NT Will I Lose My Virginity In College. Vol 1

Just don't be scared. Have 3-4 drinks and approach. Biggest issues will be over drinking and you getting scared to approach and go for it. I'd also recommend going for some less attractive girls until you get confident.
This thread is about trolls. I would becareful of STDs. Most people have a few nights of fun, but a liftetime of worries.
Aite NT im 18 years old and i will be going away to college in little over a month.

what should i bring to my dorm fam?
-how much clothes should i bring?

-how do i get the yambs?

also feel free to drop any extra tips in general, or things you would of wished you knew when you were an incoming freshman.

dude, here's some practical advice...

surround yourself with alcohol & drunk girls...you will get laid
it'll take 10 attempts max - and requires no game

key point - alcohol

thank me later
Itll happen man, it definitely wont if you just sit at home though, when you get there, eespecially at dorms, just enjoy whats around you, talk to the girls on your floor and stuff like that. Just doing something like a "party"(aka alcohol and someones laptop on pandorta), movie night, or even games like poker. Youll get girls over and you just gotta talk to them,, alcohol defnitely helps, both you and her drinking, if youre nervous. But after it happens the first time youll see how easy it was.

As long as you dont look like a gnome, and dont freeze up talking youll get it. Its really not that hard man. its all about portraying confidence even when youre not.

And a basic tip, dont wait or beat around the bush, if she has a boyfriend and youre trying to stick around till thats done youll kill yourself waiting. If shes single and youre trying to get to know her before you make it clear youre into her thats a bad thing too. You gotta make it clear from the start what you want. The first time i straight up told a girl, i think youre hot, i been feeling you, etc. i literally got it the next day lol.
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hopefully the homie WISEPHARAOH made the switch to this new NT.. he's def needed in this thread :lol:
During the week
- do your hw, & study hard
- plan out your year, and work on internships for the summer
- put in work with chick u like (but not too much)

- get fresh
- go to party, get wasted
- take joints back to dorm, strap up

Wash, rinse, repeat.
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