NYK '14 offseason thread

What ninja turtle are you?

  • A. Raphael (the gritty one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B. Michaelangelo (silly one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C. Leonardo (the leader)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D. Donatello (The smart one)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
steve "no clout" mills

*Doc looks at ringing cell*

No Clout is calling.

*Doc sucks teeth and picks up*

Nothing we could have done man. Look at our cap, our assets, and the options we had to choose from.

False hopes.

Wasn't crazy about the Shump for Collison deal. That's the typical make a trade just to make it.

They are what they are at this point. DC wasn't gonna change that.
I'd DEFINITELY be down with signing Granger if the Sixers were looking to buy him out.

Just for the rest of the year, see if he has a little something. If he can mesh well with Melo why not bring him back for a year with a role for cheap.

We desperately need another scorer. I think if Granger is in a position where he knows he'll get shots and/or be a part of the starting rotation, he could still put up 15-18 a night.
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Granger would work here, he already knows that he isn't the #1 scoring option, nor does he have to be, we got Melo for that. All he would have to do is knock down some open looks every single game he plays. He already has the size and defensive aptitude, he'd be a good 3rd option should we keep him past this season. Even if he is "done" he wouldn't be any worse than Shump. We don't have to wait for him to get his "confidence" he's good to start right now. We got Shump, Earl, and Stat off the bench so we'd be set. Shrimp, Earl, Stat, Toure, and Tyler is a strong second unit, so what would we lose. Even if we rent him, we can always trade Shump and the Hamburglar over the summer. But hey, we won't do anything that makes any sort of sense, and that makes me mad. Watch Miami sign him and bring Wade off the bench and then meet Indy in the ECF. What a shame.
my biggest disappointment in donnie was not landing lebron... that was the whole point in him clearing up cap space... but at the end of the day i guess it was lebrons decision
I'm saying. Yall fooling the Pacers situation when Donnie went back to the Knicks situation the whole time he was here and what he did with us. Son did not do enough. Overall, yall need to get off that pining for dudes that are long gone. False hope. See it every time yall mention JVG too. Like he's gonna leave the commentating desk to coach the Knicks again.
I don't think JVG is coming back to coach the Knicks anytime soon. Anyone with any sort of positive reputation wouldn't want to risk losing that by going to the Knicks and constantly be under fire from the owner. Plus, the media would crucify them the second thing start to head south.

Dolan is the issue and has been the issue for many many years now. Talking about the man and "changing" is like beating a dead horse. It's now become such a redundant topic of discussion.

I'm keeping my expectations low from now on. Until Dolan completely stays away from basketball operations and brings in competent leadership--we'll continue to stay on this track of mediocrity.

I honestly wouldn't want Melo to stay on the team either if this is the kind of product fans can expect. He deserves better than that. He's going to go down as one of the best scorers in NBA history and he's giving us the best years of his career. He deserves to be on a legitimate championship contending team.
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Granger would be a nice look in the interim. We need scoring and defense and he's probably able to do more than Shump at this moment.
I don't want Granger. He's done. If he was free, then sure but he can go to Miami with the rest of the old and worthless.
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