitcases should be more than enough to get you by in the first semester at least. Plus, if you attend all the orientation events and stuff, you'll have more free tshirts than you'll know what to do with.

how do i get the yambs?

Do you have a pulse? Can you talk? That's about half the battle right there. A lot of the girls at your school will probably be itching to **** out because they are on their own for the first time in their life. Be social during orientation/first week of classes. Spark up random convos. Know anyone else at the school? Meet the people they know. And ask broads for their number. Better yet, give yours away whenever possible. Find out what houses are popping around campus and make nice with the people living there. Be social at parties and the yambs will basically fall in your lap.

If all else fails, you can put those study buddy hours in and get at females that way. Just make sure you don't get wifed up with nothing unless she's a dime. And even then, she can wait till Sophomore year.

Just advice in general?
-Know your limits when it comes to alcohol. Every freshman has a couple of rough nights, but you don't want to be known as "that dude who always blacks out and pukes on people's couches," y'know?

-Be social. Get out of your comfort zone. Introduce yourself to strangers. Spark up random conversations with people. Don't be fake about it, but really put yourself out there. It will open a lot of opportunities for you (jobs, yambs, etc.)

-Don't listen to your academic counselor. Chances are you got set up with a counselor that works with freshmen, so they'll be telling you BS like "You should get your general courses done first, so take Math x English x History x Science and don't worry about your 'major' classes until junior year." Don't listen. You're paying. Take the classes you want.

-You'll have a lot of free time. You should be spending at least 1/4th of that studying, if not more. Don't fall into the trap of waiting until the last day to do work. This is college. It won't work for you for long. Party hard, study harder.

-Don't dress like you're in HS anymore. Just... trust me.

-Befriend some upperclassmen. They will put you on game if you aren't a complete loser.
Originally Posted by Gus Fring  

-how do i get the yambs?
I was hoping that word would die with the old NT.

Good luck OP.

My goal this year is to smash with my foams on after hearing the Slutty Boyz talk about it in their song
do i have to bring condoms or do they give them out at school for free?

didnt wanna ask at my orientation. 
Just bring them.  I don't even know where I would get some on campus.

A fridge and microwave would help out a lot, work that out with your roommate though, if you have one, like one person brings one or you guys go half on both.  Bring a TV if you get cable in your room.

As for clothes, bring whatever you normally wear and then bring a pair of slacks, dress shoes, white button-up, and a tie, just in-case.  Bring a sweater and jacket too.

If you have a communal bathroom, where everyone on the floor uses the same toilets/shower, then bring a pair of flip-flops to shower in.  Some dudes are disgusting and you definitely don't wanna walk in there barefoot.  Of course, bring your toiletries.

That covers most of the stuff you'll need, the rest is your school supplies...
dont listen to these ******...live your own life don't let anybody tell you how you should be living..cause most people are ******g stupid...college is the time to separate yourself from the crabs in the bucket
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