NT'ers That Stink, Do You Know You Stink?


Apr 5, 2010
I'm sitting here in my human geography class and this stinky dude is sitting in front of me. Class is filled and I can't simply switch seats. I mean, there's no way in hell this dude doesn't know he stinks because the stench is just too strong. So those of you that do stink, do you guys realize it and just not care? Are you pulling any females? Srs.
I always wondered this
The only time I stink is when I sweat at the gym, and it's after the steam-room...Hasn't happened till recently. Somebody save me.
I always wondered that... Do stinky people know they stink? If they don't then how do you know youre not a stinky person? 
I knew a guy who had the foulest stench I've ever smelled that came out of his body. This was in elementary school, he since got it corrected. He was always the best player on the basketball court because nobody wanted guard him.
^ I pull out a stick of gum for me and offer them one. But it's annoying when they refuse the gum.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

^ I pull out a stick of gum for me and offer them one. But it's annoying when they refuse the gum.

i had this one dude in my summer class that breath smelled like straight up @#$% and hummus, like on some next @#$% and would REFUSE to take the tridents i offering
There's a dude where I work that smells so bad. Try to imagine some moldy rotten cheese that's been sitting in a hot place for 1,000 years & then multiply it by 10. That's what this dude smells like. It so bad your eyes water & it feels like you can taste it. He looks like a uni bomber too. I try to avoid him at all costs. I think management & HR are going to pull him in to talk to him after they purchase some surgical masks to wear...
Im pretty sure people know when they stink..they have too...I always know when I stink...when im lazy at home and do nothing all day and take like 4 dumps..you know you stink....cant go out in public smelling like a homeless piss doodoo man
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I knew a guy who had the foulest stench I've ever smelled that came out of his body. This was in elementary school, he since got it corrected. He was always the best player on the basketball court because nobody wanted guard him.
Originally Posted by ITSAMEMARIO

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I knew a guy who had the foulest stench I've ever smelled that came out of his body. This was in elementary school, he since got it corrected. He was always the best player on the basketball court because nobody wanted guard him.
Freshman year of HS, there was this chick who sat in front of me in my geophysical science. 1st block, I smelled something so rotten and just like foul smelling. I thought she might have like !%@* herself or stepped on some dead thing, but I just didn't know what it was. As soon as she got out of her chair, I saw this red blood stain on her jeans right at her butt, I kid you not. I told my friends the next class to see for themselves because we were all in the same English class with her.

Moral of the story: Your hygiene is under scrutiny if you smell bad. Don't get exposed.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

I knew a guy who had the foulest stench I've ever smelled that came out of his body. This was in elementary school, he since got it corrected. He was always the best player on the basketball court because nobody wanted guard him.
Oh man. 
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