NT Will I Lose My Virginity In College. Vol 1

College in the States sounds so dope 
Update: Got my rubbers in the mail

Tryed one on for the first time EverythingWentBetterThanExpected

8 more days till my move in

Will update once i get dem yambs
Update: Got my rubbers in the mail

Tryed one on for the first time EverythingWentBetterThanExpected

8 more days till my move in

Will update once i get dem yambs
Son is ready! What brand you get? Better not be lifestyles. Putting a rubber on the first time you get a chick naked might not go smooth, no matter how many times you practiced before. It's a simple process but one that can be complicated when you're a rookie, not sober or too excited.
You think you have it bad fam, I'm almost 23 go to college full time and girls don't even notice me or give me the time of day and  never had any yambs it bothered me for a while , now I over it (kind of). Now I'm just focused on getting my degree and enjoy just being a college student . 
You sound boring as hell. College is about what, learning? Definitely not.
The most important thing that comes from college is networking. And you're not going to be doing that sitting at home studying when you can be meeting people, doing keg stands, laughing, enjoying your life. It's a 4 year vacation that I truly miss. But I'm onto bigger and better things now.
I like how you said you're giving him genuine advice when all you've said was everyone who suggests having fun at college is an idiott. You should be a maturing adult who abstains from alcohol and sex so you can be hipster cooler than your peers.
I already landed my job out of school and I'm ******g happy what I'm doing, making great money. And all I need is about 2-4 years at this place and I'll be seeing a bump between 15-20 thousand on my salary. So keep talking about the future, I'm living in the now. I'd love an annual report on your success, cause I'd love to clown you every year.
check it bro, you can be like smooth over here. and money tells me he was nothing like this person he wants you to be in college. And be different for the sake of being different
Or you can enjoy the vices of life such as alcohol and sex while you still can. Because once you graduate, the real world starts and you don't have time for all the fun and games.
Drink. Drink some more. Do some keg stands. finger girls on the dance floor. Hook up with a new girl every week. Stay up all night sunday for a paper you should've done before you went out. **** it don't even do the paper, make up an excuse and get an extension. Just make sure you handle your business during the week so the weekend you can just chill and party it up.
Actually college is about free market capitalism and ways to earn money. Whether it be in medicine, education, finances etc. It is based on an old 19th  century concept of time proficiency. It is a scam to take peoples money. ( Wont go into detail unless asked, im sure people know whats up).
I really don't give a flying **** what y'all have to say about what I have to say because I KNOW what I'm saying has weight to it. :lol:

These days, most people at the University don't belong there...they aren't there to learn...they are there to party and socialize. I can admit that I looked forward to that life but I am blessed enough to have seen through it even though I THOUGHT I wanted it. Look at the state of our country in the context of the larger world, it is filled with ignorance and foolishness...take your *** to a tech school and learn a mechanical trade and stop wasting time, resources, and space by attending institutions of higher learning if your not a true student.

I swear people these days are antagonistic to knowledge and it's completely contradictory to be that way....philosophy means the LOVE of knowledge. Where is the will to learn anymore? So many people are focused on the unimportant things like chasing ******. Go ahead and have them! I'll chase my own success and the betterment of the overall condition.

I may sound a little crazy but I'm just devoted to what I believe in....and I can't compromise that for whats taking place in this country at all.

These dudes want to talk about money and med school. **** your money **** your discriminate corporate jobs and **** med school. This country is largely made up of middle class laboring people who work their ***** off for meager wages to send their kids to school. This entire system has already fell flat on it's face. Society needs to make adjustments while it still can because the conventional European ways of thinking are simply severely insane and off base...you western European people are ******g ruining everything you touch...you privatize everything like the world is YOUR property...you make up all the rules so you can bend and break them in YOUR favor..and then you give people advice like this so the cycle perpetually continues with you *** holes as societies patriarchs and beneficiaries. :x :smh:

I'm wholeheartedly against it and if I can give young people entering college who had expectations like me to see through this bull **** I will definitely do that no holds barred.

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I really don't give a flying **** what y'all have to say about what I have to say because I KNOW what I'm saying has weight to it.

These days, most people at the University don't belong there...they aren't there to learn...they are there to party and socialize. I can admit that I looked forward to that life but I am blessed enough to have seen through it even though I THOUGHT I wanted it. Look at the state of our country in the context of the larger world, it is filled with ignorance and foolishness...take your *** to a tech school and learn a mechanical trade and stop wasting time, resources, and space by attending institutions of higher learning if your not a true student.
I swear people these days are antagonistic to knowledge and it's completely contradictory to be that way....philosophy means the LOVE of knowledge. Where is the will to learn anymore? So many people are focused on the unimportant things like chasing ******. Go ahead and have them! I'll chase my own success and the betterment of the overall condition.
I may sound a little crazy but I'm just devoted to what I believe in....and I can't compromise that for whats taking place in this country at all.
These dudes want to talk about money and med school. **** your money **** your discriminate corporate jobs and **** med school. This country is largely made up of middle class laboring people who work their ***** off for meager wages to send their kids to school. This entire system has already fell flat on it's face. Society needs to make adjustments while it still can because the conventional European ways of thinking are simply severely insane and off base...you western European people are ******g ruining everything you touch...you privatize everything like the world is YOUR property...you make up all the rules so you can bend and break them in YOUR favor..and then you give people advice like this so the cycle perpetually continues with you *** holes as societies patriarchs and beneficiaries.

I'm wholeheartedly against it and if I can give young people entering college who had expectations like me to see through this bull **** I will definitely do that no holds barred.
Amen my brother. Yet I strongly disagree with a few of your points. The attainment  of knowledge is not found in the academia, but rather outside of the classroom. We live in a society that purposes and supports false mathematics, sciences, religion, and history. Since the advent rise of the computer we now live in a world were the worlds knowledge is at our fingertips. I do agree about working hard in school. Many people waist tax payer money which could be used to help those who honestly want to improve their living conditions.

With the recent budgets cuts it is a shame how my brothers and sisters( black n latino) are wasting valuable classroom space. Which honestly can be used for a person who whole heartedly wants to attend send class. Yet, was not able to because some clowns who wanted financial aid money only added the class just to drop a month later.
Join a frat too

nah; frats are LAME (seen so many of these clowns catch fade when they're dolo because after dudes pledge, they think they're high & mighty and can talk to anybody any way they want. THINK AGAIN)

you can get plenty buns without pledging (I had offers from peeps in a few classes to pledge, but the idea of frats were always corny to me because real people have REAL FRIENDS before going to college)

to each his own tho
Do you got foams?
Do you got a gold chain?
Do you got a snap back?

What school u headed to?? from my experience if u are an out of towners local chicks will find u exotic like a forbidden fruit

i smashed a bigoltiti white chick my first week ahhhhh those were the days lol
^ man you aint NEVER lied! I was going to Del State for like 2 semesters (long story) before I transferred...but I'm originally from Cali, so when broads seen me on campus with my SBs, older retro Js, Diamond, & Hundreds gear? they flocked to me with the yambs on a silver platter

had a badd Puerto Rican broad that would send me n00dz in class & ish, a slim black/Dominican joint from Harlem, and a tig ole bitty white chick THAT HAD A MAN but lemme smash on the regular cuz he'd always argue wit her :lol:

I miss those days :smh:
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Gus Fringe ...

B smooth... bruh ...

You sound jaded as hell famb...
If anything he is the only one offering valuable advice. Outrageous to see Mcdonalds workers offer college advice when their only false experience in college is the movies they see.
If anything he is the only one offering valuable advice. Outrageous to see Mcdonalds workers offer college advice when their only false experience in college is the movies they see.
well, i may be a cog in the system... but where i'm trying to get to, you need some kind of degree...

you may be dumb as hell... but there's a limit of how high you can ascend if you're not going to get a college degree.

and for those that do... they are REALLY special people, or dont work inside of a corporation...

b-smooth made it seem like attend, a trade school, and go start working your mediocre job in your mediocre life...

he also made it seem like EVERYONE ON HERE is saying "college degree = set for life"... and no one is saying that...

but lettuce be cereal here... you're not even getting looked at for a large majority of meaningful jobs without some kind of 4 year degree... i know we all like to say "its a system to extrapolate money" and "your degree is worthless"...

whatever... college degrees, like everything else, is what you make of it.
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