NT'ers unemployed and looking for jobs

Are you guys turning in resumes with you apps? If so, how are you all wording your job descriptions? Y'all gotta choose fancier words to get through the screening process.

Job position: Cashier = Customer Service Representative; Shoe salesman = Sales associate; etc.

Description: Cashier = cash handling duties and balancing drawer; stocking = inventory management, etc

And also only list things that are relevant to the position you are applying for like classes taken and job duties.
Are you guys turning in resumes with you apps? If so, how are you all wording your job descriptions? Y'all gotta choose fancier words to get through the screening process.

Job position: Cashier = Customer Service Representative; Shoe salesman = Sales associate; etc.

Description: Cashier = cash handling duties and balancing drawer; stocking = inventory management, etc

And also only list things that are relevant to the position you are applying for like classes taken and job duties.
acidicality wrote:
I graduated last June in mechanical engineering, and after interning until the end of October, I've been looking ever since. It's tough out there, but there seems like there could be a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been prepping for the FE exam for engineers, and I'm taking that next week. I've also had a few interviews, but none of them were jobs I truly had interest in. But last week, I finally caught a break when I got a call from Apple to set up an interview; it's a company I actually want to work for (in fact, it's near the top of my list), and I never would have thought they would be interested, especially given that I've been rejected from so many other jobs...it's going to be one hell of an opportunity, I'm going to do all I can to ensure I give myself the best chance to land that job. *crosses fingers*

wait what type of job are you interviewing for at apple with a mech eng degree? and what school did you graduate from?
sounds sweet, good luck
acidicality wrote:
I graduated last June in mechanical engineering, and after interning until the end of October, I've been looking ever since. It's tough out there, but there seems like there could be a light at the end of the tunnel. I've been prepping for the FE exam for engineers, and I'm taking that next week. I've also had a few interviews, but none of them were jobs I truly had interest in. But last week, I finally caught a break when I got a call from Apple to set up an interview; it's a company I actually want to work for (in fact, it's near the top of my list), and I never would have thought they would be interested, especially given that I've been rejected from so many other jobs...it's going to be one hell of an opportunity, I'm going to do all I can to ensure I give myself the best chance to land that job. *crosses fingers*

wait what type of job are you interviewing for at apple with a mech eng degree? and what school did you graduate from?
sounds sweet, good luck
I'm in nyc somebody throw me a bone. Part time or otherwise.
I'm in nyc somebody throw me a bone. Part time or otherwise.
Originally Posted by yellowmustard

Has anyone tried temp agencies?

this is gonna sound mad racist but they ONLY give the mexicans that will work dirt cheap jobs there
Originally Posted by yellowmustard

Has anyone tried temp agencies?

this is gonna sound mad racist but they ONLY give the mexicans that will work dirt cheap jobs there
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

Originally Posted by yellowmustard

Has anyone tried temp agencies?

this is gonna sound mad racist but they ONLY give the mexicans that will work dirt cheap jobs there
What? You do know what a temp agency is right? Its what acidicality was talking about in his post. They find you job placement and it can range anywhere from a week to a month to a year but the downside is that they take a commission in exchange for your placement which can KILL your paycheck at the end of the week.
Originally Posted by IMASOLEMAN18

Originally Posted by yellowmustard

Has anyone tried temp agencies?

this is gonna sound mad racist but they ONLY give the mexicans that will work dirt cheap jobs there
What? You do know what a temp agency is right? Its what acidicality was talking about in his post. They find you job placement and it can range anywhere from a week to a month to a year but the downside is that they take a commission in exchange for your placement which can KILL your paycheck at the end of the week.
Don't tell a potential employer that you have any future plans other than working for them. They won't hire you. Period. Being honest is a very important thing in life, but it just doesn't work when looking for a job right now. The employer wants you to marry them, they aren't going to marry you if you are planning to leave them. So lie, and you will have a much better chance of landing a job.
Don't tell a potential employer that you have any future plans other than working for them. They won't hire you. Period. Being honest is a very important thing in life, but it just doesn't work when looking for a job right now. The employer wants you to marry them, they aren't going to marry you if you are planning to leave them. So lie, and you will have a much better chance of landing a job.
I know it's tough out there (was unemployed for 10 months after Graduation and it was depressing). But keep applying, never get discouraged. Always find ways to improve your resume while your looking. For example, during my 4th month of looking, I decided to pick up a part time internship (unpaid but they paid for all my transportation costs) and also a part time retail job (just to have some income coming in) while at the same time continue to apply for jobs. It was tough, but it worked out for me at the end when i secured my full time position. So always think of ways to turn a bad situation into a better one, and good things will fall into place for you. Don't give up!
I know it's tough out there (was unemployed for 10 months after Graduation and it was depressing). But keep applying, never get discouraged. Always find ways to improve your resume while your looking. For example, during my 4th month of looking, I decided to pick up a part time internship (unpaid but they paid for all my transportation costs) and also a part time retail job (just to have some income coming in) while at the same time continue to apply for jobs. It was tough, but it worked out for me at the end when i secured my full time position. So always think of ways to turn a bad situation into a better one, and good things will fall into place for you. Don't give up!
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I work at a grocery store right now but the $%$% is straight misery.

Will be applying at Footaction or Footlocker soon.

unless u know someone in there good luck my man.... FTL is on some secret society %$% alot of times.... (I work there and it took years to get in, literally was getting my employee discount for over a year before I even had the job tho)
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

I work at a grocery store right now but the $%$% is straight misery.

Will be applying at Footaction or Footlocker soon.

unless u know someone in there good luck my man.... FTL is on some secret society %$% alot of times.... (I work there and it took years to get in, literally was getting my employee discount for over a year before I even had the job tho)
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