NYC Unveils Plan To Lower All Speed Limits to 25 MPH

with all these potholes on beltparkway and kosczzsokfizosu bridge we stay going less than 25mph on the highways :smokin
My trash actually got picked up today. I was so surprised to hear the sound of a garbage truck in the morning.
I mean, there are a multitude of reasons people speed..... You cant seriously attribute it to people just wanting to show off. :lol:

Sorry DC i feel the same.
I speed a lot and its bc i need to get somewhere in a hurry.
The problem is not the speed limit, the problem in NYC are the cab drivers. Those guys give no damns. Literally no damns. They come speeding down the block and if they see you in the crosswalk, they will be laying on the horn and they are still halfway down the block. They have no regard for safety. I cannot count the amount of times I have been cut off by a cab for them to move into a lane because it is one car faster or to pick up a fare. I remember cursing out one cabbie who literally was like an inch away from hitting my Jeep and his response to me was I'm out here trying to make a living. Yeah so that gives you the right to be a wreckless ******* behind the wheel. Worst thing I ever had happen with a cab was when I was on 17th street and there was a school bus dropping off some kids and this cab behind me was honking the horn repeatedly and I get out and was like are you ******* stupid? The bus has the lights and sign out. So the dude hops on the sidewalk to go around me!!!!!

If I were mayor I would make it my goal to raise everything that I could on them to levels that would make it close for them to literally make nothing. Any fees or surcharges, quadruple that *****!

And I would tell the police commish, to tell all their precients to stop them for everything and anything possible. And I would also tell the TL&C commish to have their guys pull them over as well. They do this stuff because they get away with it!

////rant lol
Oh and lastly, cabbies get away with their nonsense and yet I get pulled over for window tint. :stoneface:

Now, my rant is over. lol

Most medallions are owned by companies, and the taxis are rented out. I mean raise any fees or surcharges to the driver.

I aware of this, and I think it has a negative overall negative effect on the business. When people work for themselves, they tend to take pride in what they do, their reputation and they are held solely accountable for how they conduct business. There isnt much money to be made being a cabbie anymore and instead of taking their time and letting the clock run alittle longer, they're rushing to get as many fairs and tips possible. While I completely understand your disdain; I think approaching the situation with a "beatings will continue until the morale improves" mentality isnt going to do much for the problem.
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with all these potholes on beltparkway and kosczzsokfizosu bridge we stay going less than 25mph on the highways :smokin

lol I used to take that to work every day but I got fed up with the traffic and and started taking the Jackie Robinson. Going local and hitting all the lights is still >>>>>> the BQE. Worst expressway ever.
I aware of this, and I think it has a negative overall negative effect on the business. When people work for themselves, they tend to take pride in what they do, their reputation and they are held solely accountable for how they conduct business. There isnt much money to be made being a cabbie anymore and instead of taking their time and letting the clock run alittle longer, they're rushing to get as many fairs and tips possible. While I completely understand your disdain; I think approaching the situation with a "beatings will continue until the morale improves" mentality isnt going to do much for the problem.

I'm sorry I have no empathy for those guys. They literally put people's lives in danger every day with the way they drive. They are straight up reckless and foolish behind the wheel and they think that because they are a cab driver and that the money earned is based on fares, gives them an excuse but no it doesn't. They simply dont understand. But they might get the picture if they get ticketed all the time for their nonsense. What gets me angry about them as well is that I have seen them act like this with a police car sitting at a light or parked and the cop does nothing. Why? I dont know. But something needs to be done about these cab drivers.
^ Fair enough.

I completely agree that they should be cited and fined heavily for dangerous driving. I just dont think increasing their base operating costs will do much to curb the problem.
so my trash gets picked up after 3 weeks, but the recycling still hasn't been taken away. gonna be 4 weeks with that. between the snow and mounds of recycling from the past month, it looks like the dark ages out there. pathetic.
with all these potholes on beltparkway and kosczzsokfizosu bridge we stay going less than 25mph on the highways :smokin

lol I used to take that to work every day but I got fed up with the traffic and and started taking the Jackie Robinson. Going local and hitting all the lights is still >>>>>> the BQE. Worst expressway ever.

i get to pick between the BQE to LIE or Belt to van wyck and i stay getting stuck. 2 hours to get to where im at vs 30-45 min.
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