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Christian on fire with the mic :lol:
Bron was finna hit the 5 knuckle shuffle :lol:

Taker still to come...
american badass entrance
ihust1e ihust1e did you tune in for Taker?

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I thought Title Tuesday was an awesome show and the NXT faithful online seem to be saying the same thing about that show

Great night of professional wrestling
Learned more about Pillman’s son in that one vignette than I ever did when he was in AEW. I legit don’t remember what he did cause I’d always mix him up with Jungle Perry?
This really is further proof its possible to go back in time and change the future.

Kang prolly went back in time and swapped Cesaro out for Undertaker and it built this history that we never saw.

Now Undertaker is a NXT Legend.
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