NT's own won the PokerStars Main Event today ($2.3 MILLION)

Amazing! Congrats on the win! Please continue to post on NT after you receive your winnings. Don't let these fools run you off the board because you decide to cop a Charger instead of an M3 or something silly like that...
Amazing! Congrats on the win! Please continue to post on NT after you receive your winnings. Don't let these fools run you off the board because you decide to cop a Charger instead of an M3 or something silly like that...
Congrats.. and just a side note, after reading that article, I knew those extra values in the character map were good for something.
Congrats.. and just a side note, after reading that article, I knew those extra values in the character map were good for something.
damn.. i haven't heard the name Galen in forever... that name goes way back in NT.. but congrats on the winnings my man...
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