NT's FIRST? *NO *** CHALLENGE* 68% of you are still not ***ping after 1 Week

I already lost. 3 minutes after the contest started..
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I have the urge to do the deed, just because I could care less about the contest

Last night I straight up watched some pr0n without fapping. Just sat there and let the soothing sounds wash over me

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I have the urge to do the deed, just because I could care less about the contest

Last night I straight up watched some pr0n without fapping. Just sat there and let the soothing sounds wash over me

And how the hell did I miss this thread?
you have noooooooo idea how close i was today to saying i dont give a $%^&, but im still hanging in there
we need an update.

and i think it's a safe assumption to say whoever wins gonna go *** like it's the last *** session he'll ever have right after they find out.
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I have the urge to do the deed, just because I could care less about the contest

Last night I straight up watched some pr0n without fapping. Just sat there and let the soothing sounds wash over me
smashed a ********* at a party last night and caught dome in the next room from her friend. i've been refueled, i can't lose now, buurrrrr.
My will is getting weak.

pookie, how you gonna make it through Caribana weekend with all the good looking females?
Originally Posted by masterhammy23

I'm still in.

WHat's up with the avy Mister916? WHy'd you drop the Jericho one?
LOL, i was messing around with the program and I really like this one. I'm still reppin' Jericho though.
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