NYC Sportbike "gang" vs. Alexian Lien Thread vol. Let's Try this Again.

man.... it comes down to this...

if you want to takeover the road... and bully traffic so you can bust stunts on the highway... 

don't cry when a 2 ton vehicle gives you that work.... end of story..

Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story..

And that Prius is another example of a dumb driver. You see a bike posse rolling by, you pull over and let them pass. How hard is that to comprehend?!? :rolleyes
Fellow rider checking in, all I can say is life lessons were learned on both sides that day.
Once again, you've never been on a bike. We wouldn't want your dress to fly up or your short shorts to rip. The bashing and tire slashing was AFTER she threw stuff. Why throw stuff? Because you're mad? You throwing stuff is putting the bikers in a very dangerous position. You keep crying about NYC bikers, been there and seen it. I have family that does that and it's not only NY. That **** is heavy in DC, SC, FL, TX, CA and plenty of other states. I have had cars intentionally and unintentionally try to run me off the road when I'm just cruising. You have no idea what it's like to have a car try to hit you on a bike going 50 mph. Bikers don't need to ride wreck less on a major road but if she didn't throw ****, this doesn't even happen. They keep riding crazy and the couple go to Soho and do their shopping. I bet you she doesn't throw **** at another bike again. I mean how can you throw **** at bikers and think nothing will happen and they won't retaliate? Once she threw it, she knew she ****** up.

I'm sure dude sitting in a wheel chair would love to go back in time and not **** with another SUV tho.

000ooo000 what a bad ***
Stunting is one thing, now you mad about bikers riding in shoulder?? :lol:

..... and we never wait in traffic

Ain't no one mad....just pointing the obvious....YA talking about drivers respecting you guys when you ride making a mockery of the traffic laws we are all responsible to follow....that truck didn't cut you off because you were riding a bike, he cut you off because you were an obnoxious motorist....willing to bet my last dollar he would have cut me off if I was riding the shoulder in my jeep.
Is it their responsibility to get out and block bikes? No. Not their job. Sit your *** in traffic, if you're jealous that you can't do the same then get a bike. I don't care. Cars and bikes break the rules daily. If it's a parking lot, a car is pissed that I can ride through and they can't. Do some research on lane splitting. It's safe and cuts down traffic. It's legal everywhere except the U.S.
Why should I sit in traffic and obey the laws of the road but not a motorcyclist? Doing something simply because you CAN doesn't make it right. Honestly, that wasn't even the main point of my post. I couldn't care less if you get to your destination faster than me or even pass me for that matter. I'm a car guy. I have no desire to ever get on a bike but I have no problem with bikers as long as they don't ride like a douche. Heck, pass me on the shoulder for all I care. Just don't pass between me in my car I've worked hard to get and the car beside me, who could possibly take us both out because you don't think traffic is moving fast enough for your liking.

Yeah, it seems real safe.. We'll see if you say that when you mess with the wrong road rage psycho and end up as an automobile sandwich. :rolleyes
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Ain't no one mad....just pointing the obvious....YA talking about drivers respecting you guys when you ride making a mockery of the traffic laws we are all responsible to follow....that truck didn't cut you off because you were riding a bike, he cut you off because you were an obnoxious motorist....willing to bet my last dollar he would have cut me off if I was riding the shoulder in my jeep.

Your jeep wouldn't have fit, and how the hell does riding in a shoulder piss someone off? Like what affect does it have on you?

You're getting a lil to holier than thou now, mr perfect man
Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story..

And that Prius is another example of a dumb driver. You see a bike posse rolling by, you pull over and let them pass. How hard is that to comprehend?!? :rolleyes

Are you guys the law or something?....lmaoooooo

So a Prius going about its business and everything must stop because they said so?...aware me when they were granted the right to direct traffic....I never saw that in my drivers exam.
Your jeep wouldn't have fit, and how the hell does riding in a shoulder piss someone off? Like what affect does it have on you?

You're getting a lil to holier than thou now, mr perfect man

Most shoulders fit a full size car, shoulders are there so that CARS can pull over in case of an emergency and not disrupt wouldn't know as you learned to be a motorist from a YouTube video. Not as an alternate route for a bike :rofl:

Perhaps we should all turn the shoulder into an extra lane...lmao
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But guess what....IS mad someone put a stop to your parade of illegal stunts?...obey the rules like the rest of us....sit yo **** in traffic.

Are you guys the law or something?....lmaoooooo

So a Prius going about its business and everything must stop because they said so?...aware me when they were granted the right to direct traffic....I never saw that in my drivers exam.

Obey the rules? You are one of those cats eh? I bet you throw a fit when a car changes into your lane without using his turn signal! Obey the rules darn it! :lol:

I live in LA where more car drivers break the rules on the road than bikers. Just today on my commute I saw cars not signaling to change lanes, going over the speed limit, excessive use of the horn (noise ordinance), making a left turn on double solid lines, cell/text usage, etc... Sorry but I also didn't see that in my driver's exam?!?
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Obey the rules? You are one of those cats eh? I bet you throw a fit when a car changes into your lane without using his turn signal! Obey the rules darn it! :lol:

I live in LA where more car drivers break the rules on the road than bikers. Just today on my commute I saw cars not signaling to change lanes, going over the speed limit, excessive use of the horn (noise ordinance), making a left turn on double solid lines, cell/text usage, etc... Sorry but I also didn't see that in my driver's exam?!?
You're trying to say what those idiots were doing in that video (riding into oncoming traffic, lane splitting, stopping traffic, PUNCHING a person's car ffs) is the same as going over the speed limit and not signaling to change lanes? Wtf are you on? :lol:
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man.... it comes down to this...

if you want to takeover the road... and bully traffic so you can bust stunts on the highway... 

don't cry when a 2 ton vehicle gives you that work.... end of story..

Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story
nobody crying over the banker. I'm laughing at the crippled bikerboy who got his "2 wheels 4 lyfe" wish granted.
man.... it comes down to this...

if you want to takeover the road... and bully traffic so you can bust stunts on the highway... 

don't cry when a 2 ton vehicle gives you that work.... end of story..

Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story..

And that Prius is another example of a dumb driver. You see a bike posse rolling by, you pull over and let them pass. How hard is that to comprehend?!? :rolleyes

Don't remember that page in my drivers manual when getting my permit back in the day.
Obey the rules? You are one of those cats eh? I bet you throw a fit when a car changes into your lane without using his turn signal! Obey the rules darn it! :lol:

I live in LA where more car drivers break the rules on the road than bikers. Just today on my commute I saw cars not signaling to change lanes, going over the speed limit, excessive use of the horn (noise ordinance), making a left turn on double solid lines, cell/text usage, etc... Sorry but I also didn't see that in my driver's exam?!?

Of course, I'm not advocating for those dudes either....both wrong....but here we are somehow saying because a bike CAN a bike SHOULD.

That kind of logic is bound to have someone road raging on you....obey the laws...or at least to some extent....don't cut off cars going 100 bro...that **** can cause a bad accident, do that to a new driver or an older person with crappy reflexes and that person might freak out and cause a really bad accident....of course YA not thinking about that...pretty much the same as the dudes in riced out Honda civics who think they are an extra on a FF movie....obnoxious motorists are bad regardless....just so happens that nearly every freaking dude in NYC on a sports bike thinks they on the set of Biker Boyz 2...dudes need to tone it down.
Yeah....only AFTER Lien ran over one of the bikers in his SUV. That is why he got dragged out of his vehicle.

CLEARLY you missed the part when dudes had him stopped on the west side Beaton his car in and slashing his tires CLEARRRLY

Yeah...only AFTER Lien 's wife was throwing objects at the bikers to begin with. Once again, Lien and Co. escalated this situation.
You have to be a miserable *** person to be upset about a motorcycle riding in the shoulder :lol:, especially to go out your way to cut them off. I'm not understanding what someone would get out if that. It has zero effect on you and isn't putting you in any type of danger
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You have to be a miserable *** person to be upset about a motorcycle riding in the shoulder :lol:, especially to go out your way to cut them off. I'm not understanding what someone would get out if that. It has zero effect on you and isn't putting you in jay type of danger

You have to be someone who learned to ride a bike from YouTube to not see how something like that is ILLEGAL....dawg, who isn't miserable in traffic? And here comes the obnoxious bike riders nearly knocking off my mirrors squeezing between cars and riding a shoulder...bruh
Yeah...only AFTER Lien 's wife was throwing objects at the bikers to begin with. Once again, Lien and Co. escalated this situation.

Yeah only after they witnessed the mob be obnoxious for blocks, nearly running over a mom and her kid AND slapping their car.....nah but they did NOTHING....let's ignore all the 911 complaints that day prior to the event....nah but since you a biker you feel entitled to OWN THE ROAD, NOT FOLLOW THE RULES AND BE OBNOXIOUS AS HELL WHILE HOLDING UP TRAFFIC ALL THROUGH A CITY THAT ALREADY DEALS WITH TERRIBLE TRAFFIC FLOW.
man.... it comes down to this...

if you want to takeover the road... and bully traffic so you can bust stunts on the highway... 

don't cry when a 2 ton vehicle gives you that work.... end of story..

Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story..

And that Prius is another example of a dumb driver. You see a bike posse rolling by, you pull over and let them pass. How hard is that to comprehend?!? :rolleyes

Don't remember that page in my drivers manual when getting my permit back in the day.

It's in the updated version champ. Take some time out your schedule to get familiar with it.
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You're trying to say what those idiots were doing in that video (riding into oncoming traffic, lane splitting, stopping traffic, PUNCHING a person's car ffs) is the same as going over the speed limit and not signaling to change lanes? Wtf are you on? :lol:

No I am saying auto car drivers break the same laws daily or more often!

Of course, I'm not advocating for those dudes either....both wrong....but here we are somehow saying because a bike CAN a bike SHOULD.

That kind of logic is bound to have someone road raging on you....obey the laws...or at least to some extent....don't cut off cars going 100 bro...that **** can cause a bad accident, do that to a new driver or an older person with crappy reflexes and that person might freak out and cause a really bad accident....of course YA not thinking about that...pretty much the same as the dudes in riced out Honda civics who think they are an extra on a FF movie....obnoxious motorists are bad regardless....just so happens that nearly every freaking dude in NYC on a sports bike thinks they on the set of Biker Boyz 2...dudes need to tone it down.

I agree. The entire point I am saying is auto drivers break the same rules. I have seen riced out imports racing going over 120 mph on PCH, driving on the shoulders, and just be as obnoxious. So as a family man, if I see a bunch of hogs on their Sunday ride, I don't get close to them, I pull over and let them ride. I would do the same if it's a bunch of cyclists, classic cars cruising, or whatever large congregation on the road... it's just plain ol common sense.
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I see plenty of dudes cruising in their Harleys, just one is throwing their car at one even notices them because they are just another motorist on the obnoxious, wether in a car or bike and some people might have an issue with it....road rage is real and you dudes are very exposed....but somehow feel very untouchable.
Some of the arguments in here are hilarious...

Ranging from what we see car drivers do on the daily (like that has ANYTHING to do with the topic at hand) to how the plum being thrown escalated the situation.

Here are the FACTS. Not speculation or strawman...just FACTS.

These particular bikers were illegally doing what they do...being a menace. It was so bad the police were called on them BEFORE the Lien incident.

Lien was out for a drive with his family.

Bikers were hitting his car.

Plum was thrown.

50+ surrounded his whip and were punching/kicking and slashed the tires.

Lien sped off because he feared for his life.

We all know what happened after that....

man.... it comes down to this...

if you want to takeover the road... and bully traffic so you can bust stunts on the highway...

don't cry when a 2 ton vehicle gives you that work.... end of story..

Well then don't cry when you get beat down in front of your family and the whole wide world because of your dumb actions. End of story..

And that Prius is another example of a dumb driver. You see a bike posse rolling by, you pull over and let them pass. How hard is that to comprehend?!? :rolleyes

Don't remember that page in my drivers manual when getting my permit back in the day.

It's in the updated version champ. Take some time out your schedule to get familiar with it.

:rofl: WHAT???!!!???

10/10 Trollin' today, bruh.
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No I am saying auto car drivers break the same rules daily or more often!
I agree. The entire point I am saying is auto drivers break the same rules. I have seen riced out imports racing going over 120 mph on PCH, driving on the shoulders, and just be as obnoxious. So as a family man, if I see a bunch of hogs on their Sunday ride, I don't get close to them, I pull over and let them ride. I would do the same if it's a bunch of cyclists, classic cars cruising, or whatever large congregation on the road... it's just plain ol common sense.

Large cycling gatherings are usually well organized and with traffic police monitoring the roads setting up barricades and detour warning signs that would give other people the chance to avoid those roads, I've never witnessed a large group of classic cars cruising...but I'm sure something like that would have to be properly set up with the least in a city like NYC....thing is these dudes don't care for the law...they had 0 organization other than rolling in huge numbers, a large portion of them probably riding without a liscence....some on dirt bikes and 4-wheelers....they shouldn't have been doing this in the first place....people got caught up in the midst of their congregation with no way out...
Thread is like the Royal Rumble of agendas 
Some of the arguments in here are hilarious...

Ranging from what we see car drivers do on the daily (like that has ANYTHING to do with the topic at hand) to how the plum being thrown escalated the situation.

Here are the FACTS. Not speculation or strawman...just FACTS.

These particular bikers were illegally doing what they do...being a menace. It was so bad the police were called on them BEFORE the Lien incident.

Lien was out for a drive with his family.

Bikers were hitting his car.

Plum was thrown.

50+ surrounded his whip and were punching/kicking and slashed the tires.

Lien sped off because he feared for his life.

We all know what happened after that....
:rofl: WHAT???!!!???

10/10 Trollin' today, bruh.

And those are the FAX

But these fellas are NOT trying to accept that.
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