NT's NBA top 50 list

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

AI off, all the rest still in.

Dirk, PP, or Dominique in.
AI out but dirk is in? HOW ABOUT NO
What in the hell does Iverson do other than shoot the ball?

You can make an argument that Dirk is a better passer than that ******.

because Dirk is so great at things other then scoring that he is better then AI?

Dirk is not a better passer then AI
Believe it or not, Dirk plays defense, something Iverson has never heard of in his life. It's a given that Dirk will be a good rebounder at his height, and if Dirk wanted to I'm sure he could put up just as much as AI did when had craptacular teams.


ya im done good night
I don't see how Pierce can be in this discussion.

He would be in the same class with players such as Chris Webber, VC, T-Mac, etc.

I don't think anyone mentioned Ray Allen. Not saying he's definitely top 50, but I think he would have a better shot than all of them.
Originally Posted by outkast9984

worthy could be a canidate to be taken off also

There we have it! LBJ takes Worthy's spot IMO.
(NO, I'm not being premature/a homer)
...that is now the 5th correction for me personally (goback a page).
If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
IVERSON>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dirk all day long career wise/what he brought to the game/influences. GT F O H with Dirk
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

AI off, all the rest still in.

Dirk, PP, or Dominique in.
AI out but dirk is in? HOW ABOUT NO
What in the hell does Iverson do other than shoot the ball?

You can make an argument that Dirk is a better passer than that ******.

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Id Walk a Mile for a Camel

I say this as a huge Iverson fan.....he doesn't deserve to be on that list.
You're the 2nd one to say this and I feel many will agree but...........

First look at his impact on the game.....I say only a handful of players in the history of basketball have impacted the rules, culture, and state of the game. The guy who created the jumpshot, Wilt, Pistol Pete, Jordan, Shaq and Iverson....come to mind. He took the crossover to the next level, he brought back the headband, he started the cornrows, he started the tattoos, he started the damn arm sleeve for god's sake
. You can't even count how many players have imiated his style....ex Carmelo, Bobby Maze, Rashad Phillips, Hot Sauce. He made Reeboks cool for a minute. He was a #1 pick, straight killed from day 1. Put the city of Philly on his back and took them to the Finals. Then stole game 1 in LA.

Then look at the stats. Regular season avg. Playoff avg. Career high in the 60's. Scoring championships. MVP award. All he missing is a ring....but so are alot of guys.

Oh yeah and he embarrassed Michael Jordan the GOAT. I can't really remember Mike being on the receiving end of any highlights except this one (and no Starks dunk don't count)

Don't start counting that Pistons half a season against him. Don't you do it.

You bring up some good points, but take a step back for a second.

1. His cultural impact should be irrelevant in this discussion. I'm talking the cornrows, etc. Now claiming he was one of the reasons Stern allowed zone Dto be played is a valid argument.

2. I agree with that. His ppg avg is one of the all-time highest (even with the dud season), and he probably has career averages of about 7 apg and 2 spg too.Based on stats alone, he is a strong, strong contendor. But while many players are better than their stats suggest, I would argue Iverson is worse. It pains meto say it, but so far he has not found a way to put up these numbers in a way that helps his team. Sure, when he drops 40-50 points he'll probably get a W,sure he's had some bad teammates, but overall he has not made the positive impact many other stars of his statistical caliber have made on their teams. Ifhe proves me wrong and finds a way to mesh with a team, play a cohesive role in their offense, and maaaaybe win a ring or at least make another strong playoffrun, then I'll change my mind. But right now I'm on the fence about him.

It was a nice crossover, nobody could (or probably still can) guard the guy 1 on 1.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
Go do some research before you start talking crazy. AI has got it done his WHOLE CAREER. Do you understand that means EVERY season since hisROOKIE year. Look at the stats buddy. If you can't respect AI. but wanna bring up Paul Pierce (who is a great player in his own right) you might be crazy.
Dirk will go down as the greatest international player, for a long time. How is that not revolutionizing the game?
. I'm not saying Dirk is clear-cutabove Iverson, but if you're going to throw Iverson out there, then I don't see how you can't put Dirk and PP in the mix. What has Iverson donewith his career since leaving Philly? He hindered Carmelo and ruined the chemistry in Detroit. Good job.
. Dirk's just as versatile as Iverson is, hecan pass the ball, he showed in the Playoffs this year he can score in the post, he can play some defense (and don't confuse that with being a gooddefender, he's not as bad as he's hyped up to be though). Iverson and Dirk have done as much in their career, Iverson just did it with a weaker cast,but dude is a thorn in the side of his team, no matter where he goes.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
Go do some research before you start talking crazy. AI has got it done his WHOLE CAREER. Do you understand that means EVERY season since his ROOKIE year. Look at the stats buddy. If you can't respect AI. but wanna bring up Paul Pierce (who is a great player in his own right) you might be crazy.
Oh word? Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki haven't been good their entire careers? Dirk wasn't good his rookie year, but dude made the hopefrom GERMANY.

I'm not taking anything away from Iverson, but in his recent career he has been nothing but a problem for the teams he's played for not named Philly.Iverson's career is ahead of Chauncey Billups, but Chauncey Billups is helping Carmelo turn into a superstar.

Name me ONE player that Allen Iverson has made better. One. Please?
GP>Nash & GP is not even in (whole body of work/consistent career here fellas)...so enough of the Nash nonsense

I don't even know why Dirk is getting mentioned.

Vinsanity & T-Mac were @ a point where you thought they would have the potential to sneak in, but the cousins COMPLETELY flamed out
Originally Posted by EnEyeKayEe

GP>Nash & GP is not even in (whole body of work/consistent career here fellas)...so enough of the Nash nonsense

I don't even know why Dirk is getting mentioned.

Vinsanity & T-Mac were @ a point where you thought they would have the potential to sneak in, but the cousins COMPLETELY flamed out

I always felt that GP was underrated, maybe because of his personality? Not the most well-liked guy. His D was outstanding though, he was the total package.

And T-Mac wasn't gonna "sneak in," after his 31+ ppg season I thought he was gonna be better than Kobe.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
Go do some research before you start talking crazy. AI has got it done his WHOLE CAREER. Do you understand that means EVERY season since his ROOKIE year. Look at the stats buddy. If you can't respect AI. but wanna bring up Paul Pierce (who is a great player in his own right) you might be crazy.
Oh word? Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki haven't been good their entire careers? Dirk wasn't good his rookie year, but dude made the hope from GERMANY.

I'm not taking anything away from Iverson, but in his recent career he has been nothing but a problem for the teams he's played for not named Philly. Iverson's career is ahead of Chauncey Billups, but Chauncey Billups is helping Carmelo turn into a superstar.

Name me ONE player that Allen Iverson has made better. One. Please?

He made Allen Iverson better that's who. He ain't Magic Johnson or John Stockton. Don't give me that nonsense. Who did Clyde make better? Whodid Dominique better? That ain't the point. He's been on the Pistons for HALF a season and you wanna use that against him? Son got Aaron Mckie, EricSnow, Matt Geiger, Raja Bell, Rodney Buford, Todd McCaullah and Theo Ratliff to the NBA Finals. Look at that roster.

Don't get me wrong I really respect Dirk's career but he gotta show me some more.......like why are guys punking him on the court (David West) or whyis his team getting upset by the Warriors in the playoffs? And Paul Pierce had KG and Ray Allen. 2 other hall of famers
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
Go do some research before you start talking crazy. AI has got it done his WHOLE CAREER. Do you understand that means EVERY season since his ROOKIE year. Look at the stats buddy. If you can't respect AI. but wanna bring up Paul Pierce (who is a great player in his own right) you might be crazy.
Oh word? Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki haven't been good their entire careers? Dirk wasn't good his rookie year, but dude made the hope from GERMANY.

I'm not taking anything away from Iverson, but in his recent career he has been nothing but a problem for the teams he's played for not named Philly. Iverson's career is ahead of Chauncey Billups, but Chauncey Billups is helping Carmelo turn into a superstar.

Name me ONE player that Allen Iverson has made better. One. Please?

He made Allen Iverson better that's who. He ain't Magic Johnson or John Stockton. Don't give me that nonsense. Who did Clyde make better? Who did Dominique better? That ain't the point. He's been on the Pistons for HALF a season and you wanna use that against him? Son got Aaron Mckie, Eric Snow, Matt Geiger, Raja Bell, Rodney Buford, Todd McCaullah and Theo Ratliff to the NBA Finals. Look at that roster.

Don't get me wrong I really respect Dirk's career but he gotta show me some more.......like why are guys punking him on the court (David West) or why is his team getting upset by the Warriors in the playoffs? And Paul Pierce had KG and Ray Allen. 2 other hall of famers

I agree somewhat, but when Iverson was surrounded by a lot more talent he made nothing of it. One good playoff run doesn't mean much.

I'm a diehard C's fan and I agree with you on Pierce....but just to clarify KG is the only HOFer on that team.
^ Agreed!
KG is IN. P2 & Jesus don't really belong in this argument IMO. Along with Reggie Miller...he didn't make it the first time. How thehell is he gonna make it in now?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

If Iverson can be considered for this list, I want to hear an argument why Bernard King can't be. Or Tracy McGrady, or, Adrian Dantley, etc.
Go do some research before you start talking crazy. AI has got it done his WHOLE CAREER. Do you understand that means EVERY season since his ROOKIE year. Look at the stats buddy. If you can't respect AI. but wanna bring up Paul Pierce (who is a great player in his own right) you might be crazy.
Oh word? Paul Pierce and Dirk Nowitzki haven't been good their entire careers? Dirk wasn't good his rookie year, but dude made the hope from GERMANY.

I'm not taking anything away from Iverson, but in his recent career he has been nothing but a problem for the teams he's played for not named Philly. Iverson's career is ahead of Chauncey Billups, but Chauncey Billups is helping Carmelo turn into a superstar.

Name me ONE player that Allen Iverson has made better. One. Please?

He made Allen Iverson better that's who. He ain't Magic Johnson or John Stockton. Don't give me that nonsense. Who did Clyde make better? Who did Dominique better? That ain't the point. He's been on the Pistons for HALF a season and you wanna use that against him? Son got Aaron Mckie, Eric Snow, Matt Geiger, Raja Bell, Rodney Buford, Todd McCaullah and Theo Ratliff to the NBA Finals. Look at that roster.

Don't get me wrong I really respect Dirk's career but he gotta show me some more.......like why are guys punking him on the court (David West) or why is his team getting upset by the Warriors in the playoffs? And Paul Pierce had KG and Ray Allen. 2 other hall of famers
Clyde Drexler and Dominique freed up space for the rest of his teammates to go to work, Clyde is the reason why Hakeem got back-to-back rings.Iverson doesn't do that, because he demands the ball too much. Iverson didn't do jack with Carmelo Anthony, that's great that he can carry a trashyteam to the Finals in a relatively weak Eastern Conference that year. Iverson's ego got in the way of trying to help the Pistons in anyway he could whilewaiting for his contract to expire, but instead he just got some back spasms, from a guy who's been Mr. Durable his entire career? Weak.

Dirk carried his team to 67 wins, and if you look at those rosters, they aren't great. He also carried and WILLED his team to the Finals. When Dirk tookhis team to the Finals, he had to beat the powerhouse Spurs, and then the incredible Suns, proving he could be both clutch and shoot the lights out (50 vsPhoenix). Dirk got pushed around by David West, okay that proves David West is a punk, what else?
. What did Dirk do in the face of advesary againstKenyon Martin, Chris Andersen, an Nene? Everyone went off on him because he gave them props for defending him well, and what'd he do? 34/12/4/1 three,steal, and block.

Dirk's playoff success is much higher than Iverson's, you can talk all you want about the cast they have around them, but up until recently when losingin back-to-back first rounds, Dirk has been consistent in the Playoffs.
Career Playoff Averages
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Year[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]DEF[/td] [td]RPG[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]SPG[/td] [td]BPG[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]98-99[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]44.8[/td] [td]0.411[/td] [td]0.283[/td] [td]0.712[/td] [td]1.8[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]4.1[/td] [td]4.9[/td] [td]2.5[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]28.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]99-00[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]44.4[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.308[/td] [td]0.739[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]3.20[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]26.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]00-01[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]46.2[/td] [td]0.389[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.774[/td] [td]0.7[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]4.7[/td] [td]6.1[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.86[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]41.8[/td] [td]0.381[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.810[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]3.6[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]1.60[/td] [td]30.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]46.4[/td] [td]0.416[/td] [td]0.345[/td] [td]0.737[/td] [td]0.9[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]7.4[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]3.92[/td] [td]2.10[/td] [td]31.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]47.6[/td] [td]0.468[/td] [td]0.414[/td] [td]0.897[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]2.2[/td] [td]2.2[/td] [td]10.0[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]4.20[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]31.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]44.6[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.294[/td] [td]0.806[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]22.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]44.6[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.294[/td] [td]0.806[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]22.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]39.5[/td] [td]0.434[/td] [td]0.214[/td] [td]0.697[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]1.75[/td] [td]0.80[/td] [td]24.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Career[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]45.1[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.327[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]0.8[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]3.8[/td] [td]6.0[/td] [td]2.1[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.11[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]29.7[/td] [/tr][/table]


Oh and how did he hurt Carmelo when the Nuggets were getting bounced out the playoff in Round 1 before AI got there.
JA21, take of the MAVS shades already...I can't believe you are seriously arguing Dirk over A.I. for 50 greatest NBA players OAT. This is straighttomfoolery
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Career Playoff Averages
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]Year[/td] [td]Team[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]DEF[/td] [td]RPG[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]SPG[/td] [td]BPG[/td] [td]TO[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]98-99[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]8[/td] [td]44.8[/td] [td]0.411[/td] [td]0.283[/td] [td]0.712[/td] [td]1.8[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]4.1[/td] [td]4.9[/td] [td]2.5[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]28.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]99-00[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]10[/td] [td]44.4[/td] [td]0.384[/td] [td]0.308[/td] [td]0.739[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [td]1.2[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]3.20[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]26.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]00-01[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]46.2[/td] [td]0.389[/td] [td]0.338[/td] [td]0.774[/td] [td]0.7[/td] [td]4.0[/td] [td]4.7[/td] [td]6.1[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]0.3[/td] [td]2.86[/td] [td]2.50[/td] [td]32.9[/td] [/tr][tr][td]01-02[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]41.8[/td] [td]0.381[/td] [td]0.333[/td] [td]0.810[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]3.6[/td] [td]4.2[/td] [td]2.6[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]1.60[/td] [td]30.0[/td] [/tr][tr][td]02-03[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]12[/td] [td]46.4[/td] [td]0.416[/td] [td]0.345[/td] [td]0.737[/td] [td]0.9[/td] [td]3.4[/td] [td]4.3[/td] [td]7.4[/td] [td]2.4[/td] [td]0.1[/td] [td]3.92[/td] [td]2.10[/td] [td]31.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]04-05[/td] [td]PHI[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]47.6[/td] [td]0.468[/td] [td]0.414[/td] [td]0.897[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]2.2[/td] [td]2.2[/td] [td]10.0[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]0.4[/td] [td]4.20[/td] [td]2.40[/td] [td]31.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]44.6[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.294[/td] [td]0.806[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]22.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]06-07[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]44.6[/td] [td]0.368[/td] [td]0.294[/td] [td]0.806[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]0.6[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [td]1.4[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]3.00[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]22.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]07-08[/td] [td]DEN[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]39.5[/td] [td]0.434[/td] [td]0.214[/td] [td]0.697[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]2.0[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]4.5[/td] [td]1.0[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]1.75[/td] [td]0.80[/td] [td]24.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Career[/td] [td]--[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]71[/td] [td]45.1[/td] [td]0.401[/td] [td]0.327[/td] [td]0.764[/td] [td]0.8[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]3.8[/td] [td]6.0[/td] [td]2.1[/td] [td]0.2[/td] [td]3.11[/td] [td]2.20[/td] [td]29.7[/td] [/tr][/table]


Oh and how did he hurt Carmelo when the Nuggets were getting bounced out the playoff in Round 1 before AI got there.
Iverson was brought in to help Carmelo out, but watching Carmelo play now compared to when Iverson was on the team? Night and day.

Look at who Iverson played AGAINST when he got somewhere in those Playoffs..

99 Playoffs- Penny and Nick Anderson, not bad, but not the greatest talent. Bounced in the next round.
2000 Playoffs- Derrick Coleman, Eddie Jones, and Elden frickin Campbell are your top three scorers?
. Bounced in the next round.
2001 Playoffs- Great run, tough first series, but easy sailing until the Finals.
2002 Playoffs- First round bounce by your boy Paul Pierce and Mr. Shimmy himself
2003 Playoffs- Beat Jamal Mashburn and Baron Davis, which they should have. Bounced in the next round.
2004 Playoffs- MIA
2005 Playoffs- Bounced in the first round by the Pistons.
2006 Playoffs- MIA
2007 Playoffs- Bounced in the first round by the Spurs.
2008 Playoffs- Bounced in the first round by the Lakers.

If you want, I'll show you what Dirk has done in the postseason, but it'll take me a lot longer.

Like I said, I'm not saying Dirk is clearly better than Iverson, but Dirk, the best international player ever can't even get a mention?

Talk about revolutionizing the game..
Uhh.. Worthy stays. Like what Blazers said... you gotta look more than just stats. Worthy avg 17 ppg in a team with Kareem, Magic, Scott, and was a back up toJamaal Wilkes. I think that scoring avg might be higher on a team like the Clippers, but also his FG % would drop. He'd be another Dominque Wilkins...which aint bad at all. Actually, just look at his highlights, and his impact on the Lakers... he was called 'big game' james for a reason. He stays onthe top 50.
Dirk will be the best international player for awhile...

GP SHOULD be in, I said Nash because of current players...Not saying he should forsure be in, but get a mention
Originally Posted by dako akong otin

Uhh.. Worthy stays. Like what Blazers said... you gotta look more than just stats. Worthy avg 17 ppg in a team with Kareem, Magic, Scott, and was a back up to Jamaal Wilkes. I think that scoring avg might be higher on a team like the Clippers, but also his FG % would drop. He'd be another Dominque Wilkins.. .which aint bad at all. Actually, just look at his highlights, and his impact on the Lakers... he was called 'big game' james for a reason. He stays on the top 50.

Worthy is gonna get kicked out sooner or later. Sorry bud...
I honestly have trouble deciding who should be replaced in the top 50 for guys like Kobe, Duncan, etc. It's hard for me to say this player deserves to bein it more than this person when in fact I haven't seen a ton of these guys ever play. It's hard to judge if Player A was better than Player B if thereis nothing to reference them to.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Iverson was brought in to help Carmelo out, but watching Carmelo play now compared to when Iverson was on the team? Night and day.

Look at who Iverson played AGAINST when he got somewhere in those Playoffs..

2001 Playoffs- Great run, tough first series, but easy sailing until the Finals.
Not trying to get into the Iverson/Nowitzki debate, but Iverson didn't have an easy run to The Finals that year.

The Raptors squad he faced in the second round was a legit team, and Vince Carter was one of the top players in the league at the time. The series went 7 andthey won by 1 point in the final game. The Bucks were no walk-through team in the Conference Finals; Cassell, Allen, Robinson and Thomas. They also took the76ers to 7 games.

Even if you don't like Iverson, you have to admit they faced some legit teams during that playoff run, and outplayed each of them.
Originally Posted by Blazers21NTNP

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Iverson was brought in to help Carmelo out, but watching Carmelo play now compared to when Iverson was on the team? Night and day.

Look at who Iverson played AGAINST when he got somewhere in those Playoffs..

2001 Playoffs- Great run, tough first series, but easy sailing until the Finals.
Not trying to get into the Iverson/Nowitzki debate, but Iverson didn't have an easy run to The Finals that year.

The Raptors squad he faced in the second round was a legit team, and Vince Carter was one of the top players in the league at the time. The series went 7 and they won by 1 point in the final game. The Bucks were no walk-through team in the Conference Finals; Cassell, Allen, Robinson and Thomas. They also took the 76ers to 7 games.

Even if you don't like Iverson, you have to admit they faced some legit teams during that playoff run, and outplayed each of them.
Nah that's completely legit and fine, but if Iverson was in the West, he wouldn't even be sniffing the WCF.

I like Iverson, I want the dude on the Mavericks for crying out loud,
. But the thing is, he had one great playoff run, and he's had an outstandingregular season career.

My whole thing is, if you're going to include dude's LIKE Iverson in this conversation, why not Dirk? Who has revolutionzed the game forinternationals, who has had Playoff success his whole career, who has a SOLID regular season career, who is very versatile, but for some reason he isn't inthe same light as Allen Iverson?

That's my whole thing, people are talking like Iverson is lightyears ahead of Dirk, which I think is wrong.
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