NYC Unveils Plan To Lower All Speed Limits to 25 MPH

Your garbage got picked up

I haven't seen a garbage truck since last month

I thought mine was gonna get picked up today.

I'm looking out the window at the can right now
Mine didn't get picked up today 
 Real talk I'm about to take all my trash and recycle and throw that s### in front of Gracie Mansion.
If something like this actually makes it and doesn't get shot down...

NYC collectively gets to hold the L.
It sounds rash, but you have to be just as aggressive with NYC cabs as they themselves appear. I've gotten more comfortable driving past/with cabs around me over the years.

MTA buses though... :smh: . God forbid you try and get in front of them.
When I drive through DC the speed limit is like 25-35 everywhere except for like highways.

I just thought that was how it is in all major cities. Once you hit the congested, "urban" areas you hit traffic lights on almost every block and a low speed limit that no one actually follows (except for when there's cameras)
Cab drivers in NYC are :x . I've been hit like 5 times in the city, serious. Once on a sidewalk, and all the other times around Penn Station.

The last time was the worst, if I wasn't such in a rush to grab my train I would have took down dudes license plate number. I had the light to cross, dude on his phone not playing attention, hooks the corner with no regard and I didn't even have time to react. Dude got me so good I was up on his hood. Homeboy filpped me off and keep it pushin like I was holding him up. :smh: :lol:

5 times?

how have you not sued or called the police? :x

Alright time to impeach this man.

To all my conservatives out not look to this man as the face of typical east coast liberalism.

This is progressiveness done WRONG.

I would look to mainland Europe, preferably Germany or Switzerland as an example of good liberalism.
#cantaffordacar #publictransportation #hopthetrainifIneedto #whogotsnapsonthemetro? :pimp:

MTA ain't ish either though :smh:
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Wow this reminds me of House of Cards and how quickly dude is outed. De Blasio is only getting one term.

Liberals in NYC got too comfy with a black president, thought a dem mayor would keep things flowing. Should've elected a black republican.
Wow this reminds me of House of Cards and how quickly dude is outed. De Blasio is only getting one term.

Liberals in NYC got too comfy with a black president, thought a dem mayor would keep things flowing. Should've elected a black republican.

Cue the nas/ jay-z song
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