NWO is coming...

Apr 22, 2010
[h1]Medvedev sees chance for new world order[/h1]
By Catherine Belton, Charles Clover and Courtney Weaver in St Petersburg

Published: June 18 2010 12:11 | Last updated: June 18 2010 12:11

Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian president, said Moscow was bidding to help lead efforts to build a new world economic order after the old system collapsed in the global financial crisis.

Opening Russia’s annual economic forum in St Petersburg where hundreds of global chief executives have flocked, Mr Medvedev said the renewed interest in Russia this year was a sign of a changing world in which the institutions of the western-dominated world order had had their day amid thousands of corporate defaults and the threat of sovereign defaults.

“What had seemed untouchable has collapsed. The bubbles that created the illusion of flourishing economies have burst,

The Avengers is still coming out in 2012, right?

I'm straight.
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family and pray!. 
Crazy stuff aint it

No NikeTalker should ever be fooled into getting a chip as much as we all have discussed what they probably are.
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future

Don't be.
Why not?
Originally Posted by CrunkJuicedUp

im honestly scared to death of the future with the way the worlds going rite now, all i know is this NWO theory really does exist and it could be the start of a worldwide war of dominance, my predictions are the US dollar will fall and those devil like microchips will be implanted to control and watch us all, after that who does not comply will be sent to many of the US'S brand spanking new concentration camps that they built and millions will be killed in the Denver gas chambers to better control the population like sheep. Israel will have the dominate currency and will push there armys toward the middle east, and POW....... within the next 30 years expect death or your lives to seriously change for the worst, look after your family and pray!. 
I'll be hiding in a bunker....just me and my sneakers. ...and some pron.

Originally Posted by rawjs

Originally Posted by solesavage

Some of you need to stop smoking all that spinach and just live life.

this is why we can't win......the people who are supposed to be backing the counter movement are just a bunch of part time %*+ !+%$+# who don't see the bigger picture.

How you gonna have a Wu av but then reinforce the very things the Wu Tang is against?

Like Pac said.....are you gonna ride or die?
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