Nuclear-Strength Weed sending kids to the hospital

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coffee and weed will have you wired for real. i don't know why people trying to anything more than that.
Do they have dispensaries in Washington D.C.?

How does it work there? Looking for wax/oil.

Convoluted system of going to a smoke shop and asking for gifts. You then purchase some trinket for $20-whatever and you get the herb (flower, oil, cart, edible) as a free gift with your purchase. There are also websites that sell HQ digital images with the same gifts being delivered to you thereafter.
i'd disagree. Smoked Jbeezy's actual grow and its spectacular, if you have access Jungleboys has his cut now. Its grown worse but its as close as youre gonna get to the Jbeezy grow (the breeder that made the strain)
Didn’t say it was bad but as we discussed a few pages ago all these hybrids with high thc content feel the same now.
Expand on the synthetics and additives in growing now?
just the nutrients used to grow faster and yield more. some actually have "grape" and "lemon" as flavorings. usually those nugs you see that are incredibly dense are using synthetics.

Now a great grower will not have your bud looking like this left nug haha but the photo shows pretty much what i meant. the right plant had synthetics used to increase yield n potency. i would say most bud is grown this way now. the naturally grown bud will taste better, the high is better imo, and you dont have to worry about how itll mess with your body later on. I am not a botanist or scientist i just know that i enjoy dabbing and smoking buds and hash grown cleaner more.
just the nutrients used to grow faster and yield more. some actually have "grape" and "lemon" as flavorings. usually those nugs you see that are incredibly dense are using synthetics.

Now a great grower will not have your bud looking like this left nug haha but the photo shows pretty much what i meant. the right plant had synthetics used to increase yield n potency. i would say most bud is grown this way now. the naturally grown bud will taste better, the high is better imo, and you dont have to worry about how itll mess with your body later on. I am not a botanist or scientist i just know that i enjoy dabbing and smoking buds and hash grown cleaner more.
I kind of suspected something along this line but had no clue what I was talking about lol. Will def be looking for craft growers in my area. My lady is on an organic chicken kick and it's real similar to this scenario. I had to admit that the organic chicken is much better tasting than whatever roids they have commercial chickens on these days.
Gotta say, even the bud on the left is probably getting nutes during the grow as well.

Adding nutrients is apart of every grow process I've come across. No expert on the matter, so take my info with a grain of salt.
Gotta say, even the bud on the left is probably getting nutes during the grow as well.

Adding nutrients is apart of every grow process I've come across. No expert on the matter, so take my info with a grain of salt.
Synthetic nutrients or natural fertilizers? I know **** about growing :lol:
I don’t think it is as definitive as one method of growing is better than the other. Plants receive water and minerals the same way through their roots whether the mineral (ex. Nitrogen) comes from a synthetic or organic source.

There are pros and cons to both methods, but it mostly comes down to the grower, genetics and dry/cure/trim.
Gotta say, even the bud on the left is probably getting nutes during the grow as well.

Adding nutrients is apart of every grow process I've come across. No expert on the matter, so take my info with a grain of salt.
thats why you pay more for a grow without synthetics. its harder to grow well
My brother gave me some nugs he grew. They look good and all but smell and taste hella earthy which I can’t stand
Wonder how you get rid of that
just the nutrients used to grow faster and yield more. some actually have "grape" and "lemon" as flavorings. usually those nugs you see that are incredibly dense are using synthetics.

Now a great grower will not have your bud looking like this left nug haha but the photo shows pretty much what i meant. the right plant had synthetics used to increase yield n potency. i would say most bud is grown this way now. the naturally grown bud will taste better, the high is better imo, and you dont have to worry about how itll mess with your body later on. I am not a botanist or scientist i just know that i enjoy dabbing and smoking buds and hash grown cleaner more.
Yea my friends who grew some hydro with a cheap kit and it looked like the left. Super fluffy though. An 8th looked like 5g. All the buds I get now look like the one on the right.
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