NTers that are Expecting vol. 1st time fathers

One day I'll make a thread like this. The right girl'a gotta come along first. :pimp: to all of you that take care of your families. Good fathers get my respect.
Got a son.. Like others have said its rough at first but it's so rewarding and great watching them grow and learn something new everyday. I used to chill all the time on days off or right after work. Now it's mostly with him when I'm not at work and his mom is working. You forget about sleep and you learn to nap when they do :lol:

congrats I know the feeling all too well. My son is 3 now. You don't really feel like a dad until the baby comes out and you hold him/her in your hands. Get sleep now because for the first 2 years those little people won't sleep through the night.

and for the nap thing Carver is totally right haha at first when my son was born I would stay up all night just to watch him sleep. I realized why the **** am I doing this? lol Sleep when the baby sleeps. It sounds so simple but when your going thru it, it doesn't even cross your mind. My son is making art stuff in preschool now honestly almost shed a tear when I picked him up and he showed me this:

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they honestly grow fast. Take alot of pictures/video.
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That's no lie.. When people say they grow up so quickly it's no bs. I remember bringing little dude home from the hospital like it was yesterday..I remember being nervous as hell not being able to call a nurse when we had a question :lol:

Agree pictures and videos I think I have like 5k photos on my phone from the first 6 months.. The videos I save em on my computer and delete them off my phone cause them joints take up mad space
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I have a 5 month old daughter and I must say, i love her to death!

We all know that kids already know who mommy is, but she's starting to get to know me too! (finally!)

When I get home from work, my wife says 'Look! there's daddy!" and points her towards me- and babygirl looks at me and smiles and giggles. Ain't no better feeling than that right there man.... :smokin :D

quick question though, how often to babies sleeping patterns change? She used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours straight during the night but the past two weeks she wakes up every hour on the hour (like she doesn't wanna miss a number on the clock lol). sometimes she feeds a lot, sometimes she takes a few sips from the bottle, sometimes she just wants to be patted to sleep. What gives? is she too young to be teething? that's what my guess is.....
I have a 5 month old daughter and I must say, i love her to death!

We all know that kids already know who mommy is, but she's starting to get to know me too! (finally!)

When I get home from work, my wife says 'Look! there's daddy!" and points her towards me- and babygirl looks at me and smiles and giggles. Ain't no better feeling than that right there man....

quick question though, how often to babies sleeping patterns change? She used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours straight during the night but the past two weeks she wakes up every hour on the hour (like she doesn't wanna miss a number on the clock lol). sometimes she feeds a lot, sometimes she takes a few sips from the bottle, sometimes she just wants to be patted to sleep. What gives? is she too young to be teething? that's what my guess is.....
if she's having trouble sleeping and she's not sick, she's probably starting to get some teeth!

If she's sleeping a bit more and eating a lot its probably a growth spurt she's working on!

is she sleeping in her own crib and room?
Man.. you guys making me feel like a million bucks, forreal. We are actually doing a co-ed baby shower around early Dec. it's going to be Christmas themed, slightly. We already have clothes on top of clothes for like the entire first year of his life :lol:

My girl and I both work during the day. I think she's going to switch her shift to a later shift and work 5-10 pm.

Fellas, how are you with watching new borns? Were you scared to hold him/ her at first? And what types of things do you do when you watch them? Have cartoons playing? Keep the TV low, playing GTAV? :lol:

Congrats to all my fellow expecting fathers, and to the current fathers doing their job. I like that quote "Anyone can make a baby, not everyone can be a father" :pimp:
Baby will be here March 1st. Found out yesterday it is a boy! I am beyond excited. I have nephews that are young so i was able to "practice" with them from the start. I know it's a completely different ball game with your own though lol. I'm looking forward to being a dad.
Man.. you guys making me feel like a million bucks, forreal. We are actually doing a co-ed baby shower around early Dec. it's going to be Christmas themed, slightly. We already have clothes on top of clothes for like the entire first year of his life :lol:

My girl and I both work during the day. I think she's going to switch her shift to a later shift and work 5-10 pm.

Fellas, how are you with watching new borns? Were you scared to hold him/ her at first? And what types of things do you do when you watch them? Have cartoons playing? Keep the TV low, playing GTAV? :lol:

Congrats to all my fellow expecting fathers, and to the current fathers doing their job. I like that quote "Anyone can make a baby, not everyone can be a father" :pimp:
When he was younger nd just use to lay down I used to play games and watched tv when he was up and play with him counting and whatnot and giving him the ol tummy time from time to time..They don't really pay attention to the tv that early so I didn't even throw on cartoons. Now that he's a little older and since getting him the walker I'd throw him in there until he gets tired :lol: dude has a blast in that thing.. It's funny watching him not know how to move in that thing at first, to now being an expert and going all around the house :smh: grabbing and pulling everything in site
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I have a 5 month old daughter and I must say, i love her to death!

We all know that kids already know who mommy is, but she's starting to get to know me too! (finally!)

When I get home from work, my wife says 'Look! there's daddy!" and points her towards me- and babygirl looks at me and smiles and giggles. Ain't no better feeling than that right there man....

quick question though, how often to babies sleeping patterns change? She used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours straight during the night but the past two weeks she wakes up every hour on the hour (like she doesn't wanna miss a number on the clock lol). sometimes she feeds a lot, sometimes she takes a few sips from the bottle, sometimes she just wants to be patted to sleep. What gives? is she too young to be teething? that's what my guess is.....
if she's having trouble sleeping and she's not sick, she's probably starting to get some teeth!

If she's sleeping a bit more and eating a lot its probably a growth spurt she's working on!

is she sleeping in her own crib and room?
Cosign. Ours is a bit younger, but he's been sleeping for 9-11 hrs/night and taking 1-3 hr naps during the day. If there's one tip that saved our sanity, it was learning to cluster feed him 3 hrs. before bed. Whether your baby wants it or not, have mom feed them every hour. That way their stomach is full and they're a little drowsy too. If I feed him a little bit with some warm milk, he goes out like a light!
lots of good advice in here.

definitely grab that costco or sams club membership. buying diapers in bulk is so much cheaper in the long run.

also, dont keep score when it comes to changing diapers or waking up with your kid in the middle of the night. enjoy every minute cause they grow up FAST.
lots of good advice in here.

definitely grab that costco or sams club membership. buying diapers in bulk is so much cheaper in the long run.

also, dont keep score when it comes to changing diapers or waking up with your kid in the middle of the night. enjoy every minute cause they grow up FAST.
Amazon mom too. Same as Prime, but you get discounts on diapers too and they're on auto renewal every month (or two depending how often you need them). Bonus, you can stream shows/movies for the mid night feedings.

If you have an iOS device, download the Total Baby app. GREAT app for keeping track of your baby. It makes tracking baby's intake/output/sleep SUPER easy and comes in handy when going to the doctor. It's pretty easy to lose track of the last time baby ate or was changed during the first month and this helped us A LOT. You can sync the information between to devices, or email your baby's stats to the doctor if you have a question or worry. Bonus, there is a chart to track trends with your baby so you can determine when they like to eat and sleep so you can start planning your day once trends emerge after the first month.
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if she's having trouble sleeping and she's not sick, she's probably starting to get some teeth!

If she's sleeping a bit more and eating a lot its probably a growth spurt she's working on!

is she sleeping in her own crib and room?

Cosign. Ours is a bit younger, but he's been sleeping for 9-11 hrs/night and taking 1-3 hr naps during the day. If there's one tip that saved our sanity, it was learning to cluster feed him 3 hrs. before bed. Whether your baby wants it or not, have mom feed them every hour. That way their stomach is full and they're a little drowsy too. If I feed him a little bit with some warm milk, he goes out like a light!

I think she already went through her growth spurt. she's probably just gettin some teeth! she doesn't sleep in her own room yet, but we have a co-sleeper right next to the bed. she stays there until she fusses and then my wife puts her in the bed with us.
1. Don't take things seriously if your girl has a pregnancy moment. There are a lot of them and sometimes you just have to bite your tongue. Also, be ready to support your girl through the ups/downs following the pregnancy. Her body will not be the same and you'll hear about it. Just be as supportive as possibel.

2. Keep a hospital bag packed. Short story....my girl had a Dr's appointment on 1/31/12 at 5 in the afternoon. Doctor said everything looked great and the baby should be here on time (2/23). I was thinking this was great because we now had time to squeeze in a birthing class and get this car seat put in. Her water ended up breaking at 3 in the morning on 2/1. :lol: The only thing we had ready to go was the hospital bag. Everything was a blur after that.

3. Speaking of the hospital, go on your visit early. Get a feel of where you'll be during the delivery and 2 day stay.

man i must have got lucky on a lot of fronts. i didnt pack a bag until after my wifes due date passed. even then, its not like i really needed to pack early. my wife has a pretty high tolerance so we waited a good bit before we decided to go to the hospital. Her water broke at like 330am but she didnt even bother to wake me up. I got up at 630-7a to get ready for work like normal, and she turns to me and says "yea, i dont think youre goin to the office today". After I woke up, we had enough time to get our gear together, run out to get some coffee, call our dog sitter to come pick up our dog, and even get some breakfast (she wanted to eat because she knew the nurses wouldnt let her grub once she was admitted).

quick question though, how often to babies sleeping patterns change? She used to be able to sleep 4-5 hours straight during the night but the past two weeks she wakes up every hour on the hour (like she doesn't wanna miss a number on the clock lol). sometimes she feeds a lot, sometimes she takes a few sips from the bottle, sometimes she just wants to be patted to sleep. What gives? is she too young to be teething? that's what my guess is.....

i feel your pain brother. my little girl is almost 4 months old. At 2 months she was sleepin pretty good, rippin off 4-5 hr sessions each night, but the last month has been ROUGH. It was right after she turned 3 months her sleeping got all out of whack. She refused to fall stay asleep in her crib (only liked sleeping when we were holding her) and she was waking up every hour or every 2 hours, refused to nap during the day, and me and my wife were both just exhausted. The last week and a half has gotten better as we finally gave in and let her cry it out a bit. We will usually let her cry it out for 5 minutes, then come in to calm her down before letting her cry for another 5 min, then repeat, until she will finally fall asleep. Now she wakes up every 3 hrs without fail. I guess every 3 hrs is better than every hour.

Keep the TV low, playing GTAV? :lol:

man i thought having a baby was gonna be a breeze. I figured what the heck, its a newborn, she cant do anything anyways. Imma just put her in her basinet while i watch TV or play games. NOPE. Watching a baby is a full time gig man, its exhausting. My TV time has been cut back by like 75-85% easy. Ive been struggling to clock hours on GTA V, but thankfully my wife is very understanding (about my video game addiction). Im not against my little girl watching TV with me, maybe Im just a bad parent. My daughter will sometimes sit with me (or will allow me to hold her and stand) while we watch UFC or Football. Unfortuantely, I cant do something that requires my full attention (like play GTA V) if I have my baby with me cause she requires full attention at all times. I'll try to get some time in after I put her down to sleep, but then its a battle. GTA V or SLEEP? Not gonna lie, ive skipped on playing games to go to bed at 830p because I was so exhausted.

I think everyones experience is a bit different, but here are some things that have come up for me with the childbirth and first 4 months of parenthood.

- bring something to entertain yourself at the hospital. seriously. Thankfully, my wifes labor (up until the very end that is) was fairly easy and smooth. She was chillin the bed playing candy crush most of time (when she wasnt napping), while I was playing games on the ipad or watching episodes of The Wire on HBO Go. If your girl is going all natural with no epidural, then it will probably be way different as there is no way in hell that she will be able to nap or play games or do anything but SUFFER without the meds.

- TEST YOUR BABY SEAT BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE HOSPITAL. My man... i cant stress this enough. I thought I was the only dummy, but apparently it is a common problem for new dads. For liability reasons, your hospital will probably require your wife to be discharged from the hospital while being rolled out in a wheelchair carrying your child in her arms. That means you cant pre-load your kid in the car seat before you get to your car. Man, it was a nightmare for me having to try and adjust the car seat on the spot in the parking lot with a crying newborn baby and annoyed wife. It was a total pain in the butt. Bring your car seat into the hospital room with you (not necesarily when you check in, but at some point before you check out). Try putting your baby in it and adjust all the straps and what not so that your baby fits comfortably. Then when you get to the car to go home for the first time, it will be easy loading your kid and the seat and being on your way.

- you might want to re-evaluate your nighttime scheduling with your girl. My wife is constantly tired and I try to help out as much as I can (in terms of getting up at night) but it kinda doesnt work because my **** dont make milk. if your girl is not going to breast feed, you wont have this issue, but if she is going to breastfeed then she is going to have to get up everytime to feed, so its not like you can just tag in and substitute for that. Even if you guys choose to feed breast milk out of a bottle, she is still going to have to get up in the middle of the night (sometimes more than once) just to pump. managing breast milk supplies is a pain in the ***, but basically, the more regularly she feeds/pumps, the more breast milk supply you guys will have to feed the baby. It sucks, but my sleep is a lot more consistent (at the expense of my wife's) since I dont have to get up everytime to feed.

- related to the last point, both of you guys getting up together to check on the baby is only going to result in 2 exhausted parents. at first its going to be hard because youre going to want to be by your baby's side staring at him/her 24 hrs a day, but you gotta clock sleep any chance you get. if you do work out some sort of system where you and your girl can alternate on whos turn it is to check on the baby, do it. no sense in both getting up and not sleeping.
:lol: I get in my GTAV after 7pm...

One bit of advice...keep a schedule! Babies thrive on routines.

Also, read to your child every single night. Doesn't matter how young they are. They'll pick up on language very quickly.
:lol: I get in my GTAV after 7pm...

One bit of advice...keep a schedule! Babies thrive on routines.

Also, read to your child every single night. Doesn't matter how young they are. They'll pick up on language very quickly.

hahahaha yea, wifes been pressin me bout staying on the routine, especially at night. i should probably put my baby down earlier, but since i dont get home until 7:15-7:20 on days that I go to the gym after work, I want that 10 minutes of time with her before we start her nighttime routine at 730p. for us its lotion regimen (poor thing has bad baby eczema), pajamas, read book, feed, then sleep time.

then routine for me kicks in too. after shes down, its go downstairs, smoke a bowl, turn on PS3 and play GTA until I'm ready for bed.

sex? who needs sex? i got GTA V. my married brethren understand.
my son just made 8 months. my whole approach to life is different now. very rarely do i buy something for myself. everything i do is for my son and gf. we have him in one of of the best daycare centers. i'm broke and have never been happier in my life. congrats to you OP! the advice in here is on the money. get ready for a fantastic adventure.
I get in my GTAV after 7pm...

One bit of advice...keep a schedule! Babies thrive on routines.

Also, read to your child every single night. Doesn't matter how young they are. They'll pick up on language very quickly.
Can't say this enough.. ever since we got him in a routine the days and nights have been 1000x easier.

His naps during the day are all around the same time.. and we lay him down for bed the same time everyday and it has been so much better sleeping throughout the night 
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I strongly advise agaisnt having kids

the routine

Meet girl-have baby-girl father break up-girl wont let father see kid-girl put father on child support-father pissed he paying over $100 a week- father rinse and repeat with another girl- baby mama lives the good life
I strongly advise agaisnt having kids

the routine

Meet girl-have baby-girl father break up-girl wont let father see kid-girl put father on child support-father pissed he paying over $100 a week- father rinse and repeat with another girl- baby mama lives the good life

this is what usually happens lol, but at the same time we choose the mother of our kids l
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