NT's LEGAL Gun Thread UPDATE...First Youtube Firearm Review Page 61

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Word? Good looks. I always feel uneasy when I go trips and don't have mine w/ me. Is there any literature on this? Though we practice policies, u can never be to sure w/ some ppl who have "authority"
declaring it is the easy part....figuring out reciprocity laws is what you need to pay attention to

If the cops decide to randomly kick in your door, do you grab your weapon? Do you shoot?

What if they see your gun in your hand and dont take it so kindly and shoot first?

this is why police have certain procedures they have to follow to make sure they identify themselves...if they dont then they become like any other intruder...good luck trying to prove it in court though
Originally Posted by Marvin Hagler

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

ARGuy...you know we gonna debate about the whole AR versus Shotgun for home defense. I'll be back for that one later today...

I would like to see this debate.Because I would like to purchase a weapon for home defense when I get tax money but AR Guy just opened my eyes quite a bit.

I'll be here Elder and I'm glad I could open your eyes Marvin.
just got back from the chantilly gunshow and range, met up with Elder, made the rounds and picked up a few things. Any other NT'ers in attendance? Saw a few possibles....

Anyway, i picked up a new belt (something strong enough to support my pistol and holster), 3 Troy battlemags, and some .223.
^^^Had an awesome time at the gunshow with Cotite. Good to see us NT'ers hanging out and staying positive. Found out we are the same type gun collectors...trade-a-holics
. I have traded so many guns for new ones that it's not even funny. I can only imagine the arsenal we'd have if we kept them.

I finally picked up my Gen4 Glock 26 this morning. I have another one to pick up at my local gunshop for my lady. Perfect size for concealability while also still being able to handle full sized magazines from it's bigger brothers (Glock 17/19). I like how the Gen4 has the extra aggressive stipling on the grips as well as customizable backstraps.

Also pictured is the IWB holster by N82 Tactical. It is VERY comfortable and conceals very well...even with jogging pants. The body side is suede which will absorb moisture and provide comfort, the suede is backed by neoprene to prevent moisture from getting to your weapon. Sometimes the smaller manufacturers just get it right.



Palm sized


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My current 3 guns at the moment, all are 40. cal Sig Sauer's.....P226, P239, and P238....But want to get rid of the P226 and replace with another concealed size, but dont know the best route to go in selling it [/color]

Bullseyes were from 25-30 yards out (with a scope). An old american .22 rifle that you load through a hole in the stock.

The lower marks about 6 inches or so below, are with just a v-sight on a German .22 rifle at 75-80 yards out, but on a 25 yard target (not a silhouette, just a bullseye target <- obviously buggz the picture is right there, so ignore this people). I didn't have a scope so I wasn't sure how close I was hitting and I didn't have anyone watching for me or I would have adjusted the sights.

Was on a public shooting range in Kansas. It's kind of public, more like hidden and safe. But I shot some AR's, GS Carbines, an old WWII SKS and a WWII M1.
Do you guys think it's a good idea to start a build if you're not experienced with rifles?

I want to build because I want to know the ends and outs. I also want to look into becoming a dealer and packing my own ammo.

Can anybody give any tips for someone who lives in Chicago? I don't know the laws here, I just know they suck really bad so I've never even considered carrying a gun.

Any recommended dealers or ranges in the Chicago area?

Any brands or guns that are better investments, or better investment potential?
Do scopes and sights keep their value?
Hey, fellas—

After about 6 months of consideration, the opportunity arose to take a CCW class for $50 through a LivingSocial deal and I sprung on it. I've only ever worked with .22s, paintball, and run thousands of BBs through various BB guns (some of the best times I've ever had). I'd ideally like to have two handguns (I'll explain why) and wanted some thoughts.

1) Springfield XDm 9MM
2) Ruger LCP (also looking at its revolver counterpart)

After a lot of research, the XDm seems like the perfect fit. Plenty of safety features, strong reputation, 16+1 and 19+1 mags, and reliable. I was originally researching the Sig 226, but the safety features of the XDm and the ability to determine if there's a round in the chamber in the dark sold me. It will likely visit the range on a regular basis, and other than that stay in a safe in a nightstand drawer with the occasional carry.

The purpose of the Ruger LCP is that it's smaller, less moving parts, reliable, and inexpensive. Ideally a great weapon to carry, travel with, and keep in the car. Additionally, my fiancée would love to never have to fire a gun, but would be able to if necessary. I'd like to own a firearm that's simple, easy to use (point and shoot), and is small enough to hold in her hands.

I was just hoping for feedback on my thoughts/research, especially considering the Ruger LCP. It's only $300, and it seems that (like most things) you get what you pay for, so the fact that it's already cheap, and then that it's on sale worries me. I may be way off there since the reviews on it are all outstanding, but I thought it would be a smart move to solicit other opinions.

Thanks for your help, guys.
Finally received my Kimber CDP II Pro today and took it to the range. Excellent trigger, and the night sights are awesome.

Here's my target 25 yards out. 
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

His and Her Gen4 Glock 26's. My lady is a really good shot with rifles and pistols.


Hey elder is there any reason you chose 9MM over 40CAL for your Glock? I personally have a Glock 22 40CAL, I was talking to my friend and he said he prefers a 9 over 40. He said with a 9 there is less flash and better control as far as kick.    
Originally Posted by NoTurninBack

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

His and Her Gen4 Glock 26's. My lady is a really good shot with rifles and pistols.

Hey elder is there any reason you chose 9MM over 40CAL for your Glock? I personally have a Glock 22 40CAL, I was talking to my friend and he said he prefers a 9 over 40. He said with a 9 there is less flash and better control as far as kick.    

Nothing a compensated Glock 35 can't fix.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Anybody have any advice or platform to sell a handgun??? [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Want to get that new Sig Sauer P224[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)], Anybody handled it or shot it here??[/color]
Originally Posted by NoTurninBack

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

His and Her Gen4 Glock 26's. My lady is a really good shot with rifles and pistols.

Hey elder is there any reason you chose 9MM over 40CAL for your Glock? I personally have a Glock 22 40CAL, I was talking to my friend and he said he prefers a 9 over 40. He said with a 9 there is less flash and better control as far as kick.    
Modern JHP rounds have made the choice of 9mm, .40, and .45 all up to personal preference. A good JHP 9mm will perform about as well as a good .45 JHP. But for some people, myself included, you can't so no to more bullets. A similarly sized .40 or .45 will hold less rounds.
About the whole Shotgun versus AR-15 debate...well I have been mulling on it for more than a few days. Have had "writers/posters" block on the whole subject because I can't honestly say either way which is better because of a few factors. Ultimately with the PROPER ammo (frangible rounds for the AR, #1 Buckshot for the Shotgun) and the PROPER setup, and PROPER training on either platform they are both great home defense options. It's all a matter of ability and preference.

For me I prefer a reliable semi-auto shotgun with extended tubular mag...like the 930 SPX, or the Benelli M4...I can load 8 standard sized (2-3/4") 12 gauge shells and I can ghost load a 9th round. That's very nice capacity for a shotgun. I was trained at the killhouse at Range 37 in NC http://www.range37.com/ . It is run by the former NCOIC of SOFAERTEC (Green Berets high speed shooting school). I was the only guy using my shottie in the CQB room clearing exercises. True you do still have to aim with a shotgun...BUT a well placed center mass shot with #1 Buckshot is DEVASTATING. You don't even want to be with that with body armor on. For the record with #1 Buck you don't have to worry about overpenetration as much...#00 buck is a little more volatile going though sheetwall.

As far as CQB some units do use a shotgunner as the Point man in the stack. Why, because nothing lays down decisive and powerful firepower like a shotgun does. But then again the shotgun of choice for CQB (The Benelli M4 Entry) is very expensive and too specialized for the average units to employ. You'll usually only see them used by the well funded units with the autonomy to choose the weapon of their liking.

Since I have been trained on it, and know the capabilities and limitations I prefer a shotgun for home defense. I like my rifle outdoor short to medium range applications. I like my pistols for convenience and portability. Pistols are still very important for home defense. You can have pistols strategically located around your house for home defense. Sure you could barricade yourself in your room and fight it out with your long guns...but who says you will be invaded while in your room? You could be on your computer browsing NT while dropping the kids off at the pool in the porcelain palace when they decide to invade your premises. Sure you could have your rifle or shotgun in there with you, but it's nothing to simply take your pistol with you from room to room. I know some die-harders who keep their pistols in their holsters even when around the house.

Point of all this is, be effective with a pistol, a rifle, or a shotgun. All can be effective in a home defense role depending on the situation. To say which one is the best is more about preference and skill level more than anything else.

Originally Posted by NoTurninBack

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

His and Her Gen4 Glock 26's. My lady is a really good shot with rifles and pistols.

Hey elder is there any reason you chose 9MM over 40CAL for your Glock? I personally have a Glock 22 40CAL, I was talking to my friend and he said he prefers a 9 over 40. He said with a 9 there is less flash and better control as far as kick.    
I personally swear by the 9mm. Like ARGuy mentioned with modern hollowpoint ammunition the 9mm can still provide nasty and incapacitating damage, while having significantly more capacity, with less recoil which aids in more accurate follow up shots.

Not to mention from the training perspective with 9mm ammo being cheaper you are more likely to shoot more rounds during practice which makes you a better all-around shot. I will however admit to admiring the .45ACP cartridge, that slow fat round will do some damage no doubt, I just like the overall benefits of 9mm better. Again like with almost anything else gun related it's my personal preference...your mileage may vary.

Just ordered my first AR.  Does anyone have any experience with Olympic arms.  I wanted a stripped down version so I can add all the extras I want.
^ welcome to the world of AR's!!

Olympic Arms isn't that great of a brand. As long as it shoots straight and doesn't give you problems, hold on to it. I almost guarantee you'll be wanting to build one next.
Originally Posted by Kingtre

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Word? Good looks. I always feel uneasy when I go trips and don't have mine w/ me. Is there any literature on this? Though we practice policies, u can never be to sure w/ some ppl who have "authority"
declaring it is the easy part....figuring out reciprocity laws is what you need to pay attention to

I'm well aware of the reciprocity laws in every state I travel to. I make it my business to know such.
PA licenses are more widely accepted than other states and we widely accept those states as well. 
Originally Posted by jumpman0217

Just ordered my first AR.  Does anyone have any experience with Olympic arms.  I wanted a stripped down version so I can add all the extras I want.
5x56 NATO ammo is gon be pricey, luckily for u, ur rifle can also feed the less expensive .223
Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Return that Olympic Arms.

I agree. You can find much better at a very comparable price. Oly Arms quality control sucks, and I know my favorite gun shop in my home town won't carry them because so. 
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by jumpman0217

Just ordered my first AR.  Does anyone have any experience with Olympic arms.  I wanted a stripped down version so I can add all the extras I want.
5x56 NATO ammo is gon be pricey, luckily for u, ur rifle can also feed the less expensive .223
Mil surplus 5.56 isn't much more expensive than .223. The only .223 you may find cheaper is wolf or tula ammo and that stuff is meh.
my newest (and last major) pickup

10.5" LMT upper w/bcg and troy rear sight. Got it from a guy off AR15.com; that place is like the ISS of guns! I pretty much traded my DPMS for this upper. My plan for this is to make it into a pistol in the next 3 months, then submit my Form 2 to BATFE, so hopefully Santa will have a SBR for me for christmas. Guy i bought it from included 5 GI mags
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

About the whole Shotgun versus AR-15 debate...well I have been mulling on it for more than a few days. Have had "writers/posters" block on the whole subject because I can't honestly say either way which is better because of a few factors. Ultimately with the PROPER ammo (frangible rounds for the AR, #1 Buckshot for the Shotgun) and the PROPER setup, and PROPER training on either platform they are both great home defense options. It's all a matter of ability and preference.

For me I prefer a reliable semi-auto shotgun with extended tubular mag...like the 930 SPX, or the Benelli M4...I can load 8 standard sized (2-3/4") 12 gauge shells and I can ghost load a 9th round. That's very nice capacity for a shotgun. I was trained at the killhouse at Range 37 in NC http://www.range37.com/ . It is run by the former NCOIC of SOFAERTEC (Green Berets high speed shooting school). I was the only guy using my shottie in the CQB room clearing exercises. True you do still have to aim with a shotgun...BUT a well placed center mass shot with #1 Buckshot is DEVASTATING. You don't even want to be with that with body armor on. For the record with #1 Buck you don't have to worry about overpenetration as much...#00 buck is a little more volatile going though sheetwall.

As far as CQB some units do use a shotgunner as the Point man in the stack. Why, because nothing lays down decisive and powerful firepower like a shotgun does. But then again the shotgun of choice for CQB (The Benelli M4 Entry) is very expensive and too specialized for the average units to employ. You'll usually only see them used by the well funded units with the autonomy to choose the weapon of their liking.

Since I have been trained on it, and know the capabilities and limitations I prefer a shotgun for home defense. I like my rifle outdoor short to medium range applications. I like my pistols for convenience and portability. Pistols are still very important for home defense. You can have pistols strategically located around your house for home defense. Sure you could barricade yourself in your room and fight it out with your long guns...but who says you will be invaded while in your room? You could be on your computer browsing NT while dropping the kids off at the pool in the porcelain palace when they decide to invade your premises. Sure you could have your rifle or shotgun in there with you, but it's nothing to simply take your pistol with you from room to room. I know some die-harders who keep their pistols in their holsters even when around the house.

Point of all this is, be effective with a pistol, a rifle, or a shotgun. All can be effective in a home defense role depending on the situation. To say which one is the best is more about preference and skill level more than anything else.

I agree with a lot of what you said Elder, in fact most of it. You don't fall in to the preconceived notion that all you have to do is just rack the slide of the shotgun or you don't have to aim it because you know it's a shotgun or the most idiotic thing ever which is recommending using birdshot. 

Now my personal opinion on the matter is I favor a rifle in the AR pattern. Like I said in an earlier post, if I could pick one HD weapon it would be a 11.5" AR with a suppressor, Eotech EXPS2-0 and light loaded with 75gr 5.56 Hornady TAP. I saw that you recommended frangible rounds for an AR, I would highly advise against it. I would not recommend any round that doesn't pass the FBI's minimum of 12" of penetration through ballistic gelatin. A shotgun can defiantly lay down some hurt but the cons of it is it's going to be limited magazine capacity, longer and heavier than a 16" AR. With an AR you will have less recoil, which means quicker follow up shots. Most units that do use shotguns, it is almost strictly for breaching doors. Even now you see police and SWAT units moving more towards ARs. Plus rifle rounds will zip through any soft armor no problem and will penetrate through drywall less than pistols and shotguns. 

With pistols, the only time to really rely on one is when you don't have a long gun or carrying one is impractical. The ability to conceal and the how easy it is to just pick up and move around with a pistol is invaluable. If I ever had to use my pistol at my house it would only be to retreat to my rifle. But at night when I'm laying in my bed sleeping I have my AR right next to the bed. If I here something go bump in the night I'm slinging my AR and going to investigate. 
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