NT'ers with acne: What do you use?

Anyone try Acne complex , how was it ? also thinking of going to the derm asking for accutane how were your results ?
^ as already said in here accutane is great... People always ask if I'm wearing make up my skin is so clear ni might post a before after pic when I gethome later. I'm on my phone at work right now. Mine wasn't severe but nothing was working so the derm gave me accutane.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

^ as already said in here accutane is great... People always ask if I'm wearing make up my skin is so clear ni might post a before after pic when I get home later. I'm on my phone at work right now. Mine wasn't severe but nothing was working so the derm gave me accutane.

How much is accutane?
Depends on your insurance I pay 10 now cuz I use the off brand. Accutane is a brand of isotetrin or something like that. Before it was 40 a box which is amonth supply. I THINK it's like a couple hundred without insurance. I don't even get the pimples I would normally get on my period anymore.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Depends on your insurance I pay 10 now cuz I use the off brand. Accutane is a brand of isotetrin or something like that. Before it was 40 a box which is a month supply. I THINK it's like a couple hundred without insurance. I don't even get the pimples I would normally get on my period anymore.

Oh, so you're still taking it?
I assumed you only had to for a year.
My insurance changed in the middle of the first treatment so I had to stop for a few months until that was worked out. I'm done for good this time inJanuary.
i havent read through this whole post but, has anyone been on accutane? if so, how did you handle it? what were your results like?
Originally Posted by DJ bana

i havent read through this whole post but, has anyone been on accutane? if so, how did you handle it? what were your results like?

very dry skin, lips very dry, had to keep chapstick on me 24/7

other than that I was good to go
Warm water. No soap, no nothing. Once I started cleaning my face with warm water periodically throughout the day, my skin got a lot better.

I tried a lot of stuff, nothing really worked well for me. It just depends on the person, in my opinion.
Honestly I just wash my face everyday with a warm soap and water. Then try a hot steaming towel.. After a while your face will start to clear up.

Try to reduce eating pizza, chocolate, or anything really with alot of grease.
Just read this page Bana. I'm gonna need one of these compaNies to cut me a check for promoting this damn drug.

Worst part was the dry skin but that's only the first three months. After that it's just dry lips. No mental break downs. My back and feet hurt alotbut that's cuz I'm not drinking enough water which I'm working on.
ok, just read through the thread.

ive struggled with acne throughout my entire life.

my brother went on accutane and had incredible results. i've really tried everything there is to try, and my last resort is accutane.

they make such a big deal out of it for females because of birth control and defects that it can have on babies.

to those that have been on accutane, tell me some of your personal experiences with drinking while on it- you're obviously not meant to, but will a beer or2 hurt you that badly?

im starting my cycle in a month. although my acne is not as severe as other peoples, it is still something that has driven me to insanity for my whole life. imsick and tired of having to wear makeup everyday because of it, so im finally going to start my accutane treatment. ahhhhhhh

i just did my iPledge test that they require for females. unfortunately, i broke my arm 5 days ago and i was meant to start accutane this week. they wont letme start it anymore because supposedly the accutane will slow my broken bone down from healing, fail. but at least that means i can drink on new years!! lol
Strong, the YNS in this thread is...

I used to take some pill that the dermatologist gave me but it gave me really bad mood swings and made me suicidal(lulz) so I quit that with a quickness! Afterthat I just started getting peels and facials done, but it's not until this year that my skin really cleared up completely(I'm 20). Every now and then(like now) I get some break outs that make me want to cry but they go away. Make sure you wash your face and keep your hair (if it's long) out of the wayif it's dirty. I use some Neutrogena products as well as Aveeno and they both work well. My skin is also very sensitive. Hm, drink lots of water and stayaway from junk food which doesn't help either.

I used to have acne then I bought this $8 clearasil cream and been pimple free since. Only hassle is that I would have to put it on my face every night beforeI sleep
Drink a lot of water


and wash your face with Cetaphil. Works wonders.
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