NYC ballers Sept Laguardia community College, Come Ball with Niketalks finest, Date soon to be postd

yo that fat @%% white boy in the 1st video had someone on skates
I need names to go with faces...anyone?

other than henz
i can figure out francis, worldbeefreeg and losalmighty.

Dude in the red foams is a NYC point guard to the T.
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

YOOOO mez Was killing that second recording.. i see hard work pays off

He was scrapping for buckets but they all came in transition or when I wan't really on dude. I had to hit him with that dream shake though, that was mybest game of the day as well even though we lost.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

YOOOO mez Was killing that second recording.. i see hard work pays off

He was scrapping for buckets but they all came in transition or when I wan't really on dude. I had to hit him with that dream shake though, that was my best game of the day as well even though we lost.
yea joint went off the glass good shot son
Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l
Probably the only good thing I did in that game

Did we get any video/pics of Durant going straight down the court and not passing like 4 possessions in a row? We were cracking up behind the scenes
Al3xis wrote:
Dude in the red foams is a NYC point guard to the T.
That was me in the red foams...Im guessing you didnt mean that in a good way, cuz i did NOTHING in the vids....

Either way its all good.......

Yooooo the pics came out nice yall and the vids as well, cant wait till the next session.....

My form lookin kinda nice

He was fouled but since he claimed he didn't call it, it should have been a double dribble. Had to steal that game from us.
did this lil dude fresh call me out on part 1
.....and then follow upwith Nate Robinson vs Birdman dunk contest? Ya'll was like 2/34 combined

Wish I could've been there to steal all your shine dudes calling your 5'8 asss D-Wade
laugh.gif got some bounce tho
My boy got caught up...had to hold him down...u kno how it is...but if dudes play football next weekend or set it up again I will show face and probably lacethem up and play...gonna peep the vids and pics when I get back to nyc
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

He was fouled but since he claimed he didn't call it, it should have been a double dribble. Had to steal that game from us.
Eff that, only reason it was a double dribble is cause ya'll grabbing my arms, if ya'll didn't grab me its a clear fast break.

YOOOO mez Was killing that second recording.. i see hard work pays off

More like me LOOKING for my shot.

AI3xis I'm in the black wife beater and red shorts (black Kobes at first, then Blue/orange Lebrons later)
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