NTers, post your ghost experiences and weird stuff you have seen or have noticed...

*long sigh*

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Dammit- it's daytime right now and hella bright outside, and i'm still shook! LOL

I'm hooked on reading these stories though....
I never experienced anything personally, but i have aunt who claims that there are Gnomes in her home who constantly mess with her. I asked her if instead they might be ghosts and she said she personally has seen them. I still think shes trippin!

That's the thing... until this day, I don't know.
I really thought it was my little sister, of course I didn't see her face because her back was facing me, so I couldn't see her face only the back of her head... and that I was half asleep.
Ugghhh... I just myself shivers typing this.

Something similar happened to my cousin over in the Philippines.

Except it was with her little 12 year old brother.
She woke up to walk to the bathroom one time in the middle of the night. She passed by the room where her 2 little brothers were sleeping. She noticed that both of them were sleeping but it was dark enough that she couldn't see their faces but she was able to make out both of her brothers sleeping in bed. Once she reaches the bathroom, the older of the two brothers comes out and she screams like hell. She asks "What are you doing here!? I just saw you sleeping in your room!" She runs back to their room and notices that only the youngest of the two were in the room.

two instances.
  1. When I was younger, like 9 or 10 i swore i saw death collecting souls of the dead gangsters in my neighborhood. he had glowing red eyes a smokey body and the bottom of him/ it was just fog. he was sailing across the broken pavement just bringing in all these red colored souls/ spirits/ whisps?? he looked at me and i hid i was so afraid, when i looked back out he had disappeared.
  2. When i was 11 or 12 yo, we moved into this house a lady had died in. there were a few weird things here. one, is there was a centipede infestation, the fridge made eggs go bad with no explanation (with black goo in them), cats always died out back in a pile we had to clean like every week, and one room felt like the gravity was heavier in it and it had no windows. what finally freaked me out was when me and my baby sister went to draw on the windows because it was cold outside, our drawing lines were being thorned (like a rose stem) and drawn wider then out little finger were able to. sometimes the lines drew out farther then we could reach with our little arms in a straight line
we finally were like...
Ill share. Back in DR me and my brother would stay up late in the living room using the pc. (back in the day) then one night hes on it it's around 3 am and the pc is next to door way that leads to the family room and we both see this white figure just standing there. And it just turns around and disappears we just look at each other shook as hell. Then the next morning we asked this dude thats the house keeper that lived with us he saw anything that night he said he saw the same thing and chased it across our backyard till it went thru a wall. Ill never forget that i still get chills down my spine. I forgot to add. I have this memory that we held a viewing in said family room(pretty big house) but i dont know if this really occurred or just a dream. Which would explain the ghost.

Another occasion our power went out (my dominican nters know wassup) and they went to turn,on the power plant that we had to power the house when this happened . Mind you no electricity in the entire house while this is happening, my brothers light turned on randomly im by the switch next to the door and i hit the switch on and off and it stayed on after a few seconds it turned off by itself. We were shook as hell.

Last but not least back in NYC all my family members frequented my grandmas crib. One of my cousins passed away and at night you could hear him passing thru,the kitchen touching all the plates and whatnot my grandma would tell me its just him dont worry. Everybody knew it was him cause he would do that. I would be scared to sleep at her apartment still am till this day even though i lived with her for a few years.
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this happened to me a little over a year and a half ago, but i've only told this to my chic and now, NT. it was a sunday night and i lied down to catch some Zzz's cause i had to be at work early the next morning. i was in bed alone, the room was dark except for the flickering light from the t.v. onto wall of the hall in front of the open bedroom door. on the adjacent wall to the bedroom door is the master bathroom which was also open, so of course the lights were out in there too.

i have strange habits while i sleep. i toss and turn every 2 to 3 hours, i laugh at stuff in my dreams, there's the occasional nut scratching, the accidental flatulence, etc. the one thing i do now that i didn't start doing until about 5 or 6 years ago was awaken from my sleep, look around the bedroom at any open door way, notice no one is there, then go back to sleep.

well this night, i awoken and figured a few hours had past because now the hall way was dark and there was no sound or light coming from the living room, so i assumed my girl was behind me in bed asleep now. i remember i was lying on my left side and noticed a white org about four or five feet above me just over my feet. it moved away from me like i startled it when i woke up. it then rapidly moved to it's right, ducked under the open bathroom doorway and shot up into the bathroom ceiling. when it went into the ceiling, the orb lit up the ceiling in a vibrant white light that seemed to pulsate as the orb entered it (i can only liken it to MJ's billie jean video where he steps on the sidewalk and the blocks lit up, and as he steps off, they darken and go back to normal).
the orb was maybe an inch or two in diameter, that i could see. while in the bedroom, it was bright enough to be seen in the dark room, but it didn't illuminate the walls or ceiling, if that makes sense. after seeing it disappear into the bathroom ceiling, i remember thinking that it was going to pay a visit to my upstairs neighbor.

my conflict with this is, i can't help but to think this was just some elaborate dream. i didn't bother to get out of bed to examine the sighting cause i didn't want to miss out on sleep so i could be fresh for work the next morning, i never even woke up my girl to see if she saw the same thing, i totally reacted like it was a normal occurrence and just went back to sleep, like i was in a trance or something.

there are a couple of reasons why i don't think it was a dream. one reason being, this would have been the first dream i've ever had that i dreamt that i woke up, experienced a short dream, and then went back to sleep in the same dream. lol
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