NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
You can't just look at stats and add them together like a simple math problem. "Bulls only averaged x PPG. Add melo's PPG and it's a wrap." Bulls would have to rework their offense and Noah's & Rose's numbers will go down once Melo arrives.
HBD boys.
@WojYahooNBA: Just a matter of hours until Carmelo Anthony informs the Knicks of his return on a five-year deal, as @FisolaNYDN reported this week.
Now all Melo needs to do is take one of the deals that allow us for more financial flexibility.

Come on, Melo. Make my birthday a happy one.:nerd:
You guys have flipped between hot & cold on Melo each day while picking and choosing what reports to believe. So what's the consensus now? I ask that in the most sincere way, not trolling.

Before the start of FA I thought he was a goner. Still thought he was up until today. Since I thought for sure he was out, I wanted the best S&T deal available and still wonder what type of haul we could've got for him had they decided to trade him at some point in the last year. So I'll admit I was wrong and mildly surprised he's a Knick in 2015.

Even after all this ****, my feelings on Melo remain unchanged. He plays for my team so I want to see him succeed and bring us glory, but I don't really feel too strongly about him one way or another. I do think he gets a lot of unnecessary crap though and it's become part of the narrative when talking about Melo. If people were realistic about his abilities and skill set then we'd all be better for it.

From all the reputable info out there, the safe conclusion is he wanted to have his cake and eat it too, which is fine. After the LBJ fantasy came to pass, he knows Chicago is clearly the best fit out of all his suitors and provided him the best opportunity to win now. It made a lot of sense to go there. NY had the most money. IMO he wanted to go play for the Bulls at Knicks dollars. There wasn't a scenario in which he could get all those extra M's so he's back here and I don't blame him for that. The Bulls end up losing out because of money...which is nothing new for them.

From a bigger picture view...what bugs me the most about this offseason is we were off by 1 year. No 1st rounder (which ended up being a lottery pick
) and cap space available when THIS was the year to have both. The free agent & draft class next season has less variety and talent. That's what ******* sucks.
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