NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
pablo needs more minutes going forward

no excuse to leave him on the bench. the numbers don't lie

starting to get kinda irritated with woodson
pablo needs
more minutes going forward

no excuse to leave him on the bench. the numbers don't lie

starting to get kinda irritated with woodson

Starting, been more than irritated with Mike Woodson, forget sticking to what puts points on the board, it's like he's trying to prove something with stupid line-ups, and all that he proved is that he can turn any talented team into to the Atlanta Hawks before getting fired. For the love of the Knicks some one see what Lionel Hollins or even Mike Malone is doing these days.
pablo needs
more minutes going forward

no excuse to leave him on the bench. the numbers don't lie

starting to get kinda irritated with woodson

Starting, been more than irritated with Mike Woodson, forget sticking to what puts points on the board, it's like he's trying to prove something with stupid line-ups, and all that he proved is that he can turn any talented team into to the Atlanta Hawks before getting fired. For the love of the Knicks some one see what Lionel Hollins or even Mike Malone is doing these days.

yeah i didn't want to sound like a typical knicks alarmist, but pretty much this
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