NT's "True" Hollywood Stories (athletes, too)...post up anything you got that's funny.

Met Juvenile at the hotel me and the ex-wife were staying at in NYC..We had the room next to his, with ajoining balconies, at On The Ave hotel in '04..Was super chill dude and very humble..He offered to share his smoke with us..Had his personal barber with him and was giving all his crew fresh cuts and asked if I needed one (I politely declined)..This happened the same day that we had flown into town and me and her was tired so we turned in for the night at about 12 am..Come around 2 she asks me to go tell them to turn down their music cause she keeps getting woke up..I went outside and asked him if they could turn the music down just a little and he turns around and tells his boys, and the half dozen groupies, that the party is over cause we're on our anniversary trip and need some quiet time..Which was crazy cause my ex had mentioned why we there at about 8 o'clock and he remember..His boys immediately shut everything down and they all went to party somewhere else and he again asked if we'd like to go..Next day we walk out the main entrance and see 6 black Hummers lined up out front and Juvi is across the street at the firehouse giving autographs and takin' pics with the FDNY..

Also met a bunch of wrestlers that have come through Dayton..
-Kevin Nash-cool
-Sting-very cool
-Lex Luger-jerk
-Roddy Piper-too drunk to walk, let alone give autographs
-Ric Flair-super nice guy
-Scott Hall-insanely intoxicated but still gave out autographs..Had a approx. 10 yr. old kid hold his full hurricane glass of beer while he signed atleast a dozen autos.
-Hulk Hogan-snuck in the back door but still got a "how ya doin brother" as he was gettin on the elevator
-Bret Hart-huge butthole..Denied a group of kids an autograph and said they couldn't even take his picture
-Rey Mysterio-asked him for his autograph but he dissed me and said "I don't know who you're talking about" (he still hadn't been seen without his mask at this point) I knew it was him cause I used to subscribe to a magazine that gave away inside info on wrestlers, printed their real names, and featured wrestlers "unmasked"..So I told the kids Bret blew off that Rey was sitting at a table using the courtesy phone..They mobbed his little *** and WCW handler had to cover his face and get him in the elevator..
-Taz-Nice guy and is built like a tank..
-Shane Douglas-Real cocky, but polite at the same time..
-Bam Bam Bigelow-very quiet and was pretty decent
-Francine "The Head Cheerleader"-Super sexy body, face was average, but would always pull the neckline of her shirt down to show off her huge boobs when she posed with male wrestling fans..When the ex got her picture with her she faked like she was going to kiss her and stuck her hand up my ex's shirt and grab her boobs..
Stories for days:

This summer, I was at the SAC center up at UCLA, and the entire UCLA hoops squad asked me to run with them because they thought I was good (Humblebrag)

Hooped with O.J. quite a few times while he was at SC. Really nice guy. Will tell you anything you wants to know. He works extremely hard though.

Hooped with James Harden at UCLA. This was going into his rookie year in OKC. Homie kept asking for a smoothie the whole time and bought me one. Real cool guy. Hooped with him a few times up at Audubon too.

Met Zach Randolph when he played for the Clippers. I vividly remember someone asking him about Kobe and his response was "Kobe? Man...I'll beat his ***" :lol:

Jordan Hamilton is a really good friend of mine. We went to high school together and in my freshman year we played on the same team. Homie is far and away the silliest basketball player you'll ever meet. Going into classrooms randomly asking teachers about their love life, running into random classrooms during day to moon a teacher, paying the squares to his work telling them I won't forget you when I go league :lol: , good times.

Went to school with DJ Mustard. Literally no one saw that he was going to be this big. I mean he did his music thing, but no one saw he was going to be as he is now. He had a thing where if you wore basketball shorts and walked around campus, he would wait until you were in front of females and pants you something mean :lol:

My brother (Who's on NT) does music and through him met Big Sean, DOM, Nip, Mac Miller, Tyler, Juicy J,. All really cool guys. I grew up with Casey Veggies before he even decided to rap. Me and homie used to ball together all the way until freshman year of HS.
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^ I must've seen you a million times then :lol:

When I was in HS I remember seeing a lot of Jordan Hamilton games at tourneys. We never actually played your squad though
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Back in '07, my homeboy was always telling us he was nailing one of Keith Sweat's daughters. He went on for weeks about it, but no one believed him. So one night we're chillin watching talladega nights and dude randomly asks "you guys want to go to Kieth Sweat's house?" Me and my other homeboy start laughing and say sure. We figured we'd just end up somewhere downtown Atlanta to waste the Saturday night. So we hop on 85 north and drive straight through the city. Low and behold, dude takes us to this big *** mansion in Alpharetta. There's a black H2 in the drive way. We look at dude like "yo... Where the hell are we?" Five minutes later my two amigos and i are in Kieth Sweat's living room with his two daughters and their two okay looking friends (I remember one telling me they had a kid). To this day it is the biggest house I've ever been in. His daughters start telling us how dude is away doing shows and what not. His oldest daughter was about 19 or 20 and was :pimp:

So we're all chillin, they get to drinking beer and stuff. I was 18 at the time and had never been drunk before so I just had a sprite. His older daughter called me scarred. They take us down to their basement arcade/movie theater. It was like a mini D&B. We're playing games and all that. Broads were pretty cool.

Then they throw me for one hell of a loop that still makes me laugh to this day.

The younger daughter, which my friend is smashing, randomly blurts out, and I quote, "this is boring. You guys want to watch some porn?" I couldn't even say anything because **** was so unexpected. Before I know it, they're lowering the projector screen from the ceiling and the older sister comes down stairs with a binder full of porn DVDs. I look at my homeboy like "who the **** are you and how do you know these people?"

This broad puts in some ebony flick and all 7 of us just sit in their comfy *** recliners. All I could tell myself was that this couldn't be real and I needed to get my life together :lol:

So my homeboy goes to smash Keith Sweat's daughter. I was dating someone at the time, and my game was laughable back then, so I didn't take advatage of the situation. :lol: My other homeboy got to feel on one of the friend's **** and she jacked him off. All the while I'm sitting next to Kieth Sweat's oldest daughter, her friend, and there's a 15 foot man spraying a huge load (pun intended) on the face of a 15 foot woman on her knees.

Unless I'm mistaken, I made a thread on NT titled "So I'm at Kieth Sweat's house right now" while I was there because I couldn't believe the **** was really happening. :lol:

And that concludes my story about the time I watched porn at Kieth Sweat's house.
I went to SMC with Ocho and Steve Smith. Steve had to do nothing. He just showed up to class to check-in and was out. 

He worked at Taco Bell and would spit in peoples tacos just for the kicks. He was cool people but definitely a hot head.

Chad, was all flash and only dude in L.A. rocking golds in his mouth. He used to work the cologne kiosk at the Fox Hills.

I also knew and was there the day Diamond from 6-0 crips was killed on the roof. R.I.P., bro.

While impressing spectators with his performance on the football field, Santa Monica’s head coach, Robert Taylor, encouraged Smith to not play for riches or fame, but to play so that he might earn a scholarship to a Division-I school, where he could receive a better education. He also advised Smith and OchoCinco to not do touchdown celebrations and as Smith said, "they put the cuffs on us." Smith took Taylor’s advice to heart, and excelled in his academics, not missing a single day of classes while attending Santa Monica.

lol :smh: :nerd: being a scumbag and still getting praise for it

if you guys live in LA this is just daily stuff too many encounters it just seems normal now
I didn't actually speak to them, but the most random thing happened at the Best Buy in West Hollywood maybe a year ago. This Best Buy isn't far from Wild Card Boxing so I've seen members of Pacman's entourage there fairly regularly, so I didn't think anything of it this time when I saw 4 dudes in Team Pacquiao Nike gear. I see a bit of a commotion towards the back of the store, nothing too crazy, but people are kinda standing around watching somebody, turns out Pacman himself was at the Best Buy looking for an external hard drive. Debated approaching him for a picture but decided not to bother the man as he was with his wife. So as I'm heading back to the front of the store to confirm to my boy that it was indeed Pacman that was there, Brian Pumper walks in dressed exactly as he does in his rap videos. At first I was just thinking this guy that walks in looks a bit like Lloyd Banks, and did a double take when I heard the hollow chains rattling, looked over again at him and realized it was Pumper. The thing is, dude walked in all low key head semi-down, but when I did the double take, we made eye contact and he realized somebody recognized him, he held his head up all high walking around like he was somebody 
. I turned to my boy and was like "damn that guy looks like Lloyd Banks."

Another time, at that same Best Buy, I saw Tyler trying to buy an iMac. The sales guy comes out from the back all like, we're out of that one. Tyler then goes "What?! F*** YOU!" Sales associate was shook, then Tyler breaks out laughing all like "I'm just f***ing with you." Dude has the most distinct voice ever, I was three aisles away and heard him and knew it was him.
if you guys live in LA this is just daily stuff too many encounters it just seems normal now
It really is though, for a lot of us here it doesn't even phase us.
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 See Ludacris all the time down here in the A....once drove past him on I-75 getting road head from this baaaaad Italian looking chick. Of course he saw me laughin and he started laughin too. I swear I heard him yell "HAHA!!!" and dipped out.

This past summer Jeff Teague would hoop at the LA Fitness I go to like every other day......dudes got rediculous bunnies, caught an oop from like the 3rd hash mark with ease

Grew up in the same neighborhood as Ryan Harrow (UK point guard)....I swear dude was just a above average baller, then one summer he came back windmilling and sending ****** to the hospital left and right with broken ankles

Seen a bunch of other celebs but no really good stories

-Evander Holyfield goes to my church and invites everyone to his crib every christmas

-Airport encounters: Oprah, Jason Kidd, Ryan from the Office, Josh Smith, Don Cheadle

-Saw Andrew Bynum at a Best Buy like 4 yrs ago.....hugest human being I've ever seen, no bromo

Oh, and Snoop Dogg bought his mom a house in my old neighborhood about 3 ago. He's taller than I thought...
Went to the university of Texas from 2006-2010 so saw a lot of big name athletes all the time, talked to a decent number. Used to talk to Michael Griffin about his dog kennel and all his litters he was having cool dude. Had class with Colt McCoy when he first started to get recognized and all the older players would mess with him pretty bad. Mike Griffin, Cedric Dockery, and Justin Blalock would call his name during test and be like, "Colt, Colt, whats the answer?" and Colt would try and talk out the side of his mouth telling them to shutup and leave him alone.

After going on that run after beating OU that year, I was on the elevator with all nothing but football players and colt was in the front with everybody behind him and Mike Griffin starts talking out loud like, "yall seen that qb Colt McCoy, they say he's the new Chris Simms, face all over sports illustrated and what not" and Colt is just there shaking his head knowing he doesn't like being talked up.

I was a kinesiology major so majority of my classes were in the stadium. One day I'm waiting by the elevator, when it opens up and out comes this monster in a white tall-t and some read shorts, I look up and like damn, thats Derrick Johnson, felt like I was about the size of one leg.

Have a lot of random athlete stories a lot from other schools too. Worked the check in for the Women't track and field championships my last year, couldn't believe my eyes.

Also worked at a bar while in school and around 2007-2008 we started doing our own SXSW showcase which was relatively small. Dudes like J. Cole, Big Sean, Emilio Rojas, Yellawolf, MGK, Stalley, Mos Def, etc. performing in front of crowds of like 20-25 ppl. Just walking about the bar talking to any and everyone trying to give out CDs and shirts and what not.

Now when I look back have a lot more stories of my time spent in Austin.
Went to the university of Texas from 2006-2010 so saw a lot of big name athletes all the time, talked to a decent number. Used to talk to Michael Griffin about his dog kennel and all his litters he was having cool dude. Had class with Colt McCoy when he first started to get recognized and all the older players would mess with him pretty bad. Mike Griffin, Cedric Dockery, and Justin Blalock would call his name during test and be like, "Colt, Colt, whats the answer?" and Colt would try and talk out the side of his mouth telling them to shutup and leave him alone.
After going on that run after beating OU that year, I was on the elevator with all nothing but football players and colt was in the front with everybody behind him and Mike Griffin starts talking out loud like, "yall seen that qb Colt McCoy, they say he's the new Chris Simms, face all over sports illustrated and what not" and Colt is just there shaking his head knowing he doesn't like being talked up.
I was a kinesiology major so majority of my classes were in the stadium. One day I'm waiting by the elevator, when it opens up and out comes this monster in a white tall-t and some read shorts, I look up and like damn, thats Derrick Johnson, felt like I was about the size of one leg.
Have a lot of random athlete stories a lot from other schools too. Worked the check in for the Women't track and field championships my last year, couldn't believe my eyes.
Also worked at a bar while in school and around 2007-2008 we started doing our own SXSW showcase which was relatively small. Dudes like J. Cole, Big Sean, Emilio Rojas, Yellawolf, MGK, Stalley, Mos Def, etc. performing in front of crowds of like 20-25 ppl. Just walking about the bar talking to any and everyone trying to give out CDs and shirts and what not.
Now when I look back have a lot more stories of my time spent in Austin.
  • 2 Posts. Joined 1/2007
On saturday I saw j cole at neiman marcus in michigan. I was looking at a pair of jeans then I hear a whole bunch of giggles and somebody scream out (in a 2 chainz mocking voice) truuuu. Dudes was looking at some camo true religipn jeans wit a group of about 4 or 5 dudes n a chick. Dude jus said what up with a lil nod n said my son fit was fresh ni kept it moving
riff raff stayed at my house a few weeks back. not that uncommon since i live with his brother. we shot a video in my kitchen but he didn't drop it yet. he said it will be a few months.

You dudes must be partying hard with a homie like that around lol.
Jared Allen came into the brewery I work for. The owners are from Minnesota, so we have Vikings flags hanging and whatnot. Not much of a story here, he was just a nice guy. The man is MASSIVE in person. Genuinely nice dude.

- Jason
riff raff stayed at my house a few weeks back. not that uncommon since i live with his brother. we shot a video in my kitchen but he didn't drop it yet. he said it will be a few months.

That's pretty dope. Did he have any nice kicks?

- Jason
Met Lawyer Milloy downtown boston. I was there with few friends just chilling. We are outside the W and we are eating some snacks we bought at 7/11. So we are sitting at tables of a restuarant that is closed because its like 12am. Lawyer Milloy is with this Dime white chick. He see's the 4 of us and says "sup Fellas" we say sup not knowing who dat is. So i say to my friends "i think that was lawyer milloy" they saying im dumb. I look at his twitter and he is tweeting of how he is in Boston for the first time since he left the Patriots. He was doing a Football Camp. So i tweet him saying.. "yo was that you yesterday outside the W hotel with some white chick? I was with my boys u said sup to us?" Than 3 minutes later.. he blocks me on twitter. :smh: He must be in a relationship. Idk y he blocked me. felt bad man.

:rofl: :rofl:
This was probably 3 or 4 years ago and not nearly a good story as most of these but I will share.

I was in the N.O., walking down Canal St (the main st downtown), and I see this tall *** dude carrying some footlocker bags probably 50 ft in front of me.

Then I start to hear these dudes behind me yelling, "Andrew, Hey Andrew, Come here Andrew, etc..."  just heckling the **** out of him.  Then I put two and two together and realize it is Andrew Bynum cause the Lakes were playing the Hornets that night.  LOL,  probably 10 or 15 dudes looking real hoodlike dudes messing with him. 

Andrew didn't even turn around to look

One of my homies knows Juve,  sold him a zip of purp once and accidentally gave him the one I was smoking out of **** was like 7g short.  Didn't realize it until he called my boy.  He was real cool about it though.

Tyrone Green plays right guard (I think, I know he plays G) for the Chargers.  We played on the same high school basketball team and won state

He is just a great dude, super goofy/funny, people person.   Every morning and afternoon ( and games) before basketball practice dude would be dropping the kids off at the pool for like 30 min just singing his off to some church hymns lol.   Dude can sing too
I play ball a lot at the 24hr Fitness on Crenshaw and 120th. One Saturday morning we were getting ready to run a full. One side of the court already had their five. I had two with me so we needed two more. We were going to grab the next two that walked in since everyone had been waiting for a while. Two guys walk in. One is dressed like he knows how to play ball and the other dude is dressed like he's about to wrestle.

Since we were waiting for a while I ask them do they want to run. They say they're ready. The guy that is dressed for ball is straight. Guess who his boy is? Brian Pumper. This guy had all his chains (and rings) on and was seriously ready to ball. Pumper was warming up real quick and his chains were just clanking something terrible. Everyone in the gym was dyin'. Since he was on my team I said to him "Are you really going to play with all of your jewelry on"? He said yep
and tucked his chains into his G-UNIT wife beater. Dude is horrible at basketball. He was playing that Rasheed Wallace one arm out defense the entire game getting lit up and we lost 11-8.

Since this is NT I have to tell you what he had on. He had on a white G-UNIT wife beater/green cutoff sweats right below the knee/ white tube socks pulled all the way up to his knees and some dingy white K-Swiss classics.

Since that day I've seen him a lot out here in LA. Every time he asks me do I still play up there. I seen him at Friday's (Ladera) two weeks ago and he asked me the same thing again.
lol at that g unit wife beater. All i got is i met cube gooding jr. on my brthday around 14th street two years ago and running into avery johnson in the burberry store on 5th ave. Also think i ran into al pacino once in front of westside maret picking out oranges. Wasnt sure but shouldve asked him, hes my favorite actor and wouldve loved to take pics with him
Was visiting my cousin, just because I was tired of being on campus. We randomly end up goin out to a club where Bobby Valentino and Marcus Cooper (he changed his name but before he was known as pleasure P) was performing. The Crowd was packed, and I ended up standing next to the VIP where Marcus and his crew was stationed at while watching Bobby V was doin his thing.

Marcus and them were poppin bottles the whole night, pullin all the fine girls to chill with them behind the ropes.
The show ended and the venue turned into a club. A lil while into it, I ended up having a convo with one of Marcus' entourage, cool folks.
Then me Marcus, and his friend took a shot or two and Marcus handed me a Patron bottle and said "Aye this you man, you can have that"

Got pretty turnt, and had a cool *** time, especially for it being random lol.
Very cool meeting him and his crew, drunkenly had mexican food after lol. It was a good night.
I play ball a lot at the 24hr Fitness on Crenshaw and 120th. One Saturday morning we were getting ready to run a full. One side of the court already had their five. I had two with me so we needed two more. We were going to grab the next two that walked in since everyone had been waiting for a while. Two guys walk in. One is dressed like he knows how to play ball and the other dude is dressed like he's about to wrestle.

Since we were waiting for a while I ask them do they want to run. They say they're ready. The guy that is dressed for ball is straight. Guess who his boy is? Brian Pumper. This guy had all his chains (and rings) on and was seriously ready to ball. Pumper was warming up real quick and his chains were just clanking something terrible. Everyone in the gym was dyin'. Since he was on my team I said to him "Are you really going to play with all of your jewelry on"? He said yep :lol: and tucked his chains into his G-UNIT wife beater. Dude is horrible at basketball. He was playing that Rasheed Wallace one arm out defense the entire game getting lit up and we lost 11-8. :smh:

Since this is NT I have to tell you what he had on. He had on a white G-UNIT wife beater/green cutoff sweats right below the knee/ white tube socks pulled all the way up to his knees and some dingy white K-Swiss classics.

Since that day I've seen him a lot out here in LA. Every time he asks me do I still play up there. I seen him at Friday's (Ladera) two weeks ago and he asked me the same thing again. :lol:

I haven't lived in LA in a while, but I met dude at the 24 off of the Slauson exit. I asked dude to spot me on the bench, I didn't talk to him or anything. But he was wearing a white g-unit beater, jeans, and timbs in the gym :lol:
I was in Miami with my friends two summers ago and the only people in this one bar were us and Dave Chapelle.

This was after nobody had really seen him for a few years. We all freaked out and he came over to us and said "fellas please dont take pictures".

We pounded him up and my friend lit his cigarette up and we stopped being annoying lol.

Later in the night when he was sitting outside on an outdoor couch we tried smoking a joint near him in effort to get him to smoke with us. He didn't want to |I
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