NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I agree with the sentiment the draft pick isn't that big of a deal only because the history this team has with drafting. THJ and Shump are the best two picks we've had in a while. You guys know we took Ronaldo Balkman one pick ahead of Rondo.... :smh:
i still dont know why that draft pick is such a big deal... it wasnt ours to begin with

I'm sorry but this is just faulty logic. The Pro-Bargs crowd keeps saying the pick wasn't ours so who cares but clearly it was still an asset as we used it to acquire him in the first place. A first round pick is an asset. For all we know better deals could've presented themselves in the future and we are out one less asset for a potential valuable piece. This is why the pick is a big deal.
Renaldo Balkman...
. I think it's pretty much understood at this point that the Knicks can't draft for ****.
I agree with the sentiment the draft pick isn't that big of a deal only because the history this team has with drafting. THJ and Shump are the best two picks we've had in a while. You guys know we took Ronaldo Balkman one pick ahead of Rondo.... :smh:

I bet you'd never pick Rondo when you saw Marbury, Francis, Nate Robinson and Jamal Crawford on your team. No one expected Rondo to be that great.
I agree with the sentiment the draft pick isn't that big of a deal only because the history this team has with drafting. THJ and Shump are the best two picks we've had in a while. You guys know we took Ronaldo Balkman one pick ahead of Rondo.... :smh:

I bet you'd never pick Rondo when you saw Marbury, Francis, Nate Robinson and Jamal Crawford on your team. No one expected Rondo to be that great.
I guess hindsight is 20/20 but the fact they took Balkman instead of Rondo makes me :smh:
Wow, Hibbert was in the air. Yet , they called it an offensive foul. Our role players must to make open shot. Give Melo some support for Batman's sake!
I agree with the sentiment the draft pick isn't that big of a deal only because the history this team has with drafting. THJ and Shump are the best two picks we've had in a while. You guys know we took Ronaldo Balkman one pick ahead of Rondo.... :smh:

I bet you'd never pick Rondo when you saw Marbury, Francis, Nate Robinson and Jamal Crawford on your team. No one expected Rondo to be that great.
I guess hindsight is 20/20 but the fact they took Balkman instead of Rondo makes me :smh:
Man, at that time we would've ended up trading Rondo anyway :lol:
to quote a fellow nt'er

I need an explanation on how that was an offensive foul on Melo. Melo must've smashed David Stern's wife. No other explanation.

This **** is out of control man. Someone in the Knicks organization has to speak out. The refs are BEYOND unfair to Melo.
Reason #1 to not trade Shump: he gives 110% effort every night. PG has 13 points on 5/15 shooting.
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