NTers on your campus Vol. Is that what we really look like

FAMU... never met any nter's in person but i've talked to a few in the tally area on here.
FAMU... never met any nter's in person but i've talked to a few in the tally area on here.
I know theres some cats down here, dont htink Ive ever seen them in person though. Seems like most people rockin jays are on the basketball team, the dining hall employees stay commenting on my shoes though haha
I know theres some cats down here, dont htink Ive ever seen them in person though. Seems like most people rockin jays are on the basketball team, the dining hall employees stay commenting on my shoes though haha
Originally Posted by HJDM

UC Riverside? 

i know there's a few, every now and then see someone on general in Rivera


Graduated last year C/O 10
I'm pretty sure no one at my school is on here. I've seen some kicks but no one is privy to this NT existence. Bunch of off-topic mofos.
I'm pretty sure no one at my school is on here. I've seen some kicks but no one is privy to this NT existence. Bunch of off-topic mofos.
I'm sure there is a few on here. I know there some repping the beavs I see them posting in S&T. IDK if they be on capmus though. 
I'm sure there is a few on here. I know there some repping the beavs I see them posting in S&T. IDK if they be on capmus though. 
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