NY chicks too hard if you're not famous or rich? (Video)

Maybe its cuz im not from NY but chicks up there seem easy. Every time i go (And i make semi-frequent trips there. At least 5-6 times a year.) I always pick up a decent female and i aint even that good looking. Im short, getting chubby, aint poor but def not balling, and wear minimal jewelry. It might just be that "out of town" mojo that happens when you travel.
EDIT: Now that i think about, its definitely cuz im not from there.  Broads love throwing drawers at dudes who wont be a around later to billboard them later.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Man E

Since i'm hispanic (still not wealthy), I don't agree with everything they say, may be different for us spanish dudes. But i thought this was interesting. 


its TOTALLY different for us hispanic folks, we're not completely brainwashed by American culture and values...if you a guy doing you're thing in my neighborhood you getting da box....

this is why MOST black dudes don't even mess with black girls anymore...
chicks priced themselves outta da market and they NO WHERE near worth what they askin....

I feel the same way
The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

"out of town" mojo? lol ok

Dont act dumb. Do females in NY appreciate your accent? Bet it drop panties everywhere else though right? Thought so 
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?

I agree with you 99%.  While women do have more illusions than The Prestige men do have some.  Hats, tattoos, dreads, grills, etc.
Didn't realize that was Budden till I saw the comments. Now I see why that guy is salty..
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?

Word. Women get away with a lot. Can't blame women completely  though. They abuse the love these weak ++% simps out there who are afraid to do anything alone give to them.
Can't front Im 50/50....I get love and i feel anyone pretty decent looking well dresses and fit will get love....but the love i get here does multiply by infinity and what not when I leave ny or at least go upstate
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Man E

This is why MOST black dudes don't even mess with black girls anymore...

chicks priced themselves outta da market and they NO WHERE near worth what they askin....

As a black man reading this, this is so sad, but 100% true at the same time.

To many black women want this, want that, but have absolutely nothing to bring to the table.

I was at a Wizards game a few weeks back, and I noticed this couple sitting infront of me(white man, black woman)

He has a wedding ring on, but she does not. Then I hear her say "I will be right back, my boyfriend is blowing my
phone up."

It is crazy how some of the females operate.

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Man E

This is why MOST black dudes don't even mess with black girls anymore...

chicks priced themselves outta da market and they NO WHERE near worth what they askin....

As a black man reading this, this is so sad, but 100% true at the same time.

To many black women want this, want that, but have absolutely nothing to bring to the table.

I was at a Wizards game a few weeks back, and I noticed this couple sitting infront of me(white man, black woman)

He has a wedding ring on, but she does not. Then I hear her say "I will be right back, my boyfriend is blowing my
phone up."

It is crazy how some of the females operate.


Im not trying to make this a race thing but white superstars often (not always) but often are still like laid back as far as flaunting and appearing a certain way.... you have all the famous minorities out here buying spinning rims and helicopters and what not and thats what the women then see and want

black girls barely pay me any mind since high school (current gf is filipina) its crazy like i go to school im decent looking and have a job and a car but im not riding in a G6 or whatever

thats life i guess
Originally Posted by FreddyPee

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by ninjahood
This is why MOST black dudes don't even mess with black girls anymore...

chicks priced themselves outta da market and they NO WHERE near worth what they askin....

As a black man reading this, this is so sad, but 100% true at the same time.

To many black women want this, want that, but have absolutely nothing to bring to the table.

I was at a Wizards game a few weeks back, and I noticed this couple sitting infront of me(white man, black woman)

He has a wedding ring on, but she does not. Then I hear her say "I will be right back, my boyfriend is blowing my
phone up."

It is crazy how some of the females operate.

Im not trying to make this a race thing but white superstars often (not always) but often are still like laid back as far as flaunting and appearing a certain way.... you have all the famous minorities out here buying spinning rims and helicopters and what not and thats what the women then see and want

black girls barely pay me any mind since high school (current gf is filipina) its crazy like i go to school im decent looking and have a job and a car but im not riding in a G6 or whatever

thats life i guess

I can relate.  I'm on the road to graduate, my ow apt, got my head on right, but blk women don't feel me.  It's all good.  If Monique won't appreciate, Marisol will.
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?

Kix came through with some game too. Appreciated.

*returns to the sidelines*
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

The thing is as men we are taught that women are the "commodity" and a good woman is the "ultimate catch". This is so far from the truth that it cracks me up. The ratio of women to men globally is a joke. Honestly men have a higher chance of having multiple "dimes" than women do of catching a "baller". Furthermore most of these women can't even perform half the task that women of the past were capable of(men either). That's why I'm so perplexed when I see men run through traffic and dive under buses to get at chicks. %$*%@# be knockin over toddlers and senior citizens and #%+! chasing down broads. Just go to a mall with your girl or solo and just sitdown and be still and observe. Every three minutes a bad chick is walking by. Let these young girls play you while they are young and vibrant but watch when 30 creeps up and hopping from **** to **** hasn't got them anything and they wanna be with you now. Most chicks don't even deserve you and yet dudes still act shy and #%+!. The girl you thinkin is unapproachable at the mall or the club is a office assistant or a worker a Bebes. These chicks aren't curing cancer or ending world hunger and makeup is a trip. Imagine if dudes had illusionary tricks and wizardry to fool woman easily into an image?

I agree with you 99%.  While women do have more illusions than The Prestige men do have some.  Hats, tattoos, dreads, grills, etc.
Tattoos don't make a dude better looking, most non- black women don't like grills or dreads, and a hat won't make an ugly dude better looking so idk what this means
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