NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I think THJs contract makes him untouchable. No other shooter in the league would come cheaper at this point. There are better shooters but it will cost you...
I could see Timmy developing into a well rounded scorer with the right guidance. He should be untouchable. His defense tho, and that time when he walked away from prigs in during the timeout :x I think Phil and Fish will benefit his development
Timmy isn't a star. He's a confident shooter than can get hot. Can't pass, rebound or play defense. He also takes a lot of bad shots. No way Detroit would even think about that trade.

thats kind of my point. even though hes young and has potential, id rather give him up than give up shump AND jr. for monroe.

He's younger than both and I'm sure more willing to listen. While JR might be the best passer and rebounder of the 3 did we already forget that JR took 20 3's in a single game and shoots well contested fadeaway 3's at least once a game? Shump doesn't put up any numbers across the board and his defense is frankly overrated at this point. He's supposed to be a "shut-down" defender but when was the last time that we actually saw him shut somebody down?
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investment banker is also a knick fan. and your fandom was actually more questionable a year and a half ago, to the point that for many its been irreparably damaged and some people will always think you're just a troll :lol:

A year and a half ago things sucked within the Knicks organization. It was a running joke of trading draft picks and talent for overrated players who underachieved - that was happening since 2001 dude. It was 10 plus years of built up anger at Dolan, the Knicks, players, management, etc.

Wtf was I supposed to be? Happy and gitty when half the dudes in here thought we had a chance to make the finals this past season :lol:

But things are obviously better right now. I feel reborn (thanks to Phil booting Dolan from ever opening his fat bluegrass mouth in any Knick meeting again) and I don't think I've been this optimistic about a Knicks season/future since I was like 12 years old. I like this new direction and I'm excited for once. It's fun again.

*(Btw if nycknicks was the investment banker, isn't that you? Didn't you change your username from that. I remember you talking about how you needed a new name in the soccer thread. Or maybe it was another similar user name?) but you and a couple others who frequent the soccer thread know what type of "fan" I am. I've always been a pessimistic one who goes hard on my favourite teams. Not just the Knicks.

Nahh investment banker was nyknicks105 or something

My old name was @nYcHipHopHippo :lol:

And I'm not saying I think you're a troll, I've just seen people in this thread question u before
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I like THR too. He shoots, finishes on the break and can create his own shot in half court offense. I saw the same in Early's game. THJ with an improved shot selection and effort on d could make him a good 6th man as a sophmore
J.R. did the impossible lmao.

I didn't think one player can shoot so many threes.

He shot 45% from three that game too but some of those shots were so bad. I still don't know how to feel about it :lol:
Word is that they are trying to work a trade, Earl and a 2nd rounder, even though Detroit wants a 1st rounder, and maybe Shump for Greg Monroe, thoughts...,

I'd do that one.
Not the way for Jeff Bower to start his Detroit tenure. I've heard the belief that Monroe and Drummond can't pair together in a long-term starting front court, but Monroe can shoot and pass well for a PF/C. He's a talented big man and only 24-years-old.

Even if it cost J.R. Smith, THJ (instead of Shump), and a pick, Phil would be hard-pressed to turn that down.
9-20 is waaaay better than 2-17 tho.. LOL I've been calling him JR Starks for the longest and its not always a diss :smile:
thjr is untouchable unless you get a superstar in return... and monroe does not fit that bill... now if it was love trade that fool :lol:
Timmy isn't a star. He's a confident shooter than can get hot. Can't pass, rebound or play defense. He also takes a lot of bad shots. No way Detroit would even think about that trade.

thats kind of my point. even though hes young and has potential, id rather give him up than give up shump AND jr. for monroe.
I don't understand this. Give up the one guy that was consistently good in his role last season, his rookie year, instead of the two enigmas that you never know how are gonna perform?
*(Btw if nycknicks was the investment banker, isn't that you? Didn't you change your username from that. I remember you talking about how you needed a new name in the soccer thread. Or maybe it was another similar user name?)
Right idea...wrong person. 

nycknicks is indeed among us. 

I think THJs contract makes him untouchable. No other shooter in the league would come cheaper at this point. There are better shooters but it will cost you...
Good point. Shooters are at a premium in this league more than ever before + still on rookie deal = great commodity to have. I don't know if THJR will ever become a well-rounded player though...seems like the type to perpetually come off the bench for scoring.

I've basically been done with JR after he threw that elbow to Terry. After it happened I was *****ing about how big that could be and dude proved me right. 
 That ***** can go, IDGAF.

If he found a way to switch places with AR Swish then I'd be good with him staying.
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Timmy isn't a star. He's a confident shooter than can get hot. Can't pass, rebound or play defense. He also takes a lot of bad shots. No way Detroit would even think about that trade.
thats kind of my point. even though hes young and has potential, id rather give him up than give up shump AND jr. for monroe.
I don't understand this. Give up the one guy that was consistently good in his role last season, his rookie year, instead of the two enigmas that you never know how are gonna perform?
Me either. And we're already precluding THJr from being a star in his second year? He's shown signs of being really good. His ceiling isn't really apparent yet. Phil would be smart to hold on to him.
I don't understand this. Give up the one guy that was consistently good in his role last season, his rookie year, instead of the two enigmas that you never know how are gonna perform?

trading our 2 starting SGs (however you wanna look at it) is more of a risk than relying on thjr to mature quickly, play much better D, take smarter shots, and get starter minutes in just his sophomore season. we dont even know if he'll his his sophomore slump or end up like shump by showing so much potential in is rookie year and then falling off. thats why i consider him a prospect. even if we get the exact same production from jr and shump like we did last year, we'd be better off if we at least had monroe. banking on thjr and ellington as our only SGs is a risk im not comfortable with.
i think what you guys are missing is the fact that our need for a PF/C is much greater than our need to keep all of our SGs. IMO thjr = shump/jr in terms of production/potential/reliability. i say that because we still dont know how thjr will pan out. monroe is an established big man that has shown he can play.
THJ can't do much worse than Shump or JR at this point with the potential to better. If we had a guarantee that JR would be pre elbow JR I would agree with you. But Shump, c'mon....
shump is at least a better defender than thjr. not saying he does everything else well, but thats why i said the combo of shump and jr is equivalent to thjr. too much of a gamble imo to rely on him and ellington to be our SGs.
I don't understand this. Give up the one guy that was consistently good in his role last season, his rookie year, instead of the two enigmas that you never know how are gonna perform?

I agree with you but I also believe we should also wait out and see how they do in our new offense

For sure we'll be heavily active by the next trade deadline
When shump can make an occasional open layup then I'd consider keeping him. If Phil can find anybody to take either of this guys off our hands he's a genius. I don't see either of them having any trade value after last season.
Timmy is a good player but he has a lot of flaws. I just wouldn't label him untouchable. He would be on the trading block with everyone not named Carmelo. If for some reason Detroit wanted to trade Monroe for him and another guard, you do it.
i think the ONLY reasons tim should be labeled as "untouchable" is because hes young, cheap, and has potential. something we need, but id rather trade a possibility in tim for a sure thing in monroe.
And untouchable should have an asterisk next to it to indicate if the Knicks got an offer they couldn't refuse the he gets traded, but trading for a more expensive project doesn't make sense..moneyball wise THJ stays
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Word, the knicks defensive problems were bigger than THJ Brown! [emoji]128514[/emoji]
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Timmy didnt have a specified role last season. He was just a high energy guy off the bench chucking shots. The team obviously now has a defined role for him, hence making him "untouchable". This coaching staff is gonna be very methodical with Phil in charge.
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